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AP: Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren wants the kids and 'half his fortune'


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Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren wants half of his fortune, according to a report in News of the World / AP Source: AP

TIGER Woods' wife Elin Nordegren wants a divorce, sole custody and half his estimated £370 million ($671 million) fortune, according to a newspaper report.

The superstar golfer has also reportedly reneged on a promise he made to his wife to go into rehabilitation to wean himself off the prescription drugs Ambien and Vicodin.

A close friend of Ms Nordegren told the News of the World: "Tiger was supposed to be working on getting better and he hasn't done anything. Instead he just went to stay with a friend and says he's 'trying to get better on his own'.

"Elin is livid he hasn't checked into rehab and gotten himself off his drugs. He's acting like a big baby," the source said.

"Now she wants 100 per cent divorce, 100 per cent custody of the children and half of everything. And she won't be changing her mind."

Ms Nordegren is reported to have engaged the services of renowned Californian divorce lawyer Sorrell Trope, who represented Britney Spears in her court battles with Kevin Federline.

Woods has vowed to quit golf for at least the next 12 months, according to the newspaper, with the devastated star telling aides he feels "helpless" and is "not in control" of his life.

The aides also say the star is fighting deep-seated "personal issues", including his use of pain medication like Vicodin and sleeping tablets Ambien.

A source told News of the World: "Tiger is a broken man, on the edge and unable to come to terms with what's happening in his life.

"He has made it clear that he doesn't want to do anything on the golf course in the next year.

Source: AP

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Half??? I'm sorry, but there's no way she's entitled to half of his money. He's a total scumbag for what he's done, but half???

She is certainly entitled to Half his money. When you get married your income is family income. When you leave that familiy you don't leave behind your responsibility to pay your bills...

Problem for Elin, is Tiger had a lawyer too and he got his lawyer first. Tiger has a prenup. Prenups can be broken. But they are usually broken after 'X' amount of years. That's why Donald Trump devorses his wifes after 'X'-y time period.

Elin's lawyer is going to try to make the case that they should break the courts should break the prenup contracts not because she gave 7-8 years into the marrage as has president. She's going to try to argue they should break the prenup because Tiger is a scumbag and never committed personally to their marrage. It's an interesting case. I think it will be hard for her to make that case.

I think her court case is all designed to embarass tiger who gets the majority of his income from endorsements. They'll try to make the case it's better for him to pay her off and survive with his name more or less in tact. Otherwise she'll run him through the mud for another year or two.

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Sigh......Isn't marriage grand?

Hard to believe men still fall for it

Fall for what? Most people who get married understand that they are giving up the single life. Apparently not Tiger. Thats his own fault.

12 months out of golf?!??! Now that sucks. Anybody who was arguing that this will have no effect on his game was way off. All the records are in jeopardy at this time, IMO.

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If he wanted to live that lifestyle, he shouldn't have been married. If you don't want to lose half, don't get married or don't cheat if you do get married.

I hope she wins.

I'm surprised to see the number of people who are jumping onto the, "He's a dirty cheater, thus Elin deserves $300 million" argument.

I doubt anyone thinks that Tiger should have been married. But Elin is no different than the countless spouses who are cheated on every year. What has she done to deserve more money than your average wife/husband who doesn't happen to be married to the biggest superstar since Michael Jordan?

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying that she doesn't have a case according to the law. Depending on the state, and the technicalities in the prenup, she might have the law on her side. I'm saying that, if she does, the law is stupid.

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I'm surprised to see the number of people who are jumping onto the, "He's a dirty cheater, thus Elin deserves $300 million" argument.

I doubt anyone thinks that Tiger should have been married. But Elin is no different than the countless spouses who are cheated on every year. What has she done to deserve more money than your average wife/husband who doesn't happen to be married to the biggest superstar since Michael Jordan?

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not saying that she doesn't have a case according to the law. Depending on the state, and the technicalities in the prenup, she might have the law on her side. I'm saying that, if she does, the law is stupid.

He can still rub a couple nickels together with his half. A common blue collar guy loses much more when he loses half.

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He can still rub a couple nickels together with his half. A common blue collar guy loses much more when he loses half.

Again, simply pointing out that Tiger has more money than God doesn't explain why Elin also deserves to have more money than God, simply by virtue of being married to him in a state that declares a 50/50 split to be the result of a divorce, rather than being married in a state that would allow him to keep most of the World's Greatest Golfer money. If she had been married in one of the latter states, would his cheating somehow have been less damaging?

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If you are referring to Nicklaus' 19 majors, I would say that chase is effectively over.

And we all thought John Daly was the one with the addiction problems.

Whoa. I wouldnt say its over. He can rebound from this (and the drugs) - but the year off will hurt.

There were just so many people a couple of weeks ago that were saying this would have no effect on his game, or that he would use this as motivation to be even better.

Such a damn shame.

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So you're hating just because he's loaded?

It's bull**** from any angle.

Money hungry whores.

**** her. There was no love here it was a business decision all along.

I agreee with this. she is going as far as she can with this out of spite now.

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I agreee with this. she is going as far as she can with this out of spite now.

And before anyone says "well he's the one that messed up", know this.

I bet she knew this before getting married, while they were married and only now that it is public she is taking him to the cleaners.

What kind of wife wouldn't know ALL of this crap was going on?

It's ridiculous.

I have a dear friend whom I am disgusted with right now. She's divorcing her husband but doesn't want to give him joint custody of their two kids cause he won't have to pay her as much.

Divorce laws, alimony laws and child support laws need to be reformed completely.

Women's liberation? Bull ****ing ****. The pussification of America is what's going on.

And before anyone labels me a sexist, I understand many times these laws are needed for justice, but what about the times the wife leaves the husband and takes the kids? Or some dude gets dumped by his girlfriend and she takes the kids? Dudes get ****ing screwed because they're, well, dudes.


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