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If Obama was married to a white woman....


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You know what I find interesting.

I've never met a racist on the internet.

I've been posting to various internet forums since 1996. And I've discussed race a million times. And I've never met a person (aside from MSF here) who has ever said' date=' "You know...I'm not that comfortable around black people." Or "I'm not attacted to black women."

Everyone lives in a multi-cultural paradise. Even Pat Buchanan supporters back in the day had plenty of black friends and black sons in law that they loved.

Except on Free Republic. Those people are not afraid to say what they feel. Which is why my one attempt to post there in 2002 resulted in being banned within five minutes.[/quote']

Excellent points!!!

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I recall taking a sociology class and reading about a study that had been done showing that Black (or African-American) males were more likely to date OUTSIDE of their race than ANY OTHER race AND Black women, are the LEAST likely to date outside of their race of any other race.

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For some reason I got a chuckle seeing "Ice Tea" spelled out.

I actually did that on purpose. I am a fan of his rap, always have been. But I laugh at his name, so I've always spelled it out.

What is it with rappers and/or gang members and their cheesy tag names? Seriously, you have "sleepy", "sneezy", "Lazy", "smurf", "pollo" (chicken in Spanish, now that's a cool gangster name:doh:....

Also, Q-tip. Really? how thug can you be Q tip??lol

The trickier question would be,

"If That White Woman Were Sarah Palin, Would It Change Your Vote?" :silly:

Now that would be a funny ass SNL skit right there. Or a Palin/Biden ticket. :hysterical:

My guess is that being married to a white woman would have really hurt his standing with black female voters during the primaries - who were the core of his support' date=' I might add.

I don't think it would have mattered much during the general. Because white voters with race on their mind voted against him no matter what. It might have hurt him among white senior citizen voters though.[/quote']

That makes sense. I didn't grow up sheltered, but not around many black people, more Hispanics. However, I do have several black friends and race has/does come up. They acknowledge that many are judged on their "blackness", and have even pointed to Michael Jackson as someone who they felt tried to be more white and therefore received more criticism from black people.

Being that I have much more experience around Latino's, I haven't seen the inter racial relationships be that much of an issue, other than my sister. Her husband is Hispanic, and his mother was not happy that he married white woman. It took some time, but she is ok with it now.

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If Sarah Palin were married to a black man would it have mattered? To some people, certainly. If Obama were married to a white woman would it have mattered? To some people, certainly.

People have weird views on things. I don't share them. Frankly I could care less about race. If you can find someone you wholeheartedly want to spend the rest of your life with, marry them and forget the other BS.

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I know it is both ways. black men hating on white guys dating black women and hating on the woman also; white men hating on black men dating white women and hating on the woman also. The role is the same when the sexes are reversed.

I asked a black woman about the hatred of inter-racial marriages and she said "if they see a black woman with a white guy then they see it as the woman trying to better herself in society by dating a white guy, because usually white people succeed more in life".

I kind of noticed this at first, but then when I actually dated a black woman I saw how bad it really was. I had black men eyeing me up and down with the look on their face of "Who the **** do you think you are dating one of our own". It's sad in this day and age, that we as a society, can not just let things go.

There, hopefully that made sense. My mind is in other places right now, so it might not have come out the way I wanted it too.

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And I've never met a person (aside from MSF here) who has ever said' date=' "You know...I'm not that comfortable around black people." Or "I'm not attacted to black women."


As a white son of the South, I heard plenty growing up about how the races should stick to there own. But, as someone who has always thought for himself, resulting in many dances with a switch, I remember, vividly, the first time I ever saw Tina Turner singing Proud Mary, and thinking to myself, "Oh yeah, I'd hit that!"

And I was only about 10 years old!:evilg:

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You know what I find interesting.

I've never met a racist on the internet.

I've been posting to various internet forums since 1996. And I've discussed race a million times. And I've never met a person (aside from MSF here) who has ever said' date=' "You know...I'm not that comfortable around black people." Or "I'm not attacted to black women."

Everyone lives in a multi-cultural paradise. Even Pat Buchanan supporters back in the day had plenty of black friends and black sons in law that they loved.

Except on Free Republic. Those people are not afraid to say what they feel. Which is why my one attempt to post there in 2002 resulted in being banned within five minutes.[/quote']

MSF was not racist. Sexist...sometimes. But moreso just set in his ways.

And I agree, most people on the web seem very comfortable with most races. Religion although is another story for some.

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Dude have you or any family members suffered from racism? In the work place or in the world? Have you been overwhelmed with images and implications that you will be better off if you alter your image to be that of another race?

A lot of women from other minorities have and still do so I understand. I don't agree with it but I understand.

A better what if would have been if Obama loved Soccer more than Basketball would he even had been reelected as Senator??

Yes, many family members. More than you would probably assume.

Sorry, but to me that type of hate is worse than someone who just comes out and says that they dont like a particular race or religion.

So although I understand it...no way does that make me feel that way or accept it as right.

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And I agree, most people on the web seem very comfortable with most races.

People on the internet also lie a lot about what they really beleive.

I mean, I've seen people say "I'm not a racist I have black friends" while posting a picture of Michelle Obama photoshopped as a gorilla. Those people are lying.

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I'll never forget in High school when my mom found out one of my good friends was a black guy.

"If you date or marry a black man I'll disown you."

Phew, guess it could have been worse and I turned out gay.:silly:

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If Sarah Palin were married to a black man would it have mattered?

In the sense that she never would have been mayor, governor, or a VP candidate...yes...it would have mattered.

Here's a legit question.

Is there a major politician in either party with a spouse of the other race?

I would bet large sums of money that we have more homosexual politicians in both parties than politicians in inter-racial marriages. It's a subject that makes people weird.

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I'll never forget in High school when my mom found out one of my good friends was a black guy.

"If you date or marry a black man I'll disown you."

Phew, guess it could have been worse and I turned out gay.:silly:

My wife and I had a mini-argument over - of all things - Glee a few weeks back. It was the episode where Quinn's Glenn Beck-loving father finds out that she is pregnant and kicks her out. I said that the storyline screamed East Coast bias, because I grew up around a zillion evangelical kids whose parents never would throw out a child who got into that situtaion.

However, I can personally think of five people I know who married outside the race and never spoke to one or both parents again.

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In the sense that she never would have been mayor' date=' governor, or a VP candidate...yes...it would have mattered.

Here's a legit question.

Is there a major politician in either party with a spouse of the other race?

I would bet large sums of money that we have more homosexual politicians in both parties than politicians in inter-racial marriages. It's a subject that makes people weird.[/quote']

Actually, yes.

GOP minority leader Mitch McConnell of the 111th (do nothing) Congress.

His second wife, Elaine Chao, a former Secretary of the Labor under Dubya, is chinese-american.


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Actually, yes.

GOP minority leader Mitch McConnell of the 111th (do nothing) Congress.

His second wife, Elaine Chao, a former Secretary of the Labor under Dubya, is chinese-american.


Phil Gramm's wife is Asian too. I don't think that white men with Asian women is that huge a taboo in America though.

Jeb Bush's wife is Hispanic, correct?

Harold Ford married a white woman after his run for the Senate.

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I'll never forget in High school when my mom found out one of my good friends was a black guy.

"If you date or marry a black man I'll disown you."

Phew, guess it could have been worse and I turned out gay.:silly:


And then you went all GOP-friendly and pissed everyone off. :silly:

I can identify with the ability to piss off people of contrasting beliefs with equal dexterity.

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I didn't vote for him but it had zero to do w/skin color, his or his wife's. As far as interracial marriages/relationships go, I was in one for 25 years so I think mine went rather well. I don't know why folks can't get past skin color in relationships. My husband's skin color had nothing to do w/why I fell in love w/him. It was his sense of humor, his personality, how he treated me and the love that he reciprocated. When I looked at him, I didn't see a black man who happened to be my husband. I saw my husband...period. This is why racial relations continue to be an issue. Folks can't let it go and just accept things for what they are. I'm sure Barack didn't go looking for a black woman specifically..he met Michelle, fell in love and married her..Same for Tiger and his harem (lol..sorry..I can't help it). Do ppl actually think folks do these types of things. I wasn't looking for a black husband/man specifically, but I found one..so what? Our relationship/marriage was just as good if not better than most same race marriages/relationships.

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People on the internet also lie a lot about what they really beleive.

I mean, I've seen people say "I'm not a racist I have black friends" while posting a picture of Michelle Obama photoshopped as a gorilla. Those people are lying.

My favorite people are the people that:

a) Mention Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton on EVERY thred with a racial discussion and

B) back up their points by stating that all of their black friends agree with them on Jackson and Sharpton.

At my job prior to this job, my best work friend was a black woman. I actually helped get her the job as she had worked with my wife in the past. We had lunch once or twice a week and both of us loved to talk about race relations, cultural differences, etc. (The funny thing was that I knew a lot more black cinema and music than she did, because her mom sheletered her big time as a kid even though she grew up in the Boogie Down Bronx. She had never heard PE until I played it for her).

One of the most insightful things she ever said to me was that (at least from her perspective) when you are black in America, you feel under attack all the time. So, there is a natural inclination to circle the wagons around any black person that is seen as under attack. So, in her mind, she may think that Sharpton, Jackson or anyone else that is polarizing is a jerk, but she would never attack them in front of white people, because you simply never show a weakness in the defenses.

She and I also ended up in a near screaming match with each other one day over the derivation of the word picnic. I will accept any amount of bs in terms of politcs, religion, race, etc. But don't mess with my linguistics.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Phil Gramm's wife is Asian too. I don't think that white men with Asian women is that huge a taboo in America though.
It's somehow different with immigrants ... I think there is a pressure to assimilate that offsets the self-segregation. Both Asians and Hispanics marry across races in much larger numbers than African-Americans' date=' which on the surface seems weird because blacks have been in the United States for much longer.
Jeb Bush's wife is Hispanic, correct?
I think Mel Martinez and Bob Menendez are both married to white women. Nobody thinks much of it when there are Hispanic/white or Asian/white marriages.
Harold Ford married a white woman after his run for the Senate.
It will be interesting to see if/how that affects his future in politics. Being a bachelor definitely hurt him in the last election, where he was painted as kind of a playboy.

Oh, Clarence Thomas is also married to a white woman.


We should really merge this thread with the new one: http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=314904

This one actually has a descriptive title.

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Neither Obama or Tiger Woods are black. They are interracial children.

edit: Celebrities are a terrible, just awful, representation of relationships and a general population. You can't use those types of personalities and people to lay down a hypothesis on race.

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I'll never forget in High school when my mom found out one of my good friends was a black guy.

"If you date or marry a black man I'll disown you."

Phew, guess it could have been worse and I turned out gay.:silly:


Sometimes you slay me


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Neither Obama or Tiger Woods are black. They are interracial children.

i think you mean multiracial, not interracial, but guess what so is just about every african american in this country. trust me, if they were in alabama in the 50's they would have had to sit in the back of the bus.

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