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WPC: Firing time


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Firing time

By John Pappas

Warpath Confidential Editor

It’s time for Dan Snyder to start letting some people go. After a 2-6 start to the season, and 4-12 since this point last year, the owner of the Washington Redskins should acknowledge that whatever formula he thought was going to work post-Joe Gibbs has failed, and fire the people associated with it.

Snyder has a mess on his hands, and it’s not getting any better. In fact it is getting worse. His team is horrible. The guy in charge of football operations seems incompetent. And his head coach is in over his head and appears lost.

Worse, the fans are more upset than at any point in modern times. Attendance is down, as is merchandise sales. There are websites dedicated to criticizing Snyder, and organized fan efforts are underway to boycott merchandise and publicly express dissatisfaction.

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JJ -- He should start by firing Cerrato and Zorn. They are the two most responsible for the current state of affairs. This is doable as he could place Morocco Brown in charge of the front office, and name Jerry Gray interim head coach. Two guys considered competent.

If Dan promotes from within (Morroco Brown), it will only cause me to be more sure of my assessment that he is the one calling the shots not Vinny -- and nothing is going to change. I'll consider the move nothing but window dressing.

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If Dan promotes from within (Morroco Brown), it will only cause me to be more sure of my assessment that he is the one calling the shots not Vinny -- and nothing is going to change. I'll consider the move nothing but window dressing.

Sorry, Morocco Brown can do the job.


I don't think Vinny listens to Brown. Its obvious.

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I agree. It's time to blow it up.

We need to cull this team of dead weight and "superstars" who haven't done anything. We need to get rid of FO people who continue year after year to ignore obvious weaknesses, make lop sided trades in the other team's favor, and put us in a salary cap position so tight that we are very limited in the choices we can make.

There are people I will be sad to see leave, but should go. Randy Thomas, Chris Samuels, Clinton Portis, Santana (I want to steal the nick name 50/50 from Rod Gardner) Thomas, Randle El, Jason Campbell (I don't know if you're good or not, but after five years I should know and though it may be unfair you never found a way to prove yourself).

And I wouldn't be upset if we got rid of Casey Rabach, Montgomery, Griffin, Rogers, Landry, Tryon, and a host of others.

I understand that that would mean the new coach and GM are screwed, but you have to get some professionals in here. Some high effort guys. Randle El used to be a very high effort guy, same with Moss and Portis. I don't know if it's age, concentration, or apathy but they aren't making the plays they used to. They aren't making the hard catch or sometimes the easy one. They aren't finding the hole or breaking tackles. They aren't making anyone miss. I'm not sure if you can or if it's possible to replace an o-line in one year, but I have seen teams play three rookies on the o-line. I believe the Giants did it one year and the Ravens another.

The culture, the attitude of this team needs to be changed. I saw Hall killing himself to get to the endzone. I saw Thomas really fighting for yards too. Cooley gives everything he can on the field. Doughty is a limited player and though that was a really dumb mistake, he's a guy you keep. HB Blades is another no flash player who is effective on the field. Use him. Since this team lacks the accountability or inner strength to bench non productive or badly playing guys, the only solution is to toss them. To change the team, we need dynamite and not a scalpel.

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Fire Cerrato soon? Sure. The infrastructure in place can handle his duties.

Fire Zorn? No. I agree that he is gone after this season, but firing a head coach with games remaining to be played never works. Too, an interim coach really has no chance to be a part of the team in the future.

I agree. I'm all for firing Vinny ASAP. But I see no reason to fire Zorn. Go find a GM. Let him decide IF he wants to fire Zorn (althought I think he should). That would show that Danny is really out of football and leaving the decisions to someone who knows what they are doing.


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The logical step would be to find a well-respected GM to oversee the second half of the season. Then the rest of the team and its coaches would be auditioning to hang on. Meanwhile the GM would decide if he needed a complete overhaul or just partial retooling/replacements.

I don't think the Skins should try breaking in a new GM -- this is one time where a veteran is needed to right the ship, and run the organization from a football operations perspective. A newly promoted GM like Morrocco Brown might be hard-pressed to stand up to Snyder's pressure, where as an established GM wouldn't be risking as much to their resume, if a conflict arose.

I suspect Snyder wouldn't go for this -- but he needs a strong figure at GM, and a few years of making football operations the top priority over marketing considerations. But at this low point in both operations and marketing, what does Snyder have to lose?

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A hopeful sign is that Snyder does not seem afraid of big egos or people of stature. He hired Marty, Gibbs, and Spurrier who were all very successful coaches in their fields. So, other than seemingly Cerrato, Snyder doesn't have a history of hiring "yes" men. And Snyder needs someone with the will and the resume to stand up to him and someone who can step on a few players' necks without reprisal. We need to bring accountability back to the 'skins on every level.

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To fire either Vinny, or Zorn, right now, would be a stupid move that would only add doubt to whomever might be interested in the job, that they would be given time to implement their plan. It might give Dimwit Nation a thrill, but it would contradict the "big picture/long run" crap they scream for, while urging Snyder to immediately add to his reputation of firing people before letting them finish what they started. Only someone interested in money, would take the job.

Brilliant. ****in morons.

The offseason will be here soon enough. Then, and only then, will be the time to make whatever moves will be made. Until then, suck it up, STFU, and either watch and wait, or find something else to do on gameday.

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I think if Denver pastes us badly that we will see some heads starting to roll.

Where are they going to roll when they are all jammed in their own asses?

This cluster**** was doomed for failure in 02/08 when the decision was made. GW/Saunders should have ran the team with a real GM on top. Of course that wasn't going to happen.

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Originally posted by Ax.

To fire either Vinny, or Zorn, right now, would be a stupid move that would only add doubt to whomever might be interested in the job, that they would be given time to implement their plan. It might give Dimwit Nation a thrill, but it would contradict the "big picture/long run" crap they scream for, while urging Snyder to immediately add to his reputation of firing people before letting them finish what they started. Only someone interested in money, would take the job.

Exactly, changes now would not help the team and would only be self-serving to de El-mighty Dan, Mon.

Dan at this juncture, would do better to stay the course and work with what he has.


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But at this low point in both operations and marketing, what does Snyder have to lose?

Snyder's malignant ego demands that he work the controls of this football debacle. For a top-of-the line GM to be effect the GM must take over the reins. Control of his plaything is what Snyder stands to lose. That is why this team sucks and will continue to suck until either Snyder sells the team or he suddenly finds humility. Given Riggo's statements about the man and reports of "worker orientation meetings" here on this forum seems a change in ownership is the only hope. Since hope is not a plan, we, the fans, are doomed.


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There was nothing in that 2008 fluff piece that made it obvious that Brown hasn't been part of the train wreck.

I was thinking the same thing. What exactly is Morocco Brown's claim to fame? Rashied Davis? 14 unnamed Bears? I'm not saying he might not be the answer but I see almost no evidence that he would be. The guy just starting working in football this decade.

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