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Release: Redskins Defensive Coordinator Greg Blache (on Riggins' comments re: Snyder)


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21300 Redskin Park Drive Ashburn, VA 20147


November 5, 2009

Redskins Park

Redskins Defensive Coordinator Greg Blache

On John Riggins’ comments about Redskins Owner Daniel Snyder:

“This morning when I came in, I turned my computer on and I was looking at Pro Football Talk and I saw a comment that John Riggins had made about Mr. Snyder and it really bothered me the more I sat there at my desk because there has been a lot of criticism about him over the last few weeks. This is a man I’ve known for six years, since I’ve been here. And in the six years, I’ve never seen John Riggins here. I met him once at the Beach Blitz down in Virginia Beach – never seen him in the building. So, to hear such a vicious criticism of somebody I consider not just my employer, but a good friend, bothered me.

“As much as I hadn’t been talking to the media, I felt like this was something I needed to do. Somebody needed to stand up and set this record straight. The comment that was made was ‘a dark heart’ – that’s totally, totally untrue. The problem is the fans don’t get to know Mr. Snyder like we do. They get an impression from things that are written and from things that people say. Let me just tell you something, for a person that’s been here for six years, that’s gone to him for things that I needed in my family - there’s times he’s come to me when he’s heard about issues in my family and offered his assistance – is unsurpassed. He’s one of the most generous, kind individuals you’ll ever meet.

“My wife and I are involved in Hospice and there’ve been countless times he’s come and helped us with issues and stuff with Hospice. To see that and get the feeling that that’s what everyone on the outside is hearing about this person, I decided it was time to come and set the record straight. It’s enough. It really is. We’ve had criticisms from people outside the building saying who Dan Snyder is and who is isn’t. They don’t know Dan Snyder and that’s the problem. Trust me because he and I, we work together. I’m not going to tell you that this is a utopia. There are no utopias in football, and there are no utopias in life. At the same time, enough is enough. Every story, there is one person’s side, another person’s side, and then behind it all there is a third side and it’s the truth.

“I just felt like it was time for somebody to come and throw a little truth out there. We keep hearing these other sides, these other factions, and to be quite candid, the third side – the truth – is that this person, all he wants to do is win. That’s all he wants to do. He will spend his money, he will spend his time, he wants to win, he is here for the people, for the fans, for the Washington Redskins. Nobody pains more when we are unsuccessful than Dan Snyder. There is nobody that cares more about the fans than Dan Snyder. There is nobody that wants to win here, more than Dan Snyder. I just think that its time to put out there, for you guys to understand, that everything that is wrong with this organization is not Dan Snyder.

“It’s so easy for people that have access to the microphone everyday to point fingers and shuffle it on somewhere else. At the same time, I’m in on a ton of those meetings when decisions are made. A lot of the things that are right here, you can’t go back and say its so-and-so’s fault. Just to set the record straight, I just think it was wrong. I wish the best for Mr. Riggins in all his endeavors and whatever that he does. For me, that was enough. For me to wash my face in the morning and to feel like a man, or to talk to my kids about doing the right thing, I needed to come here and make this comment today. I got no other interests in it. I have a contract for next year so it’s not like I’m trying to dig something up and if they send me home, the way coaches’ contracts are written, they have to pay me anyways. Quite honestly, this is unsolicited, but from the heart and something that I thought I needed to do.”

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i don't even think I want blache on this team next year. nto that it'll matter, he'll probably retire finally.

the guy plays people out of position

refuses to talk to the media

blows up at people during interview (when he gives them) and looks like a fool in doing so

his whole act is immature, and i'm growing rather tired of it. I actually like zorn, and think if he's given a chance to improve and learn more, will be a good coach. blache though... its his attitude that bothers me.

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Everything else aside, I do believe that some of the attacks on Snyder are getting too personal. I don't support what the man has done with the running of our football team, but by all accounts he is a decent, charitable guy who supports the community. Let's curse his management style, his decision making, and his tragically bad hires..but I think we need to draw the line at calling the guy evil and in some cases wishing/hoping for harm to come to him.

As for Blache..I don't think he's a bad coach. I think he just wasn't born with a talent for speaking to the media well.

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One thing is clear after reading this.

Blache is 10x the leader that Snyder, Cerrato, or Zorn are.


such the leader that when his team starts to show signs of trouble, he decides to stop talking to the media.

yup, great leader tehre. lets see, snyder did teh same thing...

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Anyone else think it is pretty stupid to try to judge someone's heart? When mine is judged, I don't want Riggins do it.

riggins is doing this for PR purposes.

not that I doubt that he truely believes that.

but there is something for him to gain out of all this.

lets not be naive.

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"comment that John Riggins had made about Mr. Snyder and it really bothered me the more I sat there at my desk because there has been a lot of criticism about him over the last few weeks. This is a man I’ve known for six years, since I’ve been here. And in the six years, I’ve never seen John Riggins here. I met him once at the Beach Blitz down in Virginia Beach – never seen him in the building. So, to hear such a vicious criticism of somebody I consider not just my employer, but a good friend, bothered me."

Blache: "Mr. Snyder"

lolz :hysterical:

I'm gonna ask my friends to call me "Mr. Smith."

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Wow, Blache manned up on this one!! Again, i'm not a fan of how this organization has been run for the better part of the past 10 years. And I DO want Vinny's fanny fired!!!! However, I can't say with confidence that Dan Snyder is an "evil" man. Bad football decisions and "evil" human being are two different things.

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"I met him once at the Beach Blitz down in Virginia Beach – never seen him in the building".
As if he would be allowed to get in the building by Snyder :doh:
“the truth – is that this person, all he wants to do is win. That’s all he wants to do. He will spend his money, he will spend his time, he wants to win, he is here for the people, for the fans, for the Washington Redskins.
As if spending money and time are the keys to build a great franchise, and we all know how he treats his fans: in court. :doh:

On the other hand I do agree Riggo's comment was offensive.

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...Another testimonial from one of the big people in Snyder's life. I want a testimonial from one of the little people. Not from a coach or a high priced player or a media buddy or an attorney that Snyder's promoted to COO. I'd like to hear it from a secretary or an intern or a contractor or an hourly worker.

And I use the terms "big" people and "little" people not pejoratively, but as I imagine Snyder views the world. My impression is he's great to the high profile athlete or coach or on-camera media talent or potential investor, but can't deign to acknowledge the "little people" who cross his path.

I may be wrong, but that's the impression I get.

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A press release about this? :doh:

Yeah...kinda tacky. I actually respect Blache for coming out and saying what he said, if it's what he believes to be the truth. But to turn his words into a press release kind of cheapens the sentiment.

...Another testimonial from one of the big people in Snyder's life. I want a testimonial from one of the little people. Not from a coach or a high priced player or a media buddy or an attorney that Snyder's promoted to COO. I'd like to hear it from a secretary or an intern or a contractor or an hourly worker.

And I use the terms "big" people and "little" people not pejoratively, but as I imagine Snyder views the world. My impression is he's great to the high profile athlete or coach or on-camera media talent or potential investor, but can't deign to acknowledge the "little people" who cross his path.

I may be wrong, but that's the impression I get.

That's an excellent point.

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The fact that in the middle of the worst season any of us can remember, in the middle of a week preparing for a game, that this organization releases a PRESS RELEASE about this ridiculous situation.

"Vinny, Donovan, whoever...get someone in front of the cameras today to tell the world my heart is not dark."

"Yes sir, Mr. Snyder. Whatever you say, Mr. Snyder."

This organization is a travesty.

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