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Release: Redskins Defensive Coordinator Greg Blache (on Riggins' comments re: Snyder)


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Geez, I swear.. the more I read some of the comments on here the more I wonder if it's not that fans are the problem.

Let's state some facts that 80% of this board, retired players forget.. Repeat after me....





And as a "business" they are in "business" to do one thing... make money. Dan Synder's heart isn't black.. he is one of the most successful if not THE most successful business man in the NFL. He's grown the wealth of something he purchased for 750m to 1.5 billion. And he's done so with a franchise that isn't even winning. Everyone needs to get their heads out of their butts and realize this is a "game". Yes, you can be frustrated, yes, you can walk out.. yes, you can chant "Synder sucks" all you want.. but you know what? You have a choice. If you don't like it, then stop spending money and find another team.. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If your not willing to suck it up and deal with what we have and have patience while the team gets on the right track then execute your right to choose.

John Wayne died long ago.. this world isn't built on morals, ethics, and "honor" any more. Stop pretending that there is a "right" and a "wrong" side to this argument.

Either execute your right to ride the bus, or execute your right to not ride the bus.. but if you choose to ride the bus then don't sit on it and complain all day.. you knew what you were getting when you got on. Daniel Synder is not a horrible person with a grand conspiracy to cause grief and pain to everyone involved in this process. At worst you could call him inexperienced. And I'm sorry, but it's not his responsibility to make this team successful. Its the coaches and players responsibility. As a peon I've never let someone else become an excuse for me not doing my job and as a manger I've never let a piss poor employee drag down the entire team by leaving them in their roles. I'm not sure why so many people are drinking the kool-aid now days and buying into this "it starts at the top BS" At the end of the day the person with the greatest responsibility is the lowest denominator.

Anyone ever see the movie "Major League"? Perfect example of what this team needs to do "if" this owner is so bad.. instead they all sit around and complain about the situation they are in and talk crap too the fans.. And then guess what? The damn coach does the same thing.. he takes all the blame for the players then turns around any lays blame at VC's door. Until I see anyone below Synder take some responsibility and accountability in their actions then I'm certainly not going to sit here and trash the only one not blaming someone else...

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Almost every time a player or coach talks to the media, especially in a called press conference, a press release is issued.

it is standard for all teams. for news sights that missed it, and to have a record of what was said to prevent poetic license by some reporters.

Man, your bodyarmor is tough. You're jumping in front of bullets like whoa.

Was there a press release from Portis and Moss yesterday? Or that's not counted as an almost? Maybe there was......I wouldn't believe what comes out their PR office know who's in there. Karl "Andyman" Swanson......and then getting information from Mr. Snyder and Vinny.

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such the leader that when his team starts to show signs of trouble, he decides to stop talking to the media.

yup, great leader tehre. lets see, snyder did teh same thing...

Snyder does not have to talk to the media. He really has not for a few years.

Tell me how many owners speak out in the media on a semi-regular basis. Al Davis...Jerry Jones? That is about it.

I don't want an owner that is out in the press constantly making a fool out of himself.

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no offense, but people are starting to sound/act like a bunch of 7 year olds......oh lets make signs, oh lets get up a chant, of lets not eat to prove how upset we are. I mean, when is enough, enough???

People are acting like we are the only BAD team in the league......like the owner is doing this on purpose?!?!

What about the other teams in the league that aren't doing good??? How come their owner isn't under such scrutiny??? I wonder if it's because they don't have Media outlets with hidden agenda's going after their owner?!?!

I can't believe how easily the masses have their backs on this organization and an owner who tries to put the best players he can on the field....he may not get it right, but it's not from a lack of trying......you people act like he's just out to make money and screw every one over......and that we're not suppose to ever have a bad season......well, i got news for everyone, their can only be so many winning teams every year. Someone's got to loose......i just don't get why we're the only team that's singled out for being a mess. We've had injuried along the offensive line, and all of a sudden, we've got the worst front office ever......yet, other teams that aren't playing well, and have worse records than us with hardly anything being mentioned about them nationally.

I'm just really shocked and surprised by how quickly and easily the Washington Post and others have managed to turn Redskins fans against their own.......essentially creating a civil war. it really blows my mind how weak some people are.

All one big conspiracy huh? Has the Post fabricated all of the losing seasons under Snyder as well? I guess the stories about fans being sued by the team and the whole ticket scam were all lies?

Believe what you want, but the track record is undeniable.

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Blache decides to break his ridiculous silence because someone says on the radio that Snyder has "a dark heart?" Thats not even close to the worst thing I've heard said about Danny. I can't believe the team would get distracted by something like that three days before their next game. Like many things with this team all of a sudden, what an absolute joke.

if you read what Blanche said.... Riggins over th top comments was the last straw kind of thing.

And if someone that has done a lot for you above and beyond typical boss/employee relationship. Would you be quiet if others were trashing him in what you felt was unfairly?

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Danny "Hey Greg would you like a big fat bonus"

Greg "Sure"

Danny "Well in order to get it, you need to get on the radio and talk about how good of a person I am, make a bunch of stuff up if you have to"

Greg "Yes Sir, Mr. Snyder"

thats pretty far fetched, blache speaks his mind, sure he may be sugar coating it a bit but this is the way the man feels..but as someone else stated, once your on snyders his bad side the darkness comes out.

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no offense, but people are starting to sound/act like a bunch of 7 year olds......oh lets make signs, oh lets get up a chant, of lets not eat to prove how upset we are. I mean, when is enough, enough???

People are acting like we are the only BAD team in the league......like the owner is doing this on purpose?!?!

What about the other teams in the league that aren't doing good??? How come their owner isn't under such scrutiny??? I wonder if it's because they don't have Media outlets with hidden agenda's going after their owner?!?!

I can't believe how easily the masses have their backs on this organization and an owner who tries to put the best players he can on the field....he may not get it right, but it's not from a lack of trying......you people act like he's just out to make money and screw every one over......and that we're not suppose to ever have a bad season......well, i got news for everyone, their can only be so many winning teams every year. Someone's got to loose......i just don't get why we're the only team that's singled out for being a mess. We've had injuried along the offensive line, and all of a sudden, we've got the worst front office ever......yet, other teams that aren't playing well, and have worse records than us with hardly anything being mentioned about them nationally.

I'm just really shocked and surprised by how quickly and easily the Washington Post and others have managed to turn Redskins fans against their own.......essentially creating a civil war. it really blows my mind how weak some people are.

We heard you the first time, Coach Blache.

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All one big conspiracy huh? Has the Post fabricated all of the losing seasons under Snyder as well? I guess the stories about fans being sued by the team and the whole ticket scam were all lies?

Believe what you want, but the track record is undeniable.

I still do not get all of the rage over the ticket thing. It was unfortunate, but when you sign a contract, you are legally bound to uphold your end of it. Am I missing something? If it were a 34 year old staffer on Capitol Hill, it would have never been news.

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All one big conspiracy huh? Has the Post fabricated all of the losing seasons under Snyder as well? I guess the stories about fans being sued by the team and the whole ticket scam were all lies?

Believe what you want, but the track record is undeniable.

and even more stories where Snyder doing good things, most not openly publicized, but heard from the people he helped... all false?

Believe what you want, but the track record is undeniable.

BTW was dos the teams record has ANYTHING to do with his character?

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I watched the segment with Riggo, and the comments he made were out of line, most of them personal, when he doesn't know Snyder personally at all.

Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner.

Personal attacks about someone he does not know are pretty out of line. Question his business decisions, question how he has run the team...fine. He deserves it. But being a bad judge of talent and personnel is not a license for Riggo to make personal attacks against Snyder.

And FYI, I like Riggo, and like most Redskins fans, I am not the biggest fan of Snyder right now. But this, to me, is just out of line.

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Snyder does not have to talk to the media. He really has not for a few years.

Tell me how many owners speak out in the media on a semi-regular basis. Al Davis...Jerry Jones? That is about it.

I don't want an owner that is out in the press constantly making a fool out of himself.

As long as Snyder involves himself in football operations, he has an obligation to face the music and talk to the media, especially when things don't go well. As soon as he withdraws from the football operations side of the business, he can be as reclusive as he wants to be.

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I still do not get all of the rage over the ticket thing. It was unfortunate, but when you sign a contract, you are legally bound to uphold your end of it. Am I missing something? If it were a 34 year old staffer on Capitol Hill, it would have never been news.

and almost every team has a similar policy about defaulting on their ticket contract.

Their are several owners who have things much worse than Snyder and only interested in profit.

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i don't even think I want blache on this team next year. nto that it'll matter, he'll probably retire finally.

the guy plays people out of position

refuses to talk to the media

blows up at people during interview (when he gives them) and looks like a fool in doing so

his whole act is immature, and i'm growing rather tired of it. I actually like zorn, and think if he's given a chance to improve and learn more, will be a good coach. blache though... its his attitude that bothers me.

Some of what you say is true. But the defense is 4th in the league, allowing 17 points a game. How can you argue?

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The fact that we are in a horrible slump, completely uncompetitive in our division, and going nowhere...and Blanche feels the need to address Snyder's "dark heart" speaks volumes.

I don't believe Dan Snyder is an "evil" man. I believe that he is misguided. YES there is no doubt in my mind that the man wants the Redskins to win. I believe he wants this more than anything. The problem, is that he wants the team to win the way HE wants to run this Football franchise, which goes against the principles of just about every team that has ever won a Championship in the National Football League, or is a consistent competitor year in and year out.

Jack Kent Cooke didn't "GM" the team. Everybody still knew who he was, and he shared in the Redskins glory. He received credit for making the money, and hiring the talent, to bring in the football talent. Dan Snyder would be loved by the fans if he would just hire the right people, and know his own limitations.

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Riggo was on god terms with Snyder whenhe was on XXX ESPN, and the Redskin Report. I remember him talking in positive terms about Snyder then.

a "dark heart" when did Snyder become a vampire? Riggins went overly theatrical on that one.

to many vampire movies out recently hes got his head all screwed up :chair:

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Wow, Blache manned up on this one!! Again, i'm not a fan of how this organization has been run for the better part of the past 10 years. And I DO want Vinny's fanny fired!!!! However, I can't say with confidence that Dan Snyder is an "evil" man. Bad football decisions and "evil" human being are two different things.

Anyone who thinks DS is a evil human being is blind. I have heard countless times of things he has done for players. Thank you GB for standing up and speaking from your heart and standing up for your owner. I have never heard GB give anyone bull****, so this is pretty telling. DS does all he can to provide us with a good football team. Look how much money he has spent in the past couple of years trying to make our team better. Yea maybe it didn't work out as best as can be, but he TRIED.

Funniest thing about this whole situation is that as soon as ANY player is released from another team, this board goes nuts "Should we sign ______ ?" Yet now you guys all turn around and say "Oh crap that didn't work, let's bash the guy who got the deal done." :chair:

HAIL TO THE REDSKINS :helmet::logo:

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Everything else aside, I do believe that some of the attacks on Snyder are getting too personal. I don't support what the man has done with the running of our football team, but by all accounts he is a decent, charitable guy who supports the community. Let's curse his management style, his decision making, and his tragically bad hires..but I think we need to draw the line at calling the guy evil and in some cases wishing/hoping for harm to come to him.

As for Blache..I don't think he's a bad coach. I think he just wasn't born with a talent for speaking to the media well.

You obviously don't know much about Dan Snyder.

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Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner.

Personal attacks about someone he does not know are pretty out of line. Question his business decisions, question how he has run the team...fine. He deserves it. But being a bad judge of talent and personnel is not a license for Riggo to make personal attacks against Snyder.

And FYI, I like Riggo, and like most Redskins fans, I am not the biggest fan of Snyder right now. But this, to me, is just out of line.

First of all, he DOES know Snyder because he worked for him at his radio station. Second, Riggo is guilty of being politically incorrect, but he is right about what he said regarding Snyder.

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John Riggins is the REDSKINS.....

Played for them

Won a Super Bowl for them

Knows what it takes to practice and play hard to win a championship

Has been in the trenches

Snyder/ Blache= 0 for the Redskins in their 10 and 6 years with the Redskins

I'll take John Riggins word on this.

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