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Release: Redskins Defensive Coordinator Greg Blache (on Riggins' comments re: Snyder)


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You know, one thing that is funny is that the more outlandish the criticism of Snyder becomes, the more sympathetic a figure he'll start to be. As long as guys like Riggins continue to receive national attention for completely outrageous and unsupportable claims, then the coverage will snowball and before long, it will be hip to defend Snyder. By the end of the year, he'll be seen as a victim of the media. Couple that with a few big free agent signings next offseason and the season ticket renewal rate will soar through the roof once again.

So one attention-seeking former player goes over the line and attacks Snyder personally. Does that change anything about his stewardship of the franchise? Ultimately isn't that still the most important question?

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As long as Snyder involves himself in football operations, he has an obligation to face the music and talk to the media, especially when things don't go well. As soon as he withdraws from the football operations side of the business, he can be as reclusive as he wants to be.

I disagree, I don't think there any such obligation. Almost every owner is directly involved in football operations, and aside from a few owners like Davis and Jones, you do not regularly hear from them.

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Geez, I swear.. the more I read some of the comments on here the more I wonder if it's not that fans are the problem.

Let's state some facts that 80% of this board, retired players forget.. Repeat after me....





And as a "business" they are in "business" to do one thing... make money. Dan Synder's heart isn't black.. he is one of the most successful if not THE most successful business man in the NFL. He's grown the wealth of something he purchased for 750m to 1.5 billion. And he's done so with a franchise that isn't even winning. Everyone needs to get their heads out of their butts and realize this is a "game". Yes, you can be frustrated, yes, you can walk out.. yes, you can chant "Synder sucks" all you want.. but you know what? You have a choice. If you don't like it, then stop spending money and find another team.. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If your not willing to suck it up and deal with what we have and have patience while the team gets on the right track then execute your right to choose.

John Wayne died long ago.. this world isn't built on morals, ethics, and "honor" any more. Stop pretending that there is a "right" and a "wrong" side to this argument.

Either execute your right to ride the bus, or execute your right to not ride the bus.. but if you choose to ride the bus then don't sit on it and complain all day.. you knew what you were getting when you got on. Daniel Synder is not a horrible person with a grand conspiracy to cause grief and pain to everyone involved in this process. At worst you could call him inexperienced. And I'm sorry, but it's not his responsibility to make this team successful. Its the coaches and players responsibility. As a peon I've never let someone else become an excuse for me not doing my job and as a manger I've never let a piss poor employee drag down the entire team by leaving them in their roles. I'm not sure why so many people are drinking the kool-aid now days and buying into this "it starts at the top BS" At the end of the day the person with the greatest responsibility is the lowest denominator.

Anyone ever see the movie "Major League"? Perfect example of what this team needs to do "if" this owner is so bad.. instead they all sit around and complain about the situation they are in and talk crap too the fans.. And then guess what? The damn coach does the same thing.. he takes all the blame for the players then turns around any lays blame at VC's door. Until I see anyone below Synder take some responsibility and accountability in their actions then I'm certainly not going to sit here and trash the only one not blaming someone else...

Is that you Larry Michael?

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Ah, the ole 'you don't know him' defense.

I doubt you've ever even shook Dan Snyder's hand. No offense, but you know nothing about him. You can't judge his character by reading a few articles about him and then feeling superior. None of us are any better than he is, and I'd argue he's a good person.

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You can't judge his character by reading a few articles about him.

You are damn right I can judge his character by his decisions to sue the fans, kick anyone out of the stadium who is critical of him, and how he treats his employees.

Is he rich? Yes. BFD. He's able to do some "nice things" because he is loaded and afford to be generous. Good for him when he does those things. But that does not make him a good person.

Is he a good person or bad person? I don't know and it's not my place to judge. All I know is that there are aspects of his character I do not like and he is an awful, horrendous, unacceptable failure of an owner.

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I doubt you've ever even shook Dan Snyder's hand. No offense, but you know nothing about him. You can't judge his character by reading a few articles about him and then feeling superior. None of us are any better than he is, and I'd argue he's a good person.

No, I haven't ever shaken hands with Danny. I guess that means I know NOTHING about him. However, I am going to judge his character and you can't stop me.

I hadn't ever met Obama, but I judged his character before I voted for him.

By your rational, I shouldn't judge anyone until we're on a first name basis.

Charles Manson might be a good guy, but I really shouldn't judge his character based on the bad things that I've read about him over the years.

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You are damn right I can judge his character by his decisions to sue the fans, kick anyone out of the stadium who is critical of him, and how he treats his employees.

Is he rich? Yes. BFD. He's able to do some "nice things" because he is loaded and afford to be generous. Good for him when he does those things. But that does not make him a good person.

Is he a good person or bad person? I don't know and it's not my place to judge. All I know is that there are aspects of his character I do not like and he is an awful, horrendous, unacceptable failure of an owner.

If it makes you this angry, you have an option. Nobody makes you go to games or buy a jersey and generally support the team.

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no offense, but people are starting to sound/act like a bunch of 7 year olds......oh lets make signs, oh lets get up a chant, of lets not eat to prove how upset we are. I mean, when is enough, enough???

People are acting like we are the only BAD team in the league......like the owner is doing this on purpose?!?!

What about the other teams in the league that aren't doing good??? How come their owner isn't under such scrutiny??? I wonder if it's because they don't have Media outlets with hidden agenda's going after their owner?!?!

I can't believe how easily the masses have their backs on this organization and an owner who tries to put the best players he can on the field....he may not get it right, but it's not from a lack of trying......you people act like he's just out to make money and screw every one over......and that we're not suppose to ever have a bad season......well, i got news for everyone, their can only be so many winning teams every year. Someone's got to loose......i just don't get why we're the only team that's singled out for being a mess. We've had injuried along the offensive line, and all of a sudden, we've got the worst front office ever......yet, other teams that aren't playing well, and have worse records than us with hardly anything being mentioned about them nationally.

I'm just really shocked and surprised by how quickly and easily the Washington Post and others have managed to turn Redskins fans against their own.......essentially creating a civil war. it really blows my mind how weak some people are.

Yes, there are other bad teams. But no other owner fleeces the fanbase quite like ours does - how else to explain that this is most profitable franchise in football despite the horrible results since this jackbutt took over? And no other owner treats the fans with such utter disrespect - no other owner is forcibly removing the very fans that are supporting his team (if not him) from games. No other owner is aggressively stifling dissent. No other owner is quite so reprehensible as ours is, and after 10 years of this treatment, the chickens are coming home to roost for this evil man. May he rot.

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Well, I think Blache's point was how can Riggo make such harsh statements about him when he does not really know him.

I am not picking sides in all of this, but that was a pretty strong statement by Riggo. And if he does not really know the man, than it is a little out of line, IMO.

Go ahead and bash me for standing up for Snyder. I am not really doing that, I just think that it is easy to make judgments about peopel from what we hear or from third person accounts. Those are not always accurate.

The only judgment that most of us can make about Snyder is that he has mismanaged our beloved football team. Over and over. But does that warrant the kind of statement that Riggo made? I personally do not think so.

Riggins knows Snyder personally. He worked for the guy. He knows far better than most how evil this guy is.

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I disagree, I don't think there any such obligation. Almost every owner is directly involved in football operations, and aside from a few owners like Davis and Jones, you do not regularly hear from them.

How do you define "involved?" Writing the checks doesn't mean "involved." Snyder is involved in the his team's football operations to a degree that very few owners around the league are. Interesting that you mention Davis and Jones, because those are two owners whose involvement in football ops is similar to Snyder's.

Snyder wants to have his cake and eat it-- he wants to have all the fun of making football decisions, but he wants none of the accountability that goes along with that. Enough is enough.

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You obviously don't know much about Dan Snyder.

And you, on the other hand, have close, personal knowledge of the situation? :doh:

Is the guy completely sweetness & light? I doubt it. But whether it be action borne of genuine goodwill or mere desire for tax breaks, he does a lot of good works in the area. He's certainly not running over pedestrians or torturing animals ('skins fans excluded AMIRITE!?...ahem), but some folk seem far more over-the-top, vehemently angry at him than seems reasonable.

Look, I'm not saying I like the guy as an owner. From a football management standpoint he leaves a lot to be desired. He needs to swallow his pride and change the way this team is managed, no doubt. All I'm saying is that I think some of the personal attacks and wishes of bodily harm or worse on the man are getting a tad out of hand.

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Geez, I swear.. the more I read some of the comments on here the more I wonder if it's not that fans are the problem.

Let's state some facts that 80% of this board, retired players forget.. Repeat after me....





And as a "business" they are in "business" to do one thing... make money. Dan Synder's heart isn't black.. he is one of the most successful if not THE most successful business man in the NFL. He's grown the wealth of something he purchased for 750m to 1.5 billion. And he's done so with a franchise that isn't even winning. Everyone needs to get their heads out of their butts and realize this is a "game". Yes, you can be frustrated, yes, you can walk out.. yes, you can chant "Synder sucks" all you want.. but you know what? You have a choice. If you don't like it, then stop spending money and find another team.. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If your not willing to suck it up and deal with what we have and have patience while the team gets on the right track then execute your right to choose.

John Wayne died long ago.. this world isn't built on morals, ethics, and "honor" any more. Stop pretending that there is a "right" and a "wrong" side to this argument.

Either execute your right to ride the bus, or execute your right to not ride the bus.. but if you choose to ride the bus then don't sit on it and complain all day.. you knew what you were getting when you got on. Daniel Synder is not a horrible person with a grand conspiracy to cause grief and pain to everyone involved in this process. At worst you could call him inexperienced. And I'm sorry, but it's not his responsibility to make this team successful. Its the coaches and players responsibility. As a peon I've never let someone else become an excuse for me not doing my job and as a manger I've never let a piss poor employee drag down the entire team by leaving them in their roles. I'm not sure why so many people are drinking the kool-aid now days and buying into this "it starts at the top BS" At the end of the day the person with the greatest responsibility is the lowest denominator.

Anyone ever see the movie "Major League"? Perfect example of what this team needs to do "if" this owner is so bad.. instead they all sit around and complain about the situation they are in and talk crap too the fans.. And then guess what? The damn coach does the same thing.. he takes all the blame for the players then turns around any lays blame at VC's door. Until I see anyone below Synder take some responsibility and accountability in their actions then I'm certainly not going to sit here and trash the only one not blaming someone else...

He has accomplished this by ripping off the fans during one of the biggest economic booms in US history - people had money to spend for most of Snyder's tenure, and he happily separated it from them. It's only in the last few years, when the economy went south, that people have started to wise up to this snake oil salesman's game.

It is not a point in Snyder's favor that he grew the value of the franchise even as his team sucked out loud on the field. That was mostly a result of the economy, and the fact that he "owns" his stadium (in the same way that anyone with a mortgage "owns" their home; it's really the banks that lent this cretin all the money to buy the team that own the stadium)

A blind monkey could have made money off this team. He is evil, pure and simple. May he rot.

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Riggins knows Snyder personally. He worked for the guy. He knows far better than most how evil this guy is.

Snyder does not hang out at the station. His company is a pretty large operation and it is not like Snyder was his direct contact. I am sure they did not have morning coffee. I am probably understating their relationship, but I am pretty sure you are overstating it.

And how many people love their boss? Not many. Many people do not really know their boss and think they are a terrible, evil person when that is not exactly the case. Riggo got canned and probably has more than a little ax to grind about it.

Riggo wants to be the people's champ. He had me for a little while, but he is quickly losing me.

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if you read what Blanche said.... Riggins over th top comments was the last straw kind of thing.

And if someone that has done a lot for you above and beyond typical boss/employee relationship. Would you be quiet if others were trashing him in what you felt was unfairly?

You're right on this. Snyder talked this moron out of retirement a few years ago when nobody in the NFL would even think about offering him a job. Watch his defense get torched by the Falcons this Sunday and you'll see why.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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and even more stories where Snyder doing good things, most not openly publicized, but heard from the people he helped... all false?

Believe what you want, but the track record is undeniable.

BTW was dos the teams record has ANYTHING to do with his character?

How do you know about all these "good" things this jackanape has done for people, if they haven't been publicized. 99 percent of the people who have crossed paths with this little termite dislike the man and think he's not worthy of trust. He is evil, pure and simple. May he rot.

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I doubt you've ever even shook Dan Snyder's hand. No offense, but you know nothing about him. You can't judge his character by reading a few articles about him and then feeling superior. None of us are any better than he is, and I'd argue he's a good person.

So, he can't judge him. But apparently, you can -- "I'd argue he's a good person"

Alrighty then.

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Anyone notice how Blache managed to defend Sndyer without contradicting anything Riggins said about his incompetence or the fact that he's running the team like a child "he tries really hard and he's not a bad guy!" Oh please, as long as he's getting payed yeah, Blache is going to stick up for Snyder so he can keep his job. Riggins was right on with what he said.

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