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Release: Redskins Defensive Coordinator Greg Blache (on Riggins' comments re: Snyder)


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...let me recant this, i agree


his show was canceled.

his outspokenness, and the fans desire to listen to him, is what got him a show on WTOP.

He's now making the rounds on the NFL talk shows both TV and Radio.

He has the ability to get a new show now, or join an existing one, if he plays his cards right.

He's going to go over the top and scare anyone away from him, in my opinion. But the potential is there. Do you really not understand how this works?

You think its a coincidence that a former redskin, who is currently out of a job, is speaking up so loudly and so often?

Part of it is to get back at snyder, to 'kick him while he's down' sort of thing. Part of it is publicity.

I'm sure a small part of it has to do with standing up for the fans. But this is all a publicity stunt to get him back on the radio or tv, or writing an article.

What tipped me off was how often he mentions 'I'm doing this to stand up for the fans'... really? really is that what you're doing? because typically whens omeone has to justify their actions like this, they're (at least somewhat) lieing about their intentions. Normally, when that is the intention, its defend by other people, not the person in question.

edit: keep in mind I'm not debating whether or not riggins truely believes this. i'm just offering my opinion as to why he's being so vocal about it. don't you think it has gotten somewhat ridiculous? every day there's a new youtube from riggins, or a new interview, etc etc etc...

edit2: i see you ninja edited your post :)

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Good for Blache.

Snyder's definitely made some poor choices so far as owner, but some of this is starting to go over the line. Particularly with Riggins. With his somewhat condescending youtube videos, and now calling Snyder a man with "a dark heart"...enough is enough. If he wants to criticize the direction actions of the team, fine, but he takes shots at Zorn only being able to coach kids, these personal attacks on Snyder...just give it a rest somewhat.

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Fair enough. Blache felt like he needed to speak out and that's great.

-But my question to him is: if Snyder really wants to win why not let someone qualified come in and run the show? From the outside looking in, it looks like Snyder wants to run the show and he's obviously hasn't been successful. You can't have it both ways.

-Riggins has now spoken out multiple times in this fashion (very controversial). Seeking attention?

-LOL at Blache reading PFT. Most players and coaches are famous for "claiming" they don't listen to the media blah blah blah...and here goes the D. Coordinator mentioning he reads PFT (the paparazzi of the nfl).

-and people need to stop questioning Blache. The unit is the only bright spot of the team. Ya I hate the cushion CB give, yes I wanna see how Orakpo performs as a full time DE etc etc. But at the end of the day they're a top five unit.

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Riggo rules - he thinks Snyder's an evil guy. What, he's not allowed to voice his opinion?

And from all available evidence, he's right. Snyder runs a football franchise like it's an internment camp. If he hadn't failed at every single one of his other businesses, he wouldn't have so much time to concentrate on this team. I still can't believe he ever got approved by the league, considering he borrowed most of his bid money.

For my money, he's an evil guy who has ruined something that used to be great and means a lot to a lot of people. He can rot.

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It's been reported that Gibbs recommended Blache for head coach after he left. You can see why. The man has great character and leadership. Don't know if he would've taken it, but we should hired him as the head man.

I love this guy.

Never heard that mentioned. I thought Williams was Gibbs' guy. You have a link??

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no offense, but people are starting to sound/act like a bunch of 7 year olds......oh lets make signs, oh lets get up a chant, of lets not eat to prove how upset we are. I mean, when is enough, enough???

People are acting like we are the only BAD team in the league......like the owner is doing this on purpose?!?!

What about the other teams in the league that aren't doing good??? How come their owner isn't under such scrutiny??? I wonder if it's because they don't have Media outlets with hidden agenda's going after their owner?!?!

I can't believe how easily the masses have their backs on this organization and an owner who tries to put the best players he can on the field....he may not get it right, but it's not from a lack of trying......you people act like he's just out to make money and screw every one over......and that we're not suppose to ever have a bad season......well, i got news for everyone, their can only be so many winning teams every year. Someone's got to loose......i just don't get why we're the only team that's singled out for being a mess. We've had injuried along the offensive line, and all of a sudden, we've got the worst front office ever......yet, other teams that aren't playing well, and have worse records than us with hardly anything being mentioned about them nationally.

I'm just really shocked and surprised by how quickly and easily the Washington Post and others have managed to turn Redskins fans against their own.......essentially creating a civil war. it really blows my mind how weak some people are.

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Whoever is in charge of PR for the Washington Redskins should be packing up their office. I know we're harsh, and would question most anything. But they are so bad at this.

Almost every time a player or coach talks to the media, especially in a called press conference, a press release is issued.

it is standard for all teams. for news sights that missed it, and to have a record of what was said to prevent poetic license by some reporters.

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As if he would be allowed to get in the building by Snyder :doh:

Well, I think Blache's point was how can Riggo make such harsh statements about him when he does not really know him.

I am not picking sides in all of this, but that was a pretty strong statement by Riggo. And if he does not really know the man, than it is a little out of line, IMO.

Go ahead and bash me for standing up for Snyder. I am not really doing that, I just think that it is easy to make judgments about peopel from what we hear or from third person accounts. Those are not always accurate.

The only judgment that most of us can make about Snyder is that he has mismanaged our beloved football team. Over and over. But does that warrant the kind of statement that Riggo made? I personally do not think so.

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I'm just really shocked and surprised by how quickly and easily the Washington Post and others have managed to turn Redskins fans against their own.......essentially creating a civil war. it really blows my mind how weak some people are.

If you think this is something that just came about recently you haven't been keeping up. It's been a decade in the making. The bait and switch every year. Now a lot fans are not falling for it anymore. If Snyder doesn't back off and get a real GM in here this off season. His season ticket outlook will take a hit.

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Blache decides to break his ridiculous silence because someone says on the radio that Snyder has "a dark heart?" Thats not even close to the worst thing I've heard said about Danny. I can't believe the team would get distracted by something like that three days before their next game. Like many things with this team all of a sudden, what an absolute joke.

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I don't think Blache is a mouthpiece or a puppet, but I think his comments are just your typical statement from a coach:

1) bunker mentality - we're all in this together, it's not one person's fault, yada yada yada

2) blame the media - "you're not in the building so your views aren't valid" -- hello? everyone in the building works for Snyder so how unbiased can their views be?

3) owner just wants to win - one of those statements that just gets repeated and repeated to the point where it's become meaningless

This is a typical change-the-subject response to an over-the-top criticism from a retired player. That's all

BTW, if you're wondering what Clinton Portis is going to be like after he retires, just take a look at Riggins. Runs his mouth, seeks attention, makes outlandish statements... and everyone loves him for it.

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Riggo rules - he thinks Snyder's an evil guy. What' date=' he's not allowed to voice his opinion?

And from all available evidence, he's right. Snyder runs a football franchise like it's an internment camp. If he hadn't failed at every single one of his other businesses, he wouldn't have so much time to concentrate on this team. I still can't believe he ever got approved by the league, considering he borrowed most of his bid money.

For my money, he's an evil guy who has ruined something that used to be great and means a lot to a lot of people. He can rot.[/quote']

I guess you and I have different definitions of the word "evil."

He has absolutely made mistakes, but that does not make someone evil. I do not think he has dasatrdly intents to destroy the team and move it to Oklahoma City. That would be evil. Foolishness does not equal evil, IMO.

It's not like when they show the owner's box on Dec. 27 against Dallas, he is going to rip off his shirt to reveal a Cowboys uniform.

Evil is a strong word, and I just do not see it.

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How can Blache come out and say this when he sees what's happening to the fans from a first hand view. Not only on the field but off of it as well. I think Riggins was over the top but considering how he was told to move from New York to DMV area to continue his radio show then gets canned soon after you can understand how bitter he is.

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Riggo is doing all of this for the fans, He is making some noise to get the spotlight on Snyder and hopefully get him to change. I wish more of the legends would do the same.

This is our chance to actually get snyder to change. This team will hit rock bottom and the more heat that is put on snyder the better shot we have in seeing a whole new philosophy at redskins park.

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