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FINAL ROLLCALL - Does ANYBODY here still support Campbell? (Poll included)


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i voted no.

our team is not built for him, and outside of an amazing GM coming in this offseason and doing something incredible, it wont be built for him next year.

that being said, i think campbel could be the QB for a team that wins the superbowl. He just wont be the main reason for it. there's nothing wrong with the guy, other than the fact that he's not good behind a poor o line in the west coast offense. which, btw, is not the system he was drafted for. he was drafted to be a down the field passer behind a good offensive line with a good run game - none of which do we have.

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This is not a Campbell bashing thread (not yet at least)

I really just want to know how many ES'ers think Campbell can be our guy next year.

If you DO support Campbell, please state why after voting, then promptly grab your flame-suit.

I want to see if even 10% of Skins fans think he's our guy for 2010 and beyond.

What do you intend to do with this information you gather from this poll?

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What do you intend to do with this information you gather from this poll?

It's just to see where everyone is at in terms of our opinion on Campbell being our QB. I made it public so people who vote would have to back up what they vote for.

D'KanSkinFan - You voted "Yes, he can be our guy"

Care to give us your reasoning behind that vote?

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this thread is inherently flawed.

you asked if we think he'll be the guy in 2010

then told us to support him if we vote yes.

i support campbell as a person, as a player, just don't think he'll be here, or that this is the right place for him right now.

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i voted no.

our team is not built for him, and outside of an amazing GM coming in this offseason and doing something incredible, it wont be built for him next year.

that being said, i think campbel could be the QB for a team that wins the superbowl. He just wont be the main reason for it. there's nothing wrong with the guy, other than the fact that he's not good behind a poor o line in the west coast offense. which, btw, is not the system he was drafted for. he was drafted to be a down the field passer behind a good offensive line with a good run game - none of which do we have.

Even when he was in the system he was drafted for he didn't perform. He was average at best. He constantly gives up on the routes and leaves big plays on the field. You can put him any system you like and he will be a below average QB.

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I voted he can be our guy. First, he needs to regain trust in his OL, because the happy feet are showing, and he needs to continue to give his receivers chances to make plays. I liked how Sherms play calling got the ball into Fred Davis and Devin Thomas' hands. And Jason seemed to look for them more once he realized they were reliable.

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Like I've said before - dont matter who our QB is, if he's doing a run fake and turns around to 4 pass-rushers in his face, no one can succeed.

If anything Campbell should be here longer solely so that we can put our line in order. After that, you evaluate and draft a QB.

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Like I've said before - dont matter who our QB is, if he's doing a run fake and turns around to 4 pass-rushers in his face, no one can succeed.

If anything Campbell should be here longer solely so that we can put our line in order. After that, you evaluate and draft a QB.

I agree except that he can't hit open guys any more. He's damaged goods. Too many blows to the head.

I say it's time to move on. He's got things that he can hit, and he's not hitting them.

I agree that it won't matter until they fix the line. But he's not really helping anything. So I say just put him out of his misery and move on.

Sometimes breaking up is better for both parties. I think this is one of those situation.

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I posted this in the thread titled "The Benefit of Sherm Williams playcalling" (yes, he said Sherm Williams, lol) and I think it applies:

I honestly thought that Sherm Lewis called a GREAT game, yes, a GREAT game.

But I'm finally done thinking Jason Campbell is the guy for this team. I've been a Campbell supporter for a long time, have refused to hate on him (and still won't), and have defended him from the mind-numbing ignorance so many have spewed towards him all offseason, during TC and preseason, and now during the season (believe me, it still pains me to see the idiocy certain posters we all know the names of show when speaking about him, exaggerating relentlessly everything he does wrong)... but I finally feel I've seen what he can do, and it's just not much.

I don't blame him for a lot of the bad plays Jaws kept calling him out for, as it seemed like they had a mission to bash Campbell even when it wasn't his fault (the play where he fumbled comes to mind, because it's tough for a QB to know a guy who was blitzing from the middle and should've had a hat on him was allowed to come in untouched due to a total breakdown by either Rabach or Portis), but I know we need a QB who is going to hit on the play that's there when it's there and he's just not that guy.

This is a team right now that needs to capitalize on every opportunity that arises as we simply aren't good enough to miss, and yet, that's what Jason does... he just "misses" too much. He's not inaccurate, he's not slow, he's not playing scared (the common themes we hear about him), he's just inconsistent because he plays "worried". All the poor decisions comes from his worrying. He's just always worried something bad might happen, whether it's an INT, a sack, failing to convert a third down, etc... he makes the bad decision because he's so worried he will!

This is the single biggest reason why so many can't wrap their head around Jason. Here's a guy so talented with all the tools to be a great QB, including the work ethic and the calm presence associated with said QBs who just can't get it together. So many say it's a mental issue but they get the issue wrong... they claim he's slow, but in reality, he's just too worried. It's why there's hesitation. He knows what he's supposed to do on every play, but he questions doing it because he's worried what might happen. It's why he missed the easy TD we had to Moss on the slant and go. He looked to Moss (right decision), gave the pump fake (right decision), but he was so worried it wasn't going to work he didn't allow it to develop enough to find out and gave up too quickly.

The guy cares so much about this team he's allowing it to affect him!

I think we need Todd Collins. I like what Sherm is doing. I don't know if maybe he's the guy that can actually fix Jason's issues. Maybe he can show him better because of the right playcalls he made, and thus, the more abundant number of learning situations for him to provide for Jason. I just think this team is in such a deep hole it's going to be hard for Jason to let go of this worry, ever. Maybe when we've totally lost any glimpse of hope, and are mathematically eliminated from a playoff berth, we'll see him finally "let go" and "play loose" as he himself constantly reminds his own psyche about day in and day out. He knows his problem... it's why he keeps mentioning it in every interview.

He just can't help but worry.

I guess my answer would be the second option. Just not right now. I still support him, simply because he's our starter. I don't care how poorly a guy plays, if he's trying hard, to me, I'm going to root for him. Period. I know he cares for this team, and that's why I can't help but care for him.

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Campbell is done. He has no fire in his eyes. I don't see him acting like Portis and really frustrated that his team is losing. Portis has the fire you need. Campbell could win for us if he could manage the ball. Stop fumbling, stop throwing int's, and just pass the dang ball for a pass more than 5 yards. If the Skins resign him it will be a mistake. We need someone else. I can only imagine what our record would be with Cutler. But thats in the past.

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Campbell is done. He has no fire in his eyes. I don't see him acting like Portis and really frustrated that his team is losing. Portis has the fire you need. Campbell could win for us if he could manage the ball. Stop fumbling, stop throwing int's, and just pass the dang ball for a pass more than 5 yards. If the Skins resign him it will be a mistake. We need someone else. I can only imagine what our record would be with Cutler. But thats in the past.

You start off by saying Campbell should stop throwing INT's then end by saying something about us winning more with Cutler, who leads the NFL in redzone INT's, and tied for 2nd in most INT's overall. Funny logic.

"There's people out there that know football, and there's people that don't know football, and I don't want to waist my time and energy tryna explain situations to people that don't know football."

-Jason Campbell

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The pass rush he sees is very much brought on by his own ineptitude.

Dumbest post ever. Two starters and Cooley are out...and the backup last week sucked behind that line, too.

Try a spoonful of objectivity.

JC has a lot of problems...but that o-line will get someone killed.

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He should spend more time trying to complete passes to someone other than the check down guy then IrepJC.

The pass rush he sees is very much brought on by his own ineptitude.

Our oline can't block because of Campbell? So when we keep 8 players in to block and 3 of the defenses 5 pass rushers break through it's Campbell's fault? You really sound dumb. I'm sorry, but seriously, that's just football ignorance right there.

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Our oline can't block because of Campbell? So when we keep 8 players in to block and 3 of the defenses 5 pass rushers break through it's Campbell's fault? You really sound dumb. I'm sorry, but seriously, that's just football ignorance right there.

When you pose no threat, why not bring the house every down. IMO the Eagles took it easy on him for 2 quarters.

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When you pose no threat, why not bring the house every down. IMO the Eagles took it easy on him for 2 quarters.

Newsflash SkinsFTW the Eagles blitz everybody. When the OL can't pick up the blitz of course they're going to blitz more. The Skins tried to max protect and take shots down the field to make the Eagles back off, but the blitz STILL got through. That isn't something the QB can control.

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