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FINAL ROLLCALL - Does ANYBODY here still support Campbell? (Poll included)


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I think Campbell could have been a successful QB the likes of Big Ben and or Delhomme (When he was decent). He is not a guy that you want on your FF team, but I think he could have done good things in the system he was drafted for.

That being said, JC has been coached to death and never bee trusted by this organization to run the team. For whatever reason, they have kept the guy handcuffed so much, that even when the chains are unleashed, the beast stays stays broken (not saying that JC is beastworthy... just using the analogy).

He looks like every other young QB the Redskins have drafted and or aquired the past 15 years.

I think it was a very telling stat lastnight about the real problems with this franchise by just doing a quick rundown of the coaching and QB carousel that the Redskins have managed in just a little over ten years.

6 coaches

7 QB's

10 years. Cna you say continuity? /sarcasm

Another telling thing to me, and I dont know how true it was, was that Jaws was saying he had interviewed Portis not that long ago and Portis said he has not heard an audible since his days in Denver? Is this true? Sure looked like it last night. Looks like our play caller (whoever it is) just picks aplay... and tht the one you go with no matter what the defense shows.

All this just leads me to beleive that until we get a HC that can groom a QB, ( I think Zorn can be that guy) and until we can make a system that is friendly to said QB, we are going to conitue to meander through the void in search ofthe next Brady... just so he can be sacked... or pressured... and basically ruined without an offensive line.

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If you DO support Campbell, please state why after voting, then promptly grab your flame-suit.

Yes, he can be our guy

I support Campbell.

JC is an average QB on a bad team, he's in the middle of the pack in most categories.

Their aren't many good QBs on bad teams.

If you look at the other QBs you won't find many in worse situation then JC.

Consider theses factors: OL, WRs, Running game and Coaching

And if not JC then who?

Todd Collins? Colt Brennan?

I recently saw an article that had JC as the top free agent QB next year.

Even if we draft a QB i don't see them doing any better then JC especially when drafting that QB will mean we can't focus on address the biggest problem...the OL.

A new QB will buy the FO a grace period and it will be a different flashy change but i doubt they'll be better then JC especially if we don't upgrade the OL.


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My question to all you campbell haters is who is going to take his place. Don't say TC, he sucks even worse. Don't say Colt he hasn't played a down in the NFL. there are no stud QBs coming out in the draft that will be ready to play next year. JC needs to be here until we can find a good replacement.

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I really wanted to believe in Campbell, I felt kind of bad for him after he was benched the 2nd half last week. But what does he do, he comes out and does the exact same thing he did last week, fumbled on the opening drive!!!!!!!!! I am through with Campbell, it is clear to see that the play calling wasn't the only issue!!!!!!!

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My question to all you campbell haters is who is going to take his place. Don't say TC, he sucks even worse. Don't say Colt he hasn't played a down in the NFL. there are no stud QBs coming out in the draft that will be ready to play next year. JC needs to be here until we can find a good replacement.

I don't care if it's Randle El we need a change. I am tired of Jason dragging this team down.

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i think jc can go somewhere and be a decent to good qb. It's just not gonna be here and in this system. The fans don't believe in him, nor do his teammates, and worst of all he doesn't believe in himself and the pressure is getting to him. You can see it he plays scared and it has slowed down his decision making even more. He has taken a step back this year. He's committing more turnovers.

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Campbell is finished as a QB in this league, and even with a good o-line would fail. He doesn't have the head to play QB, his decision making is slow and he is constantly second guessing himself. He doesn't have good enough accuracy to overcome his inabilitiy to read a defense. He stinks guys, he might be tall and athletic, and look the part, but at the end of the day hes a 6'5 Chris Leak. He had success on a loaded team in college, but he is in no way shape or form an NFL qb.

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I'm a JC supporter, but also a realist - Campbell is shell-shocked, and has been since the Pittsburgh game last year. He's got fear in his eyes. Did anyone see the scramble where he fell face-first to the ground and the defender was still 5 yards away?

That ain't gon' cut the mustard son.

So with that I'd have to say that it's time for JC to have a seat.

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Jeez, I been a campbell supporter this whole time, I've bashed him a bit but I really thought having a chance to play in the same offense for two years would make him better. It actually made him worse, which is odd to begin with.

I don't care what happens, he's not a fit here in D.C. and will never be the QB we need. I'll be glad to see that experiment over with.

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The conversation about JC is over, some people just haven't gotten that through their thick skulls yet. He is simply not a pro caliber QB, and anywhere else he would have been pulled/sat/traded/cut/whatever already. It is yet another sign of how screwed up this franchise has become that he is still on the payroll. The guy simply cannot keep more than one thought in his head at a time. They tell him to step up in the pocket and he forgets to stop staring down WRs, tell him to look for the deep read and he forgets to avoid the sack, tell him run the O with a rhythm and he forgets to hold on to the ball. There is no point in wasting any more games on "evaluating" or" teaching" or any other excuses, the kid is done and probably was done before he was drafted. Cut our losses, make plans to find a replacement and rebuild the O line.

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Nope just pointing out the hypocrisy of bashing JC because he missed an open receiver.

McNabb missed an open receiver also does he suck now too?

EVERY QB misses receivers!

Missing one receiver is the least of Jason's problems. It would be best to just let him go and let this chapter in Redskins history die.

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I've been a supported of him from day one. But his last two starts have done it... He's doing the jitterbug before he throws, and just can't get comfortable in the pocket. I still maintain he has the potential to be a great QB, but he's done here in Washington. He needs that change of scenery. I still maintain he could go to Minnesota and come out with at least 1, if not multiple rings.

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how can you expect him to produce when 3 of our 5 O-linemen are backups? he got sacked 6 times, and it could have been 7 if he hadnt ducked under that one DB blitz. he simply has no time back there. i dont think hes a bad QB but he'll never have success unless the O-line is shored up. WRs/TEs are good. we just need better pass protection and playcalling.

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