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Why do I want to punch people that wear photochromic lenses?


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If you don't know what these are, they are the lenses in peoples glasses that darken with exposure to light. For some reason, I've always hated these and wanted to punch the people who wear them, in the face. It may have started with a math teacher that wore them. I had to take summer classes with him. He was actually a really nice guy, but I wanted to punch him in the face and I didn't understand why.

That was a long time ago but I never got over it. Now I have a female friend that wears them and I have a controllable(thank god) urge to punch her in the face. One time she showed up to a party without them, she was wearing contacts, and I didn't want to punch her in the face. That's was the only time I can remember not wanting to punch her.

Also, it looks like Rob Dibble wears them. If you don't know who he is, he does Nats games on MASN.


I don't know if I could control my urge to punch this guy in the face. He sucks at his job, makes really annoying comments, and he wears the glasses.

I like regular glasses just fine. What's wrong with me? Why do I want to punch these people? I'm sorry in advance if you wear these, it's nothing against you personally, I just have this photochromic rage.

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Bring it :nana: ...I love mine
They come in handy. Only need one pair of glasses :cool:

I'd be lost without mine. I started to wear my contacts more for the new job and I have lost 5 pairs of sunglasses in the 1st month. I'm getting my frames repaired and going back to the glasses.

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A lot of people have told me that people who wear them look like douchbags...but I'm sorry you really don't want me wearing sunglasses instead of my glasses when I'm driving. And yeah, I usually wear contacts, but sometimes glasses are just more comfortable.

I'm sure there's somethin about you that makes people wanna punch you in the face too :silly: :silly:

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I'll stick to contacts and oakleys.

To each his own. :)


I will never understand spending several hundred dollars on something that looks like it's $10. Oakleys were a fad that were cool when I was in Grade 10. Expensive sunglasses only make sense if they are a) needed for health reasons and B) look as much as they cost! Having nice things is great, as long as they look like nice things. If you need sunglasses get something cheap or get someone with decent style to go with you. Really, I don't trust you to buy something that doesn't make you look like an extra in Zoolander.

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I wear them...they are cheaper than getting a separate, full pair of prescription sunglasses.

Usually when you see them with the weird half-faded look, they are a newer pair. I'm no expert, but I've found from experience that the coating or what have you takes time to "settle in". When I first get a new pair it can take several minutes to blacken up when I go outside and to completely fade to clear again inside. After enough use though, they transition really fast (seconds) and you don't get the weird "in-between" look anymore.

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If you don't know what these are, they are the lenses in peoples glasses that darken with exposure to light. For some reason, I've always hated these and wanted to punch the people who wear them, in the face.

My wife (Sapphire44) wears these glasses because her eye doctor prescribed them to her because her eyes are sensitive to bright light.

So you going to punch her in the face?

You try it and I would knock you out, ***hole.

You are the perfect example of why people here get NNT'ed and you should be one of them.

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They dont bother me because I completely understand their utility and if I wore glasses, I would have a pair. The glasses that bother me are the ones that guys and girls wear that are way too big for their head like those stupid J-lo glasses and all the knock offs. I want to punch people in the face that wear those!

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