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Intern Late on First Day

The 12th Commandment

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It depends. I've been in his position.. something happens on the first day of a job. If I were you I'd get with him and ask him what's wrong with his car. Chances are if he's lying you'll be able to tell then. I he's not, get him to find out how much it would cost to fix it.


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Give the kid a break. Its one time and things happen. He is probably terrified and did not want to have to make that call. If it becomes a regular thing, that is a different story. Even people who are habitually late make it on time the first day so I tend to believe that he really is having car problems. You can scare him a little but dont scare him too bad!

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You're calling him out on making a responsible decision on calling in to say he'll be late, while you're AT work sitting on the forums. Hmmm

haha interesting observation.

To the OP. Yes its the first day and I assume the kid feels horrible. Better he called then not.

Sometimes things happen and especially given its a non-paid internship I would give him the benefit of the doubt and see how he is. If this becomes a habit then you are at no loss given he is unpaid.

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Calling when you're going to be late isn't necessarily responsible, it's something you have to do. Me. Hmmmm indeed. This thread isn't about ME! :D

I know you're trying to joke around, but honestly, as someone who's much closer to his position than yours, this would bother the living hell out of me.

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I know you're trying to joke around, but honestly, as someone who's much closer to his position than yours, this would bother the living hell out of me.

A. I haven't said a thing to him yet, so don't have it your mind that I'm that big a dick.

B. On a monday morning bosses are tired and little cranky too, one of the things I've found helpful when I deal with something I don't like is to gauge others reaction to it before I fly off the handle. If you were my employee you would like that even if you didn't know it was going on.

C. He was so right I was left with little to do but joke. :) (weak defense, maybe, but you'll note I haven't posted in other threads this morning just this)

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Okay, I've thought about it and here's what you should do. Have a mechanic waiting for him in his parking space. Do not let the guy out of his car until the mechanic does a full 50 point inspection on the vehicle to determine if you were being lied to.

while the mechanic is doing the inspection, stand quietly outside his car door and glare at him. Don't say a word.

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Okay, I've thought about it and here's what you should do. Have a mechanic waiting for him in his parking space. Do not let the guy out of his car until the mechanic does a full 50 point inspection on the vehicle to determine if you were being lied to.

while the mechanic is doing the inspection, stand quietly outside his car door and glare at him. Don't say a word.

I'll get a Sheriff's Deputy and a drug sniffing dog to accompany me! I can see the headline now, "Local College Senior Dies of Heart Failure"!

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Okay, I've thought about it and here's what you should do. Have a mechanic waiting for him in his parking space. Do not let the guy out of his car until the mechanic does a full 50 point inspection on the vehicle to determine if you were being lied to.

while the mechanic is doing the inspection, stand quietly outside his car door and glare at him. Don't say a word.

I can see Zoony has dealt with this before! :hysterical:

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This reminds me of the day of my job interview for my first real and current job. My sister took my car keys to school with her for some reason so as I went to leave I realized I had no way to get there.

Luckily my father left work and gave me a ride there so I wasn't late but I was sweating like crazy and had been freaking out. My to be boss could tell something was wrong so I told him the story and we still joke about it to this day 2.5 years later.

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