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Game Informer: Xbox 360 at 54.2 percent failure rate


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The latest issue of Game Informer contains a surprising statistic for anyone who's ever loved and lost their Microsoft-branded home console – according to their survey, in which over 5,000 console owners participated, the Xbox 360's current failure rate due to the Red Ring of Death, E74 or other hardware failure is 54.2 percent. They also calculated the relative death toll for PS3s due to the Yellow Light of Death (10.3 percent) and Wiis, due to ... well, we're not actually sure what color the Wii's light turns to upon its demise (6.8 percent).

Source: Game Informer


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I read this in this months issue. Nothing new here, im on my third 360 in three years. Microsoft better start looking over its shoulder. Sony just dropped the price on the system, and that FPS on steroids MAG comes out in January. All Sony needs to do is perfect their online system and Microsoft will be on their heels reeling. Do they have something like gamer achievements? I know its petty, but i do like it when I unexpectedly do something good enough to warrent some achievment points. and no I dont horde gamer points, I have multiple accounts and they my girl plays as well. Gamerscore means nothing to me, I just like getting a little token for hitting a milestone in the game im playing, no matter how small the milestone is. Its like a pat on the back or an "I see you pimpin!" comment. "Good Job Stew, you just found all the bobbleheads in FallOut3... not an easy thing to do" is kinda what I get out of it.

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Toaster Oven: have you called Nintendo? Their customer service is awesome...they might be able to repair it for you. My DS Lite recently broke; I called them, they gave me a link to print out a free shipping label to mail it to them and now I am getting a new one for free. Same thing happened with one of my wii discs got scratched. (Completely our fault--kids were too rough with the game; Nintendo was not at fault at all.) Replaced it free of charge. They are really awesome and really stand by their products.

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I read this in this months issue. Nothing new here, im on my third 360 in three years. Microsoft better start looking over its shoulder. Sony just dropped the price on the system, and that FPS on steroids MAG comes out in January. All Sony needs to do is perfect their online system and Microsoft will be on their heels reeling. Do they have something like gamer achievements? I know its petty, but i do like it when I unexpectedly do something good enough to warrent some achievment points. and no I dont horde gamer points, I have multiple accounts and they my girl plays as well. Gamerscore means nothing to me, I just like getting a little token for hitting a milestone in the game im playing, no matter how small the milestone is. Its like a pat on the back or an "I see you pimpin!" comment. "Good Job Stew, you just found all the bobbleheads in FallOut3... not an easy thing to do" is kinda what I get out of it.

The PS3 has "trophy's" they're kinda lame, but better than nothing I reckon.

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I read this in this months issue. Nothing new here, im on my third 360 in three years. Microsoft better start looking over its shoulder. Sony just dropped the price on the system, and that FPS on steroids MAG comes out in January. All Sony needs to do is perfect their online system and Microsoft will be on their heels reeling. Do they have something like gamer achievements? I know its petty, but i do like it when I unexpectedly do something good enough to warrent some achievment points. and no I dont horde gamer points, I have multiple accounts and they my girl plays as well. Gamerscore means nothing to me, I just like getting a little token for hitting a milestone in the game im playing, no matter how small the milestone is. Its like a pat on the back or an "I see you pimpin!" comment. "Good Job Stew, you just found all the bobbleheads in FallOut3... not an easy thing to do" is kinda what I get out of it.

Yeah they got trophies.

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Also, I have to say that I am now sold on the PS3...after years of poopooing it. That price drop is awesome, and having a slim system that doesn't take up half the entertainment center is mighty handy. Add in blu-ray and there's no reason not to get one.

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I will buy a PS3 Slim when I can for the exclusives and blueray. Won't change over to PS3 because the controllers are cheap pieces of garbage and absolutely suck for games like COD5.

I'm the opposite of you. I HATE the MS controller, that thing just has a horrible feel.

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My 360 went out on my once. Got my new one back pretty quickly though.

I'd say about 5 or 6 of my friends in my fraternity house that had 360s played them pretty often with Rock Band, FIFA or NCAA tournaments, etc., and none of them ever had any problems in the two years I was there. I was the only one who got the Red Ring. Strange.

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I have gone through three 360s and I barely even use it.

They've replaced them for free, but still.

I would get a PS3 but all the good games seem to be on the 360. Plus, I already have a stand-alone BR player and really don't play that many games anyway.

But the 360 failure rate is ridiculous. Objectively speaking, the PS3 makes so much more sense at this point.

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That's embarrassing or should be for Microsoft but my 360 has worked fine for a year so far so we will see.

Also, the PS controllers have SUCKED since the original came out in 1995. Awful pieces of junk. The 360 controller is 10x better as the the Gamecube and N64 controller.

But SNES will always be the best.

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I feel pretty lucky. I have my 360 since launch day and all is good. Although when the Halo3 beta came out I did get the RROD but I took it apart and for 5 bucks worth of screws and washers I replaced the xclamps that hold the heatsinks to the motherboard with nuts and bolts. It's been flawless ever since.

My friends and I have about an 95% fix rate of RROD xboxes.

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I feel pretty lucky. I have my 360 since launch day and all is good. Although when the Halo3 beta came out I did get the RROD but I took it apart and for 5 bucks worth of screws and washers I replaced the xclamps that hold the heatsinks to the motherboard with nuts and bolts. It's been flawless ever since.

My friends and I have about an 95% fix rate of RROD xboxes.

Wow, so that means that you and your friends have had at least 20 Xbox 360s die on you (19/20 = 95%).;)

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Wow, so that means that you and your friends have had at least 20 Xbox 360s die on you (19/20 = 95%).;)

We have fixed 9 out of 10. And they haven't died on us, they have died on people we know.

The theory out there is that when the xbox gets hot the motherboard flexes and the xclamps do a crappy job of keeping the heatsinks on a solid connection to the cpu/gpu chips. By replacing the xclamps and screwing down the heatsinks it insures a solid connection to the chips.

As much as I love my xbox, it's a crappy failure rate for something that can be fixed with 5 dollars worth of screws and washers from Lowes.

That's ok though, since I had to break the warranty seal 1 week before Microsoft came out with the 3 year replacement for the RROD I went ahead and modded my DVD firmware to play burned games, so I feel even with Microsoft.

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