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Obama's Body Language Revealed


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Yeah, two wrongs DO make a right.

I swear. How can people not GET that?

Rather than LEARN from the past 8 years of mudslinging the best course of action is to do the same stuff you complain about!

Everyone knows that!



So therfore since the dems are in office, the mudslinging should stop.

Good luck with that. ;)

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This kind of stupidity is hilarious. This is the kind of article that a wacko professor would write about Bush, and the right apparently has their own wackos. Welcome to the nuthouse conservatives.

....which is right next to Libs nuthouse whom claimed that Bush #43 planned 9/11.

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All insane pettiness aside, I think it's pretty cool to see Crowley helping Gates down the stairs. If these guys can figure out how to act like adults around each other maybe we could all try and follow the example.

One can always hope.

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All insane pettiness aside, I think it's pretty cool to see Crowley helping Gates down the stairs. If these guys can figure out how to act like adults around each other maybe we could all try and follow the example.

One can always hope.

...and this is what should have come of that picture. But hey, it's too much fun saying "your side sucks" when both sides suck :)

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They have Photos of Obama so called looking at womans butt.

I saw that too, but watched a clip of that incident that cleared things up.

Funny thing is, the french president, was definitely checking her out. Apparently that chick was a minor too, 16 yr old lol!!

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All insane pettiness aside, I think it's pretty cool to see Crowley helping Gates down the stairs. If these guys can figure out how to act like adults around each other maybe we could all try and follow the example.

One can always hope.

I agree, I thought it was a cool picture

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So therfore since the dems are in office, the mudslinging should stop.

Good luck with that. ;)

Well, if you can control it, you can control it. If the right is slinging mud and they don't want mud slung, they could set a better example regardless of what the left does. Then you DO have a moral high ground from which to survey.


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Luckily they didn't publish the photo of Biden kicking Gates' cane across the lawn after their chat.

****ing LOL!

I don't think Crowley was helping Gates down the stairs. I believe this was taking as he is getting a good grip on Gates, right before he pushed him down the last step.

That is how I see it...

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All this points too is that Obama's beer meeting was a stunning success. Race problem in a major city completely and totally difused by Obama. No Sharpton rallies, no threats from Jesse Jackson, and no one fired because of political pressure. They sat down like men and talked to eachother.

In that picture the cop is helping the guy that was so enraged...

Imagine that. But hey don't let the fact that Obama handled a race battle with class get in the way of stupid comments.

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Proof Ten Times Over of Why Obama is the Worst President Ever

1. Obama is leading with his left foot. This is clearly a hidden message meant to signify his leftist principles. He is literally and figuratively stepping towards socialism.

2. Look at that posture. It just screams "I'm a socialist!"

3. The white officer is being forced to assist the black professor. Clearly, whites are being forced into subservience under Obama's new policies!

4. Obama isn't wearing a jacket. How "convenient" - we all see through this sorry excuse to get away with not wearing a flag pin, AGAIN.

5. Obama rolled his sleeves up to meet with the "common man," yet another example of his elitist attitudes. What's wrong, Obama? Can't have the peasantry staining your shirt sleeves?

6. Crowley is forced to wear a blue shirt, while Obama and Gates wear white. Everyone knows that white is associated with good while dark is associated with bad. Reverse racism has no place in the White House!

7. Obama walks in front of both Gates and Crowley, further reinforcing the fact that he clearly believes he is better than Joe Professor or Joe Cop.

8. Look closely at the picture. Notice anything funny? You nailed it! Obama was clearly not born in the United States.

9. Notice those wrinkles in Obama's pants leg? Obviously, Obama saves his pressed pants for his meetings with "more important" people.

10. Take another look at Obama's watch. Yep! Made in China! As if it weren't enough that China already owns 90% of the country, they now own the president's watch!

Yet another example why this country is ready for PALIN 2012!

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