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Obama's Body Language Revealed


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Proof Ten Times Over of Why Obama is the Worst President Ever

1. Obama is leading with his left foot. This is clearly a hidden message meant to signify his leftist principles. He is literally and figuratively stepping towards socialism.

Yet another example why this country is ready for PALIN 2012!

I know this was supposed to be a humorous post, but #1 is telling and has me nervous. Anyone who has studied neurology knows that the hemisphere's are cross linked. That is why, for example, so many artists are right brained and left handed.

If this photo is to be believed, Obama is "right" dominant. That's right! Obama is a Righty and not a leftist at all! The conservatives are right! We have been lied to! Obama is a member of the Right! He's one of THEM!

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I didn't need a picture like this to tell me that Obama's a piece of ****. :silly:

For all we know, they planned it this way so America could "see" these two actually being polite to each other.

And that is a bad thing!

We need to have the racial distrust and anger build!!!!

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No I wouldnt....I work with the Middle East. I know this ****.

:stfu: kthnxbye

:silly: You "work with the Middle East"? :silly: Just by phrasing it that way I have to ask, is that anything like being able to see Russia from your front yard? You really need to be telling people to stfu?

As far as that photo, everyone knows the background of it, the pic was pretty big news at the time. Which was when you were, what, twelve years old?

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And that is a bad thing!

We need to have the racial distrust and anger build!!!!

Not sure what you mean. Maybe you misread my post. I, myself, think Obama is a piece of ****.

My second line was saying that if it was planned it was a good thing that is being turned around against Obama.

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Dangit i have to:

In the picture they got of the president looking at the girl.. they showed the clip and he was turning around to help his wife. it was Sarcosi(sp) that was scoping the bottom.

In the above picture the leader of the mediation is supposed to lead out the two now reconciled meeting members who are now a team against racial profiling on both parts.

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GOP Partisan thinking: "Everything Obama does is wrong, so we will scour every photo and every sentence that we can apply our own context to and use it to show how superior we are as Conservatives."


That ahs a familiar ring to it. The dems did the same thing to Bush. It'll just get worse.

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Democratic Partisan thinking: "Everything Bush does(did) is wrong, so we will scour every photo and every sentence that we can apply our own context to and use it to show how superior we are as liberals."


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Dangit i have to:

In the picture they got of the president looking at the girl.. ....

In the above picture the leader of the mediation .......

And in this Picture...........


Obamas *** is flying in the air, knees bent while his head is lowered below the level of the King


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:silly: You "work with the Middle East"? :silly: Just by phrasing it that way I have to ask, is that anything like being able to see Russia from your front yard? You really need to be telling people to stfu?

As far as that photo, everyone knows the background of it, the pic was pretty big news at the time. Which was when you were, what, twelve years old?

Yeah, I work WITH the Middle East...aka Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. :doh:

Its not uncommon to see the Admirals from their Navies holding hands when they walk around.

And yes, apparently I do need to tell people to :stfu:

So now youre being a ageist? Nice.

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Proof Ten Times Over of Why Obama is the Worst President Ever

1. Obama is leading with his left foot. This is clearly a hidden message meant to signify his leftist principles. He is literally and figuratively stepping towards socialism.

2. Look at that posture. It just screams "I'm a socialist!"

3. The white officer is being forced to assist the black professor. Clearly, whites are being forced into subservience under Obama's new policies!

4. Obama isn't wearing a jacket. How "convenient" - we all see through this sorry excuse to get away with not wearing a flag pin, AGAIN.

5. Obama rolled his sleeves up to meet with the "common man," yet another example of his elitist attitudes. What's wrong, Obama? Can't have the peasantry staining your shirt sleeves?

6. Crowley is forced to wear a blue shirt, while Obama and Gates wear white. Everyone knows that white is associated with good while dark is associated with bad. Reverse racism has no place in the White House!

7. Obama walks in front of both Gates and Crowley, further reinforcing the fact that he clearly believes he is better than Joe Professor or Joe Cop.

8. Look closely at the picture. Notice anything funny? You nailed it! Obama was clearly not born in the United States.

9. Notice those wrinkles in Obama's pants leg? Obviously, Obama saves his pressed pants for his meetings with "more important" people.

10. Take another look at Obama's watch. Yep! Made in China! As if it weren't enough that China already owns 90% of the country, they now own the president's watch!

Yet another example why this country is ready for PALIN 2012!

11) Obama isn't WHITE. :doh:

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So therfore since the dems are in office, the mudslinging should stop.

Good luck with that. ;)

Sooo...you are arguing that two wrongs do indeed make a right? Because you were the one who posted this nonsense to begin with so I can only assume that you are just doing your part in the mudslinging.

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