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Obama's Body Language Revealed


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It looks more like he is introducing them to each other :whoknows:

See you're missing the game, you're supposed to do like the blog in the OP and apply your own context to the photo, the goal is to in some way diminish the character or credibility of the President in the process. There should be a special thread for this game, but I'm afraid some might believe the things that might be said.;)

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See you're missing the game, you're supposed to do like the blog in the OP and apply your own context to the photo, the goal is to in some way diminish the character or credibility of the President in the process. There should be a special thread for this game, but I'm afraid some might believe the things that might be said.;)

Oh, I getcha.

It looks like he was surprised when the other guy didnt know what a 'Terrorist Fist-Bump' was.

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Well, if you can control it, you can control it. If the right is slinging mud and they don't want mud slung, they could set a better example regardless of what the left does. Then you DO have a moral high ground from which to survey.


Thanks for the advice Ghandi, whoops I mean Bang.

Sooo...you are arguing that two wrongs do indeed make a right? Because you were the one who posted this nonsense to begin with so I can only assume that you are just doing your part in the mudslinging.

Mudslinging , maybe if that is what you want to call it, but I prefer to call it freedom of speech. But what I was saying in an earlier post was that for 8 years dems did alot of the same. Now they want everyone to keep quiet now that they are in control.

Once again all i can say is "Good luck with that."

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Proof Ten Times Over of Why Obama is the Worst President Ever

1. Obama is leading with his left foot. This is clearly a hidden message meant to signify his leftist principles. He is literally and figuratively stepping towards socialism.

2. Look at that posture. It just screams "I'm a socialist!"

3. The white officer is being forced to assist the black professor. Clearly, whites are being forced into subservience under Obama's new policies!

4. Obama isn't wearing a jacket. How "convenient" - we all see through this sorry excuse to get away with not wearing a flag pin, AGAIN.

5. Obama rolled his sleeves up to meet with the "common man," yet another example of his elitist attitudes. What's wrong, Obama? Can't have the peasantry staining your shirt sleeves?

6. Crowley is forced to wear a blue shirt, while Obama and Gates wear white. Everyone knows that white is associated with good while dark is associated with bad. Reverse racism has no place in the White House!

7. Obama walks in front of both Gates and Crowley, further reinforcing the fact that he clearly believes he is better than Joe Professor or Joe Cop.

8. Look closely at the picture. Notice anything funny? You nailed it! Obama was clearly not born in the United States.

9. Notice those wrinkles in Obama's pants leg? Obviously, Obama saves his pressed pants for his meetings with "more important" people.

10. Take another look at Obama's watch. Yep! Made in China! As if it weren't enough that China already owns 90% of the country, they now own the president's watch!

Yet another example why this country is ready for PALIN 2012!

It's baffling to me that, though you are joking, right wing talk show hosts speak exactly in the same manner. If you said those were quotes from radio hosts, I'd have no trouble believing you.

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Mudslinging , maybe if that is what you want to call it, but I prefer to call it freedom of speech. But what I was saying in an earlier post was that for 8 years dems did alot of the same. Now they want everyone to keep quiet now that they are in control.

Once again all i can say is "Good luck with that."

This is what my 4 year old little girl tells me, "He started it so why should I stop?!" Congrats on being as mature as my 4 year old.

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This is what my 4 year old little girl tells me, "He started it so why should I stop?!" Congrats on being as mature as my 4 year old.

Okay, one minute your talking about mudslinging and now your bringing the sticks and stones.

Anyway here to that your daughter will still have the right to free-speech when she gets older.:cheers:

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This really should be on freerepublic.com and not here.

Shouldn't you be in Kenya trying to track down a birth certificate?

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They won't want this at The Stadium

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Thanks for the advice Ghandi, whoops I mean Bang.

Mudslinging , maybe if that is what you want to call it, but I prefer to call it freedom of speech. But what I was saying in an earlier post was that for 8 years dems did alot of the same. Now they want everyone to keep quiet now that they are in control.

Once again all i can say is "Good luck with that."

So in other words you can't / won't control it, you condone it when it comes from your side, and you excuse it by complaining the other side does it too, but when they do it you cry foul. You call it freedom of speech, I call it screeching about every fool thing that comes into your head, including this completely, and i mean TOTALLY idiotic "body language" conspiracy. The reality that there are people who actually believe this sort of thing is enough to make me wonder what kind of country my son will end up with.

You sincerely believe that two wrongs make a right. It doesn't take Gandhi to tell you that is the behavior of a spoiled child.


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So in other words you can't / won't control it, you condone it when it comes from your side, and you excuse it by complaining the other side does it too, but when they do it you cry foul. You call it freedom of speech, I call it screeching about every fool thing that comes into your head, including this completely, and i mean TOTALLY idiotic "body language" conspiracy. The reality that there are people who actually believe this sort of thing is enough to make me wonder what kind of country my son will end up with.

You sincerely believe that two wrongs make a right. It doesn't take Gandhi to tell you that is the behavior of a spoiled child.


1st, well it appears that I affended you Bang. I mean I pick on a Prez that you chose and I am sorry. I am sorry that you voted for him. Now just because you have your prez in office does not mean we will al be singing "Kumbaya" right away.

2nd, all I was saying is that for the last fews years the libs have been posting negative things about our last prez. Some of the posts were valid and some not and I responded accordingly in either agreement or disagreement. But I know they have the right to state their opinion and I wish they will continue to do so. Now that the "shoe is on the other foot", I feel like I am being told to sit in the corner and keep quiet. Well both you and I both know that is certainly impossible.

3rd, remember one's man fool thing is another man jewel. I don't what that means but that just popped in my head.

4th, what conspiracy theorists think may be the least of worries when it comes to the future of this country. Our sons and daughter will more than likely have to still pay for this stimulus package when they get older (I know Bush had alot to do with our current situation and some believe this is what we need). I hope that our kids will still have the right to have more than one opinion on a particular issue when they get older. I just hope that when yours and my sons gets older, that they will not still be paying for our last two presidents mistakes.

5th, yes I am exhibiting the behavior of a spoiled child. I am spoiled because I want to have the right to have an opinion and for you to either agree or disagree. I am spoiled in the fact that I want to maintain my civil liberties and not to have a big government invading mine or another other rights. I am spoiled in the fact that I want everyone to have some form of healthcare, so long as it does not effect mine or my family. If you said that I am exhibiting the behavior of a spoiled child, I'm guilty.

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What a pathetic post.

You act like this thread began with your carefully well-reasoned critique of Obama's most recent health care proposal.

Well, it didn't. It began with you flinging :pooh: at the wall, and everyone who got on your case did so because you are a :pooh: flinger, not because you have conservative views.

Act like a grown up and people will treat you like a grown up.

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What a pathetic post.

You act like this thread began with your carefully well-reasoned critique of Obama's most recent health care proposal.

Well, it didn't. It began with you flinging :pooh: at the wall, and everyone why got on your case did so because you are a :pooh: flinger, not because you have conservative views.

Act like a grown up and people will treat you like a grown up.

We' see who's pathetic once the :pooh: hits the fan if this healthcare bill passes.

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We' see who's pathetic once the :pooh: hits the fan if this healthcare bill passes.

Excuse me? Was anyone talking about healthcare bills around here?

Err no. Afraid not. This crappy thread is about "body language" and you started it.

So, no matter what happens with healthcare, you will still be a troll.

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What a pathetic post.

You act like this thread began with your carefully well-reasoned critique of Obama's most recent health care proposal.

Well, it didn't. It began with you flinging :pooh: at the wall, and everyone who got on your case did so because you are a :pooh: flinger, not because you have conservative views.

Act like a grown up and people will treat you like a grown up.

Excuse me? Was anyone talking about healthcare bills around here?

Err no. Afraid not. This crappy thread is about "body language" and you started it.

So, no matter what happens with healthcare, you will still be a troll.

You mentioned healthcare as well. I guess it takes a troll to see a troll.

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