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This is a "God" question


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Ok, I just have a simple question. In today's society we see mostly among our celebrities in actors or athletes once achieving this great saught after goal, immediately thank God because they couldn't have done it with out him. Now what exactly are they thanking him for, God didn't score that winning touchdown, or produce that number 1 track that won a grammy it was that individual, hence why they are getting the award.

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they are thanking him/her for the talent they were born with that helped achieve that goal or award....me i would thank luck, timing, and hard work to get to that opportunity for greatness and not some great unknown...but thats just me...oh and always thank your parents and not just Mom(which irks me as a Dad :), royalty check out to the Cos) as they gave you the genetic makeup and hopefully the personal drive and humbleness to be there and say such a thing. RabidFan 3:16 i hope no one takes offense, just making a jokey.

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You have to understand, in all seriousness, when bad things happen God made them happen for a valid reason or it wasn't his doing or at least that kid is in a better place and when good things happen, it was because of him. It's just the way it works.

I completely agree. :)

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for Christians, we believe that all things are because of God. Without God, we would not be where we are. Hence the thanking. Not to say it was all God, obviously the person who "won" did the work. However, God is an inspiration if you will.

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Acctually, I think most everyone feels that there is a higher power force that works on all of us in one way or another, and it's a reaction in our sub-concious that we react to a succesfull endevor to thank that force, also, when things occure that are negative it's the same.

My opinion

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for Christians, we believe that all things are because of God. Without God, we would not be where we are. Hence the thanking. Not to say it was all God, obviously the person who "won" did the work. However, God is an inspiration if you will.

And I completely understand where you are coming from with this belief. The "pickle" I feel like I'm in, is that if God is given all the glory and thanks when the good happens, theres always an excuse for him when the bad comes. Such as, well hes making you stronger or has a better plan.

Let me just say, I was raised in a great Church, and things were all great with God while things were good with my family and financially stability was present. Then at the same time I have these strong "dislikings" if you will, towards "God" because of some events I've endured but at the same time, I sit back and look at this vast universe and galaxy and just know something beyond us and higher up had something to do with this all.

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When it comes to sports I feel like that is the thing that God just let's happen. He might use the results for his will. But as for the actual event, I think he is like it is what it is.

AS far as thanking him for an award or what not, ljs got it. When bad things happen, they happen for a reason. We might know the reason, or we might never find out the reason. But it is a reason. Sounds stupid and it don't make sense. But that is when the fait needs to start kicking in.

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If God existed DC sports would not suck like they do. Letting Pittsburgh win the Superbowl and Stanley Cup proves that there truly is no God.

Slacky, sometimes I ask God why too. I am still waiting for an answer for the 99 season opener when Rocket Ishmal scored the game wining TD for the Cowboys.

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And I completely understand where you are coming from with this belief. The "pickle" I feel like I'm in, is that if God is given all the glory and thanks when the good happens, theres always an excuse for him when the bad comes. Such as, well hes making you stronger or has a better plan.

Let me just say, I was raised in a great Church, and things were all great with God while things were good with my family and financially stability was present. Then at the same time I have these strong "dislikings" if you will, towards "God" because of some events I've endured but at the same time, I sit back and look at this vast universe and galaxy and just know something beyond us and higher up had something to do with this all.

I'll add this, why do people thank their parents, friends and others? It's not like they did the work. I mean, how can your mom be the one responsible if you score a touchdown?

You thank people/God for being there in your life, for inspiration, not thanking them for being the one who 'did' the job.

in regard to thanking God for good but then excusing him for the bad in the world...

The bad in the world has nothing to do with God, it is due to Satan. If you are upset with God because of negative things in your life- you are upset at the wrong "person".

"Spirit is God and God is good. Evil is not spiritual, and has no groundwork in life-whose only source is Spirit. The elements which belong to the eternal All-Life, Truth, Love-Evil can never take away."(excerp from a book my sis just handed me)

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The bad in the world has nothing to do with God, it is due to Satan. If you are upset with God because of negative things in your life- you are upset at the wrong "person".

I don't buy that. God created the possibility of evil. He created Lucifer or the Devil. He didn't uncreate him after his fall. He tolerates Hell and devils and demons and having foul influences coursing throw his world. He also set into motion chains of action and nature that randomly "cause" evil.

If there is good because of God then there is also bad. He created all of it.

As for thanking God, he gave us opportunities, he provided potential. I don't necessarily believe he picked you over the guy. I don't believe he made the cb slip so the receiver could break free and score, but he did create the grass so you have something to run on. He created the body that you use. So, there's good in thanking God just as there is in thanking all of those who helped guide you and make you what you are.

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The potential is not the same as the deed....Free Will allows both good and evil(sorta required;)) and these people are celebrating the results of their choices by trying to share what they feel is responsible.

We don't get to where we are in life by accident,but rather as a result of choices and reactions to events

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You have to understand, in all seriousness, when bad things happen God made them happen for a valid reason or it wasn't his doing or at least that kid is in a better place and when good things happen, it was because of him. It's just the way it works.

That's... convenient.

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I'll add this, why do people thank their parents, friends and others? It's not like they did the work. I mean, how can your mom be the one responsible if you score a touchdown?

because they exist and most likely did have influence.

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because they exist and most likely did have influence.

Yep, mom let em have a life and apparently didn't screw up their psych enough to get blamed by their analyst.;)

Dad sometimes get's honorable mention for not choking them to death along the way

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