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FOXNEWS reports 3 shot at Holocaust Museum


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MSNBC: Suspect connected to anti-government and white supremacist groups

PS: That semi-fits the mold I was referring to. Just he is an American, but it's the same thought I had when I typed my previous comment.

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PS: That semi-fits the mold I was referring to. Just he is an American, but it's the same thought I had when I typed my previous comment.
Why say you're angry if you're not angry?

-EDIT: Reading comprehension is my friend.

I understand. I stupidly presumed you were thinking it must be an Islamic terrorist or something.:chair:

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We shouldn't fight in this thread. Kdawgs' statement was pretty innocent. I think we all have dark suspscions when we hear about events like this. I think it's more imporant to rally for than bicker amongst.

Damn shame idiots and hate rule so many lives. It's a blessing so few seem to have been hurt.

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We shouldn't fight in this thread. Kdawgs' statement was pretty innocent. I think we all have dark suspscions when we hear about events like this. I think it's more imporant to rally for than bicker amongst.

Damn shame idiots and hate rule so many lives. It's a blessing so few seem to have been hurt.

Well said.

I sorry, KDAWG.:shot:

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Any wagers on this guys nationality?

I'm guessing it won't be American.

Identified on Fox News as James W Von Brunn

Member of the MENSA Society and a WW2 PT Boat Captain then in the Film Industry apparently lost it after a court case that didn't go in his favor.

His pic doesn't have him looking that old.

Here's a wikipedia bio


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I hate how anti-government and white supremacist are lumped together :mad:
Well, this guy was actually both anti-government and a white supremacist. Before today, he was most famous for trying to arrest the Federal Reserve:

From his own website:

In 1981 Von Brunn attempted to place the treasonous Federal Reserve Board of Governors under legal, non-violent, citizens arrest. He was tried in a Washington, D.C. Superior Court; convicted by a Negro jury, Jew/Negro attorneys, and sentenced to prison for eleven years by a Jew judge. A Jew/Negro/White Court of Appeals denied his appeal. He served 6.5 years in federal prison.
I think "anti-government white supremacist" is about as accurate as it gets.


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I hate how anti-government and white supremacist are lumped together :mad:

Well. I would say .001% of anti-government people are white supremacists. But I would say 75% of white supremacists are anti-government.

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