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FOXNEWS reports 3 shot at Holocaust Museum


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is the museum really just packed with jews? I would think it was like every other museum in DC and just packed with kids/every day people.

did he ask them for some ID specifying they were Jewish before unloading on them? If you are going to do something this stupid you might as well at least make sure you shoot the right people. If these people were just normal Christian American he pretty much did the exact opposite of what he would want to.

In his world, he could be pretty well assured that if these people weren't Jews they were at least Jew Lovers which is almost as bad. Why should he care if some traitors to the white race get gunned down along with Jews and Blacks?

Its horrible to realize that such people exist right in our midst.

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This is getting a lot more press and attention than the Muslim extremist who shot, and killed, the Army recruiter in Little Rock.

Actually, that story got a ton of attention, but it got pushed off the top of the headlines by the even bigger story of the Air France plane crash disaster that very same day.

But you go on being paranoid.

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Actually, that story got a ton of attention, but it got pushed off the top of the headlines by the even bigger story of the Air France plane crash disaster that very same day.

But you go on being paranoid.

No paranoia here. Murders happen everyday. Why we choose to get all bent out of shape for particular ones I'll never understand. It's unfortunate this incident will be used to further people's agendas.

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No paranoia here. Murders happen everyday. Why we choose to get all bent out of shape for particular ones I'll never understand. It's unfortunate this incident will be used to further people's agendas.
Like yours.
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On CNN right now, they are talking about how white supremist groups are celebrating right now for his "heroism" today. :doh: Terrible.

Of course and all these news channels are going to have this idiots face on the news more then the victims. This is going to inspire more idiot acts like the one that happened today. Just like how Columbine tragedy inspired more school shootings.....

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Your agenda.

You can now pretend that you don't have one, but the people on this forum aren't new to your "this story got more attention" tactic.

I'm simply making an observation.

Add you must have me confused with someone else. I rarely post here. Maybe 20 posts total.

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Look at this crap, you cant even turn around with out seeing the picture and story of this sorry ****** cowardly ****. I swear I HATE the ******* media....They are going make a hero out of this ass hole....Cant find a picture of security guard that was killed no where (I saw his picture, just making a point).

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Look at this crap, you cant even turn around with out seeing the picture and story of this sorry ****** cowardly ****. I swear I HATE the ******* media....They are going make a hero ass hole....Cant find a picture of security guard that was killed no where (I saw his picture, just making a point).

The media doesn't care about the victim. They want ratings and this murderer is a ratings bonanza.

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Of course and all these news channels are going to have this idiots face on the news more then the victims.

Exactly...the hero will be forgotten, and all the attention is going to be on the psycho.

I know what that family is going through right now, and it is going to just be a whirlwind for the next year. But, they should take solace in the fact that their father, brother, son, etc. saved many many people today from being shot by a mad man and is the true definition of a hero.

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I know how you feel, but the world isn't always that way. I think it's important to remember that sometimes it's better than you expect. Here's a story from my family fitting only because it happened in Poland in 1940. It's one that gives me hope.

When my family was escaping to Russia from Poland at the end of 1939, they found a farmer who was willing to give them a ride in a hay cart. They rode for two days without incident, but on the third day a German soldier found them. They were ordered out of the cart and threatened at gun point. I think the soldier wanted to provoke my family into doing something. Finally, he stopped and looked around. He then looked at the couple and their baby. My mom was about six months old at the time... and he put his gun down.

He said he had to do his duty... had to do what was right and then led them to the trainstation. The Germans there jeered and through rocks, but the soldier stopped them saying... "No, these are not Jews. They are Russians who hate Stalin." and because of that lie, a Nazi knowingly saved my family. They were "forced" onto a train and made it into temporary safety.

I think it's important to remember that even though the world can seem monstrous, when you least expect it a monster can turn out to be an angel. We must be ever vigilant of hate, but the lessons of those who choose to do good must be remembered too.

Never forget, but never let hate and despair win.

With your permission I'd like to email this to a couple of friends of Jewish faith.

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No paranoia here. Murders happen everyday. Why we choose to get all bent out of shape for particular ones I'll never understand. It's unfortunate this incident will be used to further people's agendas.

And what agenda exactly is being pushed here, and for whom? Let me guess, the black agenda and the Jewish agenda.

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Well, from the way I've heard it described, he didn't really get in. He basically took a step or two into the building and that was where the confrontation took place. Really, security needs to be praised here. They did as well as you could ever hope really.

Very true Burgold who knows how much worse things could've gotten if not for them.

I found the story you posted very moving...thank you for posting it.

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Dirty Bird,

This story carries a special resonance and symbolism because of where the shooting took place. That's why it is "newsworthy." Memorials are already places of grief. They should be respected.

I agree that all life is holy and equally valuable and every murder is monstrous.

We must pay attention to hate. We must pay attention to people who would spit on a grave and continue an attrocity.

There is a statement behind this murder that everyone needs to pay attention to and be wary against. Good people should never let these people win although we too often do.

Luckily, only one was killed, but it was luck. It is something that is worthy of our notice, conversation, and concern.

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Those of us who work in an office - thank your security guard today. Chances are he or she will never have to face what Steven Johns had to yesterday, but they have trained to do so. Let's make sure they don't feel underappreciated.

Here's a nice tribute to the fallen security guard, from the Washington Post:

Guard Remembered as 'Soft-Spoken, Gentle Giant'

By Christian Davenport and Paul Duggan

Washington Post Staff Writers

Thursday, June 11, 2009; 8:31 AM

Colleagues called Stephen T. Johns "Big John," for he was well over 6 feet tall. But mostly friends recalled the security guard's constant courtesy and friendliness.

"A soft-spoken, gentle giant," said Milton Talley, a former employee of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, where Johns was killed yesterday in the line of duty -- shot, authorities said, by an avowed white supremacist who entered the museum with a rifle.

"A wonderful individual . . . a truly jovial human being," museum director Sara J. Bloomfield said on this morning on NBC's "Today" show.

Details of the shooting remained sketchy last night, but apparently the 39-year-old guard, who was armed with a .38-caliber revolver, did not have time to react when James W. von Brunn walked into the museum, according to police sources.

"Immediately upon entering the front doors of the museum, he raised the rifle and started shooting," D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said of von Brunn, 88, adding that he "was engaged by security guards, and there was an exchange of gunfire."

When the smoke cleared, von Brunn was critically wounded. The only casualty among the guards was Johns, who lived in Prince George's County. At least one bullet from a small-caliber rifle hit Johns in his upper-left torso, according to Johns's employer, the Wackenhut security company.

"Two other . . . armed security officers opened fire with their service revolvers," the company said. "The intruder was hit at once" and wounded.

Johns died at George Washington University Hospital.

"There are no words to express our grief and shock over these events," the museum said in a statement, describing Johns as "an outstanding colleague who greeted us every day with a smile."

Johns, a 1988 graduate of Crossland High School in Temple Hills, lived in an apartment in the Temple Hills area. Friends said he had a son.

Allen Burcky, another former museum employee, said last night that workers there considered each other "like family" and that Johns was "very courteous, very helpful."

Lourdes Padilla, the mother of a close friend, said that Johns trained as a plumber but that she didn't think he had ever entered the trade. He remarried about a year ago, Padilla said.

. . .

William S. Parsons, the Holocaust museum's chief of staff, praised Johns and his colleagues.

"Never take your guard force or your security people for granted," Parsons said. "They did exactly what they were supposed to do."

Complete article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/11/AR2009061101206_2.html?hpid=topnews

They announced that the Holocaust Memorial Museum will remain closed today in honor of Steven T. Johns.

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