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FOXNEWS reports 3 shot at Holocaust Museum


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What the ****ing hell is wrong with people? I am so discouraged with humanity right now, I really am. This has just been a God awful week.

This is one of those weeks I will look at my son as he sleeps tonight and say, "I am so sorry that I can't fix the world for you."

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This is one of those weeks I will look at my son as he sleeps tonight and say, "I am so sorry that I can't fix the world for you."
Seriously, I can hardly watch the news anymore.

Unbelievably, just yesterday we were notified that the mother of one of my softball players was brutally murdered and her body just dumped off in the hospital parking lot on Monday, like a piece of trash.

Trying to provide support for all the girls feels like an impossible task...I mean, I can't really honestly comfort them and tell them about the redeeming qualities of humanity, especially whenever you turn on the news and constantly see stories of completely atrocious crimes like this; some crazy person going into a museum meant to commemorate victims of the Holocaust and shooting the place up trying to kill innocent people. Really, how do you try to make sense of the constant barrage of **** like this?

I'm sorry, but this latest story has just put me over the edge of discouragment and pissed-offedness. I am so sorry for the innocent people who were shot in this incident. Simply awful.

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Seriously, I can hardly watch the news anymore.

Unbelievably, just yesterday we were notified that the mother of one of my softball players was brutally murdered and her body just dumped off in the hospital parking lot on Monday, like a piece of trash.

Trying to provide support for all the girls feels like an impossible task...I mean, I can't really honestly comfort them and tell them about the redeeming qualities of humanity, especially whenever you turn on the news and constantly see stories of completely atrocious crimes like this; some crazy person going into a museum meant to commemorate victims of the Holocaust and shooting the place up trying to kill innocent people. Really, how do you try to make sense of the constant barrage of **** like this?

I'm sorry, but this latest story has just put me over the edge of discouragment and pissed-offedness. I am so sorry for the innocent people who were shot in this incident. Simply awful.

I know how you feel, but the world isn't always that way. I think it's important to remember that sometimes it's better than you expect. Here's a story from my family fitting only because it happened in Poland in 1940. It's one that gives me hope.

When my family was escaping to Russia from Poland at the end of 1939, they found a farmer who was willing to give them a ride in a hay cart. They rode for two days without incident, but on the third day a German soldier found them. They were ordered out of the cart and threatened at gun point. I think the soldier wanted to provoke my family into doing something. Finally, he stopped and looked around. He then looked at the couple and their baby. My mom was about six months old at the time... and he put his gun down.

He said he had to do his duty... had to do what was right and then led them to the trainstation. The Germans there jeered and through rocks, but the soldier stopped them saying... "No, these are not Jews. They are Russians who hate Stalin." and because of that lie, a Nazi knowingly saved my family. They were "forced" onto a train and made it into temporary safety.

I think it's important to remember that even though the world can seem monstrous, when you least expect it a monster can turn out to be an angel. We must be ever vigilant of hate, but the lessons of those who choose to do good must be remembered too.

Never forget, but never let hate and despair win.

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I think it's important to remember that even though the world can seem monstrous, when you least expect it a monster can turn out to be an angel. We must be ever vigilant of hate, but the lessons of those who choose to do good must be remembered too.

Thanks Burgy, that story is amazing and inspirational. It's good to hear something like that, especially during discouraging times.

I just have to fight from get discouraged, but it's easy when you are constantly being exposed (through the news or God forbid, personal experience) to horrible crimes. Crimes where human life is treated with such disregard and innocent victims get picked off at random, for no other reason than the fact that they are at the wrong place at the wrong time as is the case with this Holocaust Museum shooting. It's absolutely sickening.

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Thanks Burgy, that story is amazing and inspirational. It's good to hear something like that, especially during discouraging times.

I just have to fight from get discouraged, but it's easy when you are constantly being exposed (through the news or God forbid, personal experience) to horrible crimes. Crimes where human life is treated with such disregard and innocent victims get picked off at random, for no other reason than the fact that they are at the wrong place at the wrong time as is the case with this Holocaust Museum shooting. It's absolutely sickening.

I know. Although this wasn't the wrong person at the wrong place and time. This was an intentional act of evil and the killer didn't care. This wasn't random. It was very conscious.

The security guard, God rest is soul, was in the right place at the right time and his and his fellows saved lives from someone who let hate burn away their humanity and turn them into a monster. That's why I will grieve and respect and honor his sacrifice.

I think that's why I get heated in the Israel/Palestine debates, because I am very aware of this intent, but I am also aware that humans are mostly good and I do have some little hope for us still.

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I know. Although this wasn't the wrong person at the wrong place and time. This was an intentional act of evil and the killer didn't care. This wasn't random. It was very conscious.

The security guard, God rest is soul, was in the right place at the right time and his and his fellows saved lives from someone who let hate burn away their humanity and turn them into a monster. That's why I will grieve and respect and honor his sacrifice.

I think that's why I get heated in the Israel/Palestine debates, because I am very aware of this intent, but I am also aware that humans are mostly good and I do have some little hope for us still.

Oh yeah, I agree, this was obviously a calculated move on the killer's part. These types of monsters always seem to have a plan.

Thank God the security guards were there, because who knows who this monster would have gone on to murder. Possibly completely innocent victims at the museum. It's just sad to people so bent on spreading their hate and ruining the lives of others.

I don't know, it's just sad to watch, hear about, and deal with this kind of crap day in and day out, no matter where in the world you go.

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