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JLC- Holmgren on Campbell: 'Have Some Patience


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Ok, if Holmgren's assessment on JC is so correct, what does it say about the fact that Danny was so set on trying to replace him?

Frankly, Holmgrem did indeed help groom and inspire some great QB's no doubt and we all understand that. Now! what it has to do with Campbell and Danny trying to run him out of town I have no idea.

But what I'm hoping and going on is blind faith that Holmgrem is correct about the patience with Campbell thing. We all want Campbell to be successful and the entire Redskins organization. And in return we the fans have something to cheer, brag and feel bold about.

But right now(LOL) we're all going on blind faith and got darnit I hope Holmgrem is right. So, this upcoming season we can all say we were wrong about Campbell and Holmgrem and his coaching expertise and evaluation was right.

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BLC you know if JC somehow blows up next season I'll be expecting you to come up with a sig that's as self deprecating as your current one is funny. That thing still cracks me up...and I'm a JC guy. :)

Oh, and you might want to check into changing that handle of yours as well. After all, why would you want a constant reminder of the Xmas when you got a lump of coal in your stocking?

i was thinking of changing my name to Malcolm Kelly Kapowski, but brandon lloyd currently has produced more in a skins uniform. lol

and dont worry, ill be lambasting myself all season if JC somehow turns into joe montana.

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Oh Stop it BLC! You know I'm playin'. I hope to goodness J Cam makes it happen this year. I, like you and many others, have my doubts though. Call me what you will. And, I do think that coaches behind the scenes have their doubts too. Against the big "programs" in the second half of the year, Campbell flopped and it won't the O line's fault alone. Unlike you though BLC, I'm actually pullin' for him :silly:

dont get me wrong, im pulling for jason campbell, but theres not much for me to hope for. i cant convince myself after 36 starts that start #37 is gonna be anything different. but come game day, ill be cheering for him just as hard as the next guy. id never root for anyone to fail even to prove myself right.

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Patience with this bunch? Wishful thinking. ;)

Steve Young comes to mind. His first 4 years in the league he never broke a 53% completion percentage and had more INTs that TD passes. Two of those 4 years were with SF where he split time with Joe Montana due to injuries to Joe so its not all down to a bad Tampa team.

I guess you would have cut him ......just before in year 5 he jumped to a 69% completion percentage and the rest, as they say is history. Hall of Fame Super Bowl wining history

We're not the 1980's Buccaneers. And Young was Montana's backup for 4 years before starting.

You're way off on this one. History started when Jerry Rice broke the receiving TD record in a season with 3 TD catches from Steve Young in his first game replacing Montana. Cut him? That's absurd.

Fans and teams have forgotten - or never knew in the first place - that it can take years for a QB to develop and we just don't have the paitence to wait to find out. A couple of years - instant (often flawed) judgement - Next!
No we don't have the patience. I doubt you do either. Plunkett didn't see success for 8 years. Bradshaw? That's the 1970's. You can't compare passing statistics.
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You can look at most of the great passers of the game, and many of them were traded, or spent years on the bench or took years to develop.

It would be so nice to be able to just plug in a guy and know immediately if he was going to be a superstar. But you can't. NFL GM's have been wishing for that for years. Instead you HAVE to have patience, and you have to rely on improvement to be your guide. It doesn't always have to be light years of it, but there must be improvement. As long as a guy keeps improving, you keep playing him. JC has earned that much, whether you irrationally dislike it or not.

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This is simply so dimwitted and out of touch as to be embarrassing. Vinny has had a key role in providing players to fit various systems over the years in a way that has been more successful than lacking. While Archuleta and Lloyd wrankle, players like Washington, Portis, Moss, Thomas, Rabach, Griffin, Fletcher, Springs, etc., etc., are those who have fit well with what various coaching staffs have asked for.

Vinny has had to adjust over the years to find players first to fit Norv, then to fit Spurrier, then to fit Gibbs and now to fit Zorn. He's adjusted the grading system and done a generally solid job of acquiring players to fit those systems. The players, especially defensively, have performed at a very high level for years. Our offensive players have always trailed, though some have individually played well.

All of those guys you named were guys Gibbs brought in... Remember Vinny was fired shortly after Gibbs arrived..

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youre probably more right than you know.

Stardate...05/08/09 Captains log..day number 147 of Brandon Lloyd Christmas Tree's continual bombardment of attacks on Jason Campbell.

Apparently the Christmas tree's are still Kling-un to the primitive belief that the past equals the present.

Will continue to monitor this sub human specimen for further amusement.:hysterical:

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I agree with your premise that to this point they have been able to put together largely average teams with an occassional dog team and an occassional playoff team. By in large they have found players to play at elite levels everywhere but QB and defensive end. So, it's likely they won't ever find consistent winning until they land on that QB spot.

Art you raise a good point, which is something that has been obvious to all except Vinnie/Danny. Its even been obvious to OTHER teams who have been doing exactly what the Redskins have NOT been doing. Obvious to fans on this board. Obvious to sportswriters. and obvious to you and me.

No primo QB or no Primo defensive linemen....no championships in fact no playoffs either, except for late runs and by other teams faltering at the last minute.

Let me put in in even more laymen language than you have;


Its all about talent recruitment and then talent management. I challenge the thought that the Redskins are good cap managers. They find ways to sign big name talent from other teams, but they couldn't even keep Ryan Clark or Antonio Pierce, 2 players who have superbowl rings on their fingers that they EARNED since they were released by the Skins.

Vinnie/Danny have done a horrible job of management and drafting since they came on board, however, I am willing to give them the same chance that I am giving Jason Campbell. The past does not equal the future, so since I like most of the moves they have made in this offseason, I will assume that Vinnie/Danny are either smarter...or they are reading my posts.

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Stardate...05/08/09 Captains log..day number 147 of Brandon Lloyd Christmas Tree's continual bombardment of attacks on Jason Campbell.

Apparently the Christmas tree's are still Kling-un to the primitive belief that the past equals the present.

Will continue to monitor this sub human specimen for further amusement.:hysterical:

now that is funny :hysterical:

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i just got back from star trek so that joke is even more fitting. i was able to look inside of this worm hole that the romulans created due to a break in the space time continuum, and dont worry guys: campbell still sucks in the future too.

I don't need to look into a workhole to figure that out.


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i just got back from star trek so that joke is even more fitting. i was able to look inside of this worm hole that the romulans created due to a break in the space time continuum, and dont worry guys: campbell still sucks in the future too.

Captains log...05/09/09..Our ship has encountered a sub species called the knuckleheads. They practice sleep deprivation by remaining at their primitive electronic communication devices until well after their planet has orbited away from their suns light emmisions.

We are picking up transmissions from one of the rebel forces on the planet surface. It is becoming increasing apparent that the hostility is growing against their leader, an entity named Jason Campbell.

We will continue to monitor without interference. Captain out.:saber:

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Captains log...05/09/09..Our ship has encountered a sub species called the knuckleheads. They practice sleep deprivation by remaining at their primitive electronic communication devices until well after their planet has orbited away from their suns light emmisions.

We are picking up transmissions from one of the rebel forces on the planet surface. It is becoming increasing apparent that the hostility is growing against their leader, an entity named Jason Campbell.

We will continue to monitor without interference. Captain out.:saber:

Oh my :hysterical:

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Captains log...05/09/09..Our ship has encountered a sub species called the knuckleheads. They practice sleep deprivation by remaining at their primitive electronic communication devices until well after their planet has orbited away from their suns light emmisions.

We are picking up transmissions from one of the rebel forces on the planet surface. It is becoming increasing apparent that the hostility is growing against their leader, an entity named Jason Campbell.

We will continue to monitor without interference. Captain out.:saber:

"Spock, have you searched planet campbell for touchdowns?"

"Yes sir, the planet seems to be completely devoid of such lifeforms. Shall I complete a more thorough scan?"

"............that wont be necessary."

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Captains log...05/09/09..Our ship has encountered a sub species called the knuckleheads. They practice sleep deprivation by remaining at their primitive electronic communication devices until well after their planet has orbited away from their suns light emmisions.

We are picking up transmissions from one of the rebel forces on the planet surface. It is becoming increasing apparent that the hostility is growing against their leader, an entity named Jason Campbell.

We will continue to monitor without interference. Captain out.:saber:

live long and prosper


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Ok, if Holmgren's assessment on JC is so correct, what does it say about the fact that Danny was so set on trying to replace him?

What's Holgrem's opinion on Cutler and Sanchez?

IMO, I'm still not convinced the FO was really all that interested in Sanchez, as the media portrayed.

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