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How do you balance your politics with your religion?


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I'm not what you would call a religious person so this isn't something I have any experience dealing with but I am curious how others do.

If you a democrat and lets say a christian, it can be argued that some of the social planks in the democrats platform are not christian.

If you are a republican, it can be argued that the economic policies of the the republicans aren't exactly christian in nature.

Just curious how those on both sides balance this, is it a lesser of two evils thing? Do you find yourself going back and forth?

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I'm w/ PB on this one. granted I voted for McCain, but I've voted for democrats too. (i.e. Bill Clinton).

It's hard, but I just go with what I believe in. I think lately though, its hard to want to vote for any of them. I hate the "lesser of 2 evils" thing.

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I tell myself that God would want me to do what I thought was right. I believe in a loving God. A God that wants me to treat everyone equally, regardless of whether or not they are gay or straight.

I vote democrat but I don't think being a democrat has to mean you aren't religious. I support a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, but nothing would please me more than to live in a world where abortion wasn't necessary. And personally I would never want my wife/girlfriend to have an abortion, even if it meant having to raise the child on my own.

I don't support the death penalty. Not because of the cost to execute someone vs. keeping them alive. Not because I believe in an eye for an eye. But because I do not believe that it is my place or anyone else's place to take the life of another human being. I despise murderers as much as the next person, and if someone took the life of someone I cared about I would want them to die. But that is why they do not put me on the jury, because the justice system is bigger than me and the justice system is not about vengenance and revenge. It is about justice and what is right.

But at the end of the day I don't think religion and politics necessarily have to be intermingled to the extent they are. I think it's a problem when someone's religion can be the make or break about whether or not they get voted for. One of my biggest grudges against people in the last election (some of whom are friends) were that they said they wouldn't vote for Barack Obama because they thought he was a Muslim. I don't see why that had to matter.

That was one of my big grudges against President Bush. When he would say something along the lines of "God told me.....". I don't think it works that way. I've prayed for wisdom and guidance and I think God helped me find it. But at the end of the day I ultimately made the decision. I never once thought God came down and said "Brian, do this". I think he helped me see my options better but I made the decision, not him.

But that's just my two cents.

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I don't support the death penalty. Not because of the cost to execute someone vs. keeping them alive. Not because I believe in an eye for an eye. But because I do not believe that it is my place or anyone else's place to take the life of another human being. I despise murderers as much as the next person, and if someone took the life of someone I cared about I would want them to die. But that is why they do not put me on the jury, because the justice system is bigger than me and the justice system is not about vengenance and revenge. It is about justice and what is right.

What is justice? What is right? You want them to die? So do I. You knowingly take a life, you deserve to die as well.

I don't get that comment. You say,"I would want them to die. But that is why they do not put me on the jury, because the justice system is bigger than me and the justice system is not about vengenance and revenge. It is about justice and what is right." WTF does that mean??? Why are you against the death penalty?

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What is justice? What is right? You want them to die? So do I. You knowingly take a life, you deserve to die as well.

I don't get that comment. You say,"I would want them to die. But that is why they do not put me on the jury, because the justice system is bigger than me and the justice system is not about vengenance and revenge. It is about justice and what is right." WTF does that mean??? Why are you against the death penalty?

That makes no sense :cool2:

Now to reduce costs for the cases that are obivious where they deserve the death penalty like a serial killer etc... there should be no chance of retrial, should go straight to punishment

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Dude (OP), do what's best for you, your family and whatever else is important to you. You're beliefs are a product of you, politics and religion are just concepts to confuse you.

This really isn't something I have an issue with, I'm the OP, i'm not a religious person. I was just curious about other people. But thanks for the concern and advice :)

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Two separate things. It's whatever.

They are two seperate things and I think they should be seperate but if we were to say they are seperate wouldn't that be ignoring the politics of today?

Like it or not, religion is part of politics now. You have preachers telling people who they should vote for. Many people base their decision on stem cell reserach (which has been in the news lately) on their religious beliefs.

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Like it or not, religion is part of politics now. You have preachers telling people who they should vote for. Many people base their decision on stem cell reserach (which has been in the news lately) on their religious beliefs.

Like it or not, religion has always been a part of politics. :cool2:

I don't think, more than ever, most people vote in todays system based on their religious belief.

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Like it or not, religion has always been a part of politics. :cool2:

I don't think, more than ever, most people vote in todays system based on their religious belief.

I disagree, I think it is more than ever do to advances in science that are pushing the envelope.

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What is justice? What is right? You want them to die? So do I. You knowingly take a life, you deserve to die as well.

I don't get that comment. You say,"I would want them to die. But that is why they do not put me on the jury, because the justice system is bigger than me and the justice system is not about vengenance and revenge. It is about justice and what is right." WTF does that mean??? Why are you against the death penalty?

What it means is that distraught family members could not be objective and rational if they were placed on the jury for someone that they think killed their relative. The guilt of the individual would already be cemented in their mind so they would not be able to give the person a fair trial. I know the way I look at this is confusing but it makes sense to me.

I am against the death penalty because I do not believe that anyone has the right to take the life of another human being, regardless of what the other human being has done.

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I try to balance the two through the utilization of a little common sense. :D

I have my religious beliefs, but I try to not let those beliefs interfere with my analysis, interpretation, and recommendations regarding political issues.

Yep, I don't want my government determining my faith nor my church telling me how to vote....nor a political party.

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The only time I mingle politics & religion is when I pray before voting. My pastor doesn't tell us who to vote for..he tries to stay neutral and does a decent job of it for the most part. He got caught up in the Obama wave last year tho and I was uncomfortable w/some of the things he said. But it didn't sway my vote.

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I think lately though, its hard to want to vote for any of them. I hate the "lesser of 2 evils" thing.

:secret: vote third party. :)

Yep, I don't want my government determining my faith nor my church telling me how to vote....nor a political party.

I agree. Last year our church had people there trying to get us to sign a petition for some "item" (I can't remember what it was right now) to send to our state senate.

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