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How do you balance your politics with your religion?


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They are two seperate things and I think they should be seperate but if we were to say they are seperate wouldn't that be ignoring the politics of today?

Like it or not, religion is part of politics now. You have preachers telling people who they should vote for. Many people base their decision on stem cell reserach (which has been in the news lately) on their religious beliefs.

So are the religions that support stem cell research right,or the ones that oppose it?

Or is it the ones that leave it up to the individual?

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I'm not what you would call a religious person so this isn't something I have any experience dealing with but I am curious how others do.

If you a democrat and lets say a christian, it can be argued that some of the social planks in the democrats platform are not christian.

If you are a republican, it can be argued that the economic policies of the the republicans aren't exactly christian in nature.

Just curious how those on both sides balance this, is it a lesser of two evils thing? Do you find yourself going back and forth?

I don't honestly see an issue with the Republican view on economics and religion (as somebody who is Catholic). While Jesus/God promote charity that doesn't mean that they'd support government confiscation of property to support others. In fact, I think you could argue that the would NOT support that as an important part of charity is that it is VOLUNTARY.

I think if there are issues with Republicans w/ respect to religion it has more to do with capital punishment, military spending/use, and other issues where you could argue they are judgemental and/or not peaceful.

As neither is perfect, I tend to pick the one that I think will help the country the best.

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I'm Catholic and a Democrat. Personally, I'm against abortion but as a matter of conscience and of law, I don't think I can/should be able to tell another person what to do with her body. What if she's an atheist? Do her feelings and thoughts carry less weight than mine? I don't believe so.

And that's just one example where my political beliefs deviate from the main stream of my religion.

The bottom line is that I don't believe that America was founded as a Christian nation. So I don't think it's right that the religioius majority, by default, should impose its religion on those who don't believe what we do.

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I am much more religious now than I was 10 years ago. I never would have thought that religion would have changed me politically, but I will admit that I have changed my view on the death penalty based on my relationship with God.

I used to be very much for it, but now I am against it. I'm not going to cry for murderers who are executed...but in general, I don't think the death penalty is worth it. It's too expensive and too unreliable...the only "positive" I can see is the whole revenge aspect, which I now no longer believe in.

Other issues:

Gay marriage - I still fully support same sex marriage. But I now can kind of almost understand the point of view of those against it. It bothers me to see other same-sex-marriage advocates trying to shame the opposition by belittling them and calling them bigots. Since becoming churchy, I have met plenty of reasonable people who have non-hateful reasons for wanting to keep the traditional definition of marriage. I disagree with them, but what can you do. Attacking people and then trying to have the courts render the peoples' votes meaningless(like in California) isn't the best way of advancing the gay rights message, in my opinion.

Abortion - I have never really understood why this is considered a religious issue. I don't need a pastor to tell me that an unborn child is a person. If it is a person, then it has rights and deserves protection. So that is my view--we should try to protect life. If you don't believe that it's a person, then I can see why you view it as expendable. I'm certainly not trying to tell people what they can do with their bodies. You can do whatever the hell you want to your body, as long as it doesn't infringe upon anybody else's rights.

I don't see anything contary to any religion in either party's economic philosophy. It is a fool's game to try and argue which political party is more Christ-like.

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I would like to separate Church and my front door. I don't need Churchies knocking at my front door every weekend trying to convert me, and my wallet, over to their side. Its comical when you think about it...each club thinks their way is the right way. And when you press them with questions they can't answer its "You just have to have faith" and "Some things we are not meant to know".

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I would like to separate Church and my front door. I don't need Churchies knocking at my front door every weekend trying to convert me, and my wallet, over to their side. Its comical when you think about it...each club thinks their way is the right way. And when you press them with questions they can't answer its "You just have to have faith" and "Some things we are not meant to know".

This "churchy" thinks you are wrapping some negative experiences in with your disdane for faith of all kinds.

I've never gone door to door and wouldnt want my church to do that either, but then again, I know that my church doesnt need to sell itself to new believers.

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This "churchy" thinks you are wrapping some negative experiences in with your disdane for faith of all kinds.

Obviously I was referring to the clubs that go door to door...if your church doesn't do that then it doesn't apply here.

Faith is cool if it helps a person cope with life but don't judge me for not having faith....like most all do.

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Obviously I was referring to the clubs that go door to door...if your church doesn't do that then it doesn't apply here.

Faith is cool if it helps a person cope with life but don't judge me for not having faith....like most all do.

I certainly dont judge you poorly based on your faith or lack thereof. Shame on those that do too!

(but the term "Churchie" is a wee bit offensive for those of us that attend a church)

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(but the term "Churchie" is a wee bit offensive for those of us that attend a church)

No more offensive than being calling a non-believer a sinner or telling me I'm going to hell...I would think. But...I apologize for offending you personally. :peace1:

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Obviously I was referring to the clubs that go door to door...if your church doesn't do that then it doesn't apply here.

Faith is cool if it helps a person cope with life but don't judge me for not having faith....like most all do.

Put one of these up


Or do what I do and answer the door naked:D

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