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Take Back the Redskins--Boycott Concessions One Game


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Every dollar I spent on Redskins season tickets for the Skins went to upgrade my Capitals tickets to a full season. That was my form of protest, and I ain't lookin' back.

That is exactly what we have done. No Skins merch and tickets but love going to the Caps games with our new Ovie jerseys on and parking under the phone booth is a breeze. Get rid or at least sit Campbell and I will come back to Fed Ex but not before.

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Fine. That let's not buy memorabilla/jerseys one weekend. The point is that the fans need to send a message to Danny. It's great that he is willing to write big checks. But he has no idea what he is doing.

Atlanta is a good example. Arthur Blank is willing to write checks. But he went out and hired a GM who knows what he is doing. Boom, they draft Matt Ryan and are in the playoffs.

The only way that Snyder will get it is if the money stops rolling in. Tickets sales are not the way to stop that. Concessions--or, I suppose jerseys, etc.--might be.

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1. I will not stop complaining. This team is a joke. It isn't just because they let Taylor go. It's because signing Haynesworth (and releasing Springs, not Taylor to do so) makes sense only if you keep Taylor. The Taylor situation should have been handled before they committed $100 million to Haynesworth.

Keep complaining that is fine. But think for a minute, you think the team had no understanding as to what condition Taylor was in, what the DE position line-up is all about for this year. Taylor was an odd fit this year anyway, especially at his price. And yeah goodbye Springs and Taylor for not committing to off-season programs or re-negotiating those bountiful contracts. I say this is a good move by the FO for once.

Now draft a OT, a LB and a DE.

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That is exactly what we have done. No Skins merch and tickets but love going to the Caps games with our new Ovie jerseys on and parking under the phone booth is a breeze. Get rid or at least sit Campbell and I will come back to Fed Ex but not before.

And if Campbell starts to produce? You still staying out?

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Do people REALLY think that not buying concessions is going to change the way this team is run? The FO makes tons of money on their own from salaries, and the team makes money from ticket sales, sponsorships, etc. Go ahead, stop buying concessions, but I plan on being full on pizza and drunk on beer, and fully enjoying watching my team play. And why is Jason Taylor worth all this nonsense anyway? He had 3.5 sacks for us last year. Big Al is not going to improve him that much. We might as well have Evans or Daniels there for less.

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After a little searching, it appears to me that the Skins cet a 50% cut of all concessions sold in the Stadium.

I propose a day where we all make our own Redskins gear...the tackier the better - then have a contest to see who can bring in more food and beverage under said Redskins gear into the stadium. problem solved.

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so this is odd.. from what I am reading for the original poster

would you have been happier if we cut Taylor first then signed AH only to cut Springs after that to make cap space for more moves?

there are so many people bashing the move to cut Taylor but are you also the ones that were on the board fews days ago talking about how has-been Taylor is?

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With all due respect to the OP, but it took until now for you to realize that these two bozos don't have a plan?

The trade for JT in the first place should have demonstrated that there is no plan in place and they're just flying from year to year plugging holes as they see fit.

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while i think that not buying anything for at least one week would definitely send danny a message (and yes, it would appear as more than just a "blip" on his radar, because of how closely they monitor that stuff), i really don't think that it willl matter because if he takes an economic hit, he'll just seek a bailout from Congress and replace the lost concession money with taxes. and then all of our taxes will get raised again. DAMN BIG BUSINESS!

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I'm sorry I'm such a loser, but I just can't bring myself to watch the games sober.


If we were going to cut Taylor all along then why didn't we go after Canty? I can't even watch the off season sober, much less the games.


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1. I will not stop complaining. This team is a joke. It isn't just because they let Taylor go. It's because signing Haynesworth (and releasing Springs, not Taylor to do so) makes sense only if you keep Taylor. The Taylor situation should have been handled before they committed $100 million to Haynesworth.

2. I agree, nine people won't make a differnence. But 90,000 sure would.

I don't understand why people continue to support this lunacy. We have been totally mediocre for ten years. If you take our record this decade, it's like four games under .500. Isn't that worse than sucking for three years and being great for one? We are simply a mediocre franchise and that is boring and lame.

This owner has ruined this franchise. I am supporting the team I love. Anyone who continues to simply put money in Dan Snyder's pocket is complicit in his destruction of the Redskins.

I basically agree with all of your points. The midget will never learn. We're doomed to mediocrity for as long as Snyder owns this team.

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This plan will work about as well as the "Let's All Bring Burgundy Towels To The Game So When The Steelers Fans Wave Their Terribe Towels It Will Look Like Burgundy & Gold On National TV" plan.
:hysterical::yes::jump::rotflmao:That's a good one.
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no --its not mediocrity--what we have and will always have is an incomplete team propped up with just enought aging vet talent to always be competative, but never great. a team that will always threaten to make the playoffs as a wildcard (when healthy) but will never have the talent or depth to go far.

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I'm sorry I'm such a loser, but I just can't bring myself to watch the games sober.


If we were going to cut Taylor all along then why didn't we go after Canty? I can't even watch the off season sober, much less the games.


Because we weren't going to cut Taylor all along. I'm not understanding (and this isn't directed at you) why so many are assuming we were going to cut Taylor all along. Look at the moves we pulled to get Haynesworth here, then we cut Springs to get Dock. If you all read the articles discussing the first day of free agency, Cerrato and Co. believed they were out of the Haynesworth sweepstakes, so they were talking to Canty. Then Haynesworth's agent called with new demands the Skins could meet, and got him while cancelling Canty's visit here. Right then and there Vinny could have been like, "Alright, well we still want Canty, so we can cut Springs. And then cut Taylor to get Dock." Look at it realistically, we cut other players to get younger ones we wanted, but now all of a sudden there is no plan to keep doing the same? Why? Because you all said so? It's been a few days since the start of free agency and already people are using revisionist history "We released Springs to get Haynesworth, why didn't we realse Taylor to get Canty?" Umm, Springs was released after Haynesworth was signed, in order for us to get Dock.

Look, Taylor is coming off major injury, and the team wanted to make sure he was committed this offseason, instead of just taking it off and not rehabbing it properly. Taylor showed he wasn't committed, so we axed him. What's the point in having Jason Taylor back if his injury didn't rehab properly and he can't play up to par again? I saw so many stating before that the Canty move would be bad because he has no experience in a 4-3. Where are those people now? The team stuck to what they wanted instead of caving into a vet's demands. So many of you want us to draft DE, well if we get a FA LBer than we are left having to draft a DE. Yet instead of looking at the opportunities to bring youth in that this creates, people just want to *****. The FO really is damned no matter what they do, and that is just pathetic, because it means many on here only want piss and moan, rather than have a good football conversation. Has ESPN and talk radio warped you all that bad?

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I don't want this to be limited to Taylor. My point is that the combo of Dan Snyder and Vinny Cerrato do not know how to build a team. No, I did not like the Jason Taylor deal last year, though acknowledge that with the injuries sustained, it sort of was necessary.

I did like the signing of Haynesworth. But doesn't it seem that we should have had the Taylor thing under control before signing Haynesworth? If not, why wouldn't we release Taylor first and sign Haynesworth and Canty? Instead, we released Springs and Washington to get us under the cap so that we could sign A.H. and keep J.T. I don't want to debate the value of Springs and/or Washington, but shouldn't we have had the end position solidified as part of the "plan" to bring in A.H.?

My point is that the Redskins don't build a team. One poster stated that we always have just enough veteran talent to threaten for a wild card spot. That's a great take on this. But are we happy threatening for the wild card? (And I know National Defense isn't saying that that is okay.) Or shouldn't we expect more?

I love this team too much to just say, damn, here we go again. There has to be some way to get ownership's attention, and, unfortunately, the only way I see is through the bottom line.

I don't think we can affect the bottom line by not buying tickets because people will always buy Skins tickets. So the only other option is concessions and/or memorbilla. That's my only point.

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