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Cheney warns of new attacks


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I see where you're coming from, I really do.

But at the same time, who's it hurting? I mean, what does Cheney have to gain by saying that? Its not like an election is at stake.

The semi cheap shot at Obama aside, he could be right about an attack. And so what if he is? Do you think he'll be THAT happy that an attack happened just so he can say "I told you so"?

I find it interesting that a lot of libs all of a sudden are finding a bunch of newfound respect for the office of the President these days.

To be fair - I'm not really a "lib" (more moderate) and if you check the posting history I doubt you will find much Bush bashing than me. Other than the fact that I definitely disagreed with quite a few of his policies I respected President Bush and don't really hold any kind of dislike for him as a person.

However, I respect a lot of the points you make in this and other threads so I won't pick a fight.

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To be fair - I'm not really a "lib" (more moderate) and if you check the posting history I doubt you will find much Bush bashing than me. Other than the fact that I definitely disagreed with quite a few of his policies I respected President Bush and don't really hold any kind of dislike for him as a person.

However, I respect a lot of the points you make in this and other threads so I won't pick a fight.

My apologies for directing that at you.

I just find it interesting that a lot of people who routinely bashed Bush in some pretty tasteless ways all of a sudden are trying to take a highground when it comes to something like this.

And frankly, I wouldn't care if the roles were reversed....this is harmless.

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My apologies for directing that at you.

I just find it interesting that a lot of people who routinely bashed Bush in some pretty tasteless ways all of a sudden are trying to take a highground when it comes to something like this.

And frankly, I wouldn't care if the roles were reversed....this is harmless.

That's fine.

I can see your point as well.

However, I'll just point out the often-quoted fact that Bush at one time had a 90%+ approval rating - so I find it hard to believe that the majority of rational people (libs or otherwise) were wanting to bash the guy early in his Presidency. I realize the 90% was post 9/11 but the point still stands.

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Keep laughing at him. Have yall hugged your Arabs today? No one wants to harm us. Why would they? We all wear Patagonia fleeces and Birkenstock sandles and support the rain forrests.

What a bunch of *******************. The fact that everyone can laugh at him reflects on how spoiled rotten we all have become with our freedoms in this country..

You know what **** it.You'll all blame Bush when we get hit again. Nothing is going to be the Messiahs fault.

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Keep laughing at him. Have yall hugged your Arabs today? No one wants to harm us. Why would they? We all wear Patagonia fleeces and Birkenstock sandles and support the rain forrests.

What a bunch of *******************. The fact that everyone can laugh at him reflects on how spoiled rotten we all have become with our freedoms in this country..

You know what **** it.You'll all blame Bush when we get hit again. Nothing is going to be the Messiahs fault.

I predict that a plane is going to crash within the next few years.

Now don't be scared to fly kiddies, but I'm telling you, sometime within the next year or so,, one or more of these planes is GOING DOWN! The chance that hundreds of Americans will be killed when one of these planes crash is pretty high.

As a matter of fact, before the day is out dozens of Americans will be KILLED in HORRIBLE CAR CRASHES! These car crashes will happen at random points of time throughout the day, and could happen ANYWHERE!

BEWARE! These deadly "accidents" will happen today, tomorrow AND the day after.. AND the day after THAT! It might even happen to YOU.

Don't say I didn't warn you!


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I predict that a plane is going to crash within the next few years.

Now don't be scared to fly kiddies, but I'm telling you, sometime within the next year or so,, one or more of these planes is GOING DOWN!

As a matter of fact, before the day is out dozens of Americans will be KILLED in HORRIBLE CAR CRASHES! These car crashes will happen at random points of time throughout the day, and could happen ANYWHERE!

BEWARE! These deadly "accidents" will happen today, tomorrow AND the day after.. AND the day after THAT!

Don't say I didn't warn you!


I never thought I would see such a ridiculous post coming from you bang. I'm just going to pretend someone hacked into your account.

A plane going down in the next few years or car crashes happening every day are not preventable. You take take your odds, do the best you can and roll. It's simply moronic to treat national security and the threat of a terrorist attack with a nuke the same way.

Maybe... just MAYBE... Cheney is trying to do some good. Maybe he is trying to remind people not to be complacent. Maybe he is just doing what he can to prevent such an attack.

What's really funny is how so many people harp on Bush not taking the warnings of the Clinton administration seriously and how we paid for it. So yeah, lets now dismiss the threat of a nuclear terrorist attack. That should work out well... F-ing brilliant.

Sometimes I just want to cry for the stupidity of this country. :doh:

(BTW - I dont want to hear any crap from anyone saying you are not dismissing it if you responded only with derision for Cheney. If you made some kind of comment as to the how such a threat can be prevented or something about the actual content of the message, you may have a case. But if all you do is ***** about Cheney, you ARE dismissing the message.)

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Very interesting points from both the left and right in this thread. I kind of agree with those that said he was pointing out the obvious. I think the former VP probably is actually worried and he feels that Obama's policies will weaken the controls they have implemented. The jury is still out on that perception.

What is missing from the picture is why we will probably be attacked. For many years now, we have been attacking the symptom of a problem and ignored the root causes in an effort of expediency.

Until we get to the point where we can be honest with ourselves as a nation and get to the specific reasons we are at risk for attack, this problem will never abate.

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Keep laughing at him. Have yall hugged your Arabs today? No one wants to harm us.

There are extremely convincing arguments that Cheney and Bush have made us less safe.

But I'm sure you dismiss them out of hand.

Keep thinking that Cheney has kept you safe all these years if it makes you sleep at night, but he hasn't. The defenses are stretched to the point of worthless, the debt is impacting the future actions of the country, and there are more terrorists than ever. Great plan.

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Technically Bang is correct: Freedom comes with a price. And our price is that our borders are porous and the sidewalks to most buildings are accessible to all. (and we are allowed to drive with a bigmac in one hand cell phone in the other and kill people)

I'd agree with the most ardent Bush hater that he got lucky over the last 8 years.

But, i'd also point out that luck is made with the circumstances that you put yourself into also.

Obama reaching out to the Islamic world in a gesture of peace and understanding will probably drop the percentages of us being hit as much as the blackops prisons. It may be a net zero or it may even gain us out side the hamas types.

How many overseas terrorist activities just got the tap on the shoulder and the head shake no from government officials that were giving the wink and the nod previously?

We've seen the most strict of sides born from our two largest building going down on National T.V. and the 300million call for revenge.

And now we will see if the 90's will work in conjunction with the large stick being brought out.

this is what we voted for.

(edit: i didn't vote for it on Nov 4th, but i'm not going to sabotage it now to spite myself)

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I predict that a plane is going to crash within the next few years.

Now don't be scared to fly kiddies, but I'm telling you, sometime within the next year or so,, one or more of these planes is GOING DOWN! The chance that hundreds of Americans will be killed when one of these planes crash is pretty high.

As a matter of fact, before the day is out dozens of Americans will be KILLED in HORRIBLE CAR CRASHES! These car crashes will happen at random points of time throughout the day, and could happen ANYWHERE!

BEWARE! These deadly "accidents" will happen today, tomorrow AND the day after.. AND the day after THAT! It might even happen to YOU.

Don't say I didn't warn you!


Well, being you put it that way. Let's just all say **** it and have sandwich and kick back with that holy koran book.

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Much of Carter's criticism of Bush a few years ago was right on the money. That doesn't mean Carter shouldn't have shut his stupid pie hole. He should have kept it to himself. There are some things former presidents and vice presidents just don't do in public, and criticizing the current administration is one of those things.

You know that's an interesting point. Many were angry at Carter, rightfully so, for criticizing a sitting President. They pointed to how the elder Bush respected the Clinton White House. Cheney couldn't hold his tongue for two weeks.

As to the issue, I am pretty certain there will be terrorist attacks on America or attempts to do so as well. The President and the government can do a lot to try to prevent that, but while I hope for perfection, even if they went a lot more authoritarian than Cheney something will still happen one day.

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I never thought I would see such a ridiculous post coming from you bang. I'm just going to pretend someone hacked into your account.

A plane going down in the next few years or car crashes happening every day are not preventable. You take take your odds, do the best you can and roll. It's simply moronic to treat national security and the threat of a terrorist attack with a nuke the same way.

Maybe... just MAYBE... Cheney is trying to do some good. Maybe he is trying to remind people not to be complacent. Maybe he is just doing what he can to prevent such an attack.

What's really funny is how so many people harp on Bush not taking the warnings of the Clinton administration seriously and how we paid for it. So yeah, lets now dismiss the threat of a nuclear terrorist attack. That should work out well... F-ing brilliant.

Sometimes I just want to cry for the stupidity of this country. :doh:

(BTW - I dont want to hear any crap from anyone saying you are not dismissing it if you responded only with derision for Cheney. If you made some kind of comment as to the how such a threat can be prevented or something about the actual content of the message, you may have a case. But if all you do is ***** about Cheney, you ARE dismissing the message.)

The point is he's preaching to the choir anymore.

No one thinks it can't happen again, no one doesn't remember what did happen.

Cheney's drum beating isn't doing anyone any good. I think only the most naive of people believe that Magic Barrack simply has to Be, and all of our enemies will stop trying to fight their holy war.

Everyone is vigilant now. I don't think anyone who remembers 9-11 will ever NOT be vigilant for potential threats for the rest of our lives. Innocence is most definitely lost.

Being afraid and being vigilant are two entirely different things, and Cheney's certainly coming off as a fear mongerer. His reputation is not good, not at all, and frankly, if the powers that be would rather the public be behind our efforts to eradicate radical terrorism, he's better serving the cause by shutting his yap and fading from public view.

Of course we can be attacked again. Of course it could happen in the next few years, the next few hours, any time at all.

Hence my admittedly sarcastic analogy.

And this...

Well, being you put it that way. Let's just all say **** it and have sandwich and kick back with that holy koran book.

is just moronic. Of course that's what I said. In fact, I'm inviting Osama over for tea today, and we're going to take turns crapping on the flag.


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You know that's an interesting point. Many were angry at Carter, rightfully so, for criticizing a sitting President. They pointed to how the elder Bush respected the Clinton White House. Cheney couldn't hold his tongue for two weeks.

Let me know when Cheney gets actively involved in foreign policy like Carter.

Offering advice/warning is not out of line:snore:

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Sorry Bang, I didn't pick up on your sarcasm. I just worry about Americas ability to fall into compacency too fast with the messiah at the helm. I for one think we shouldn't let our guard down for one minute.

People don't believe the last admisistration did anything after 911 to keep us safe. We don't know what they did and all we can do is speculate.

What I do know is Blackwater in Moyock, NC went from being a one shack club of disfunctional ex seals to a wicked well run, well funded organisation. That kind of makes me think that business has been good for those boys and killin' in the dark is their business.

"If you find yourself walking through a golden field with the sun on your face do not worry. You just met a Blackwater member and your already dead!":applause::rotflmao: I heard that from a member.

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I agree, former President Cheney, needs to realize he is no longer the President.


I do agree with him that we should all be wary of complacency against terrorism, but you'd think Cheney of all people would have a problem with criticizing the foreign policy of a sitting President. I can't say I'm surprised he's already on this though. No one ever accused Cheney of having class.

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I do agree with him that we should all be wary of complacency against terrorism, but you'd think Cheney of all people would have a problem with criticizing the foreign policy of a sitting President. I can't say I'm surprised he's already on this though. No one ever accused Cheney of having class.

To be fair, Gore had also been very critical of a sitting president and in many more things than just foreign policy.:2cents:

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A) I totally disagree with the former VP

And B) It is beneath the office and stature of a former VP to make such remarks towards a sitting President. Embarrasing

I was waiting for someone to say this in the interest of consistency. Seemed to me Republicans were universally outraged any time a former Dem would engage in politics.

Personally, I don't really have a problem with former Presidents/VPs speaking their minds. They have valueble insight.

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Sorry Bang, I didn't pick up on your sarcasm. I just worry about Americas ability to fall into compacency too fast with the messiah at the helm. I for one think we shouldn't let our guard down for one minute.

People don't believe the last admisistration did anything after 911 to keep us safe. We don't know what they did and all we can do is speculate.

What I do know is Blackwater in Moyock, NC went from being a one shack club of disfunctional ex seals to a wicked well run, well funded organisation. That kind of makes me think that business has been good for those boys and killin' in the dark is their business.

"If you find yourself walking through a golden field with the sun on your face do not worry. You just met a Blackwater member and your already dead!":applause::rotflmao: I heard that from a member.

My fault, I thought it was pretty obvious sarcasm. (As are like 75% of my posts.)

I think you worry too much that the new President will be lax. Comparisons to Clinton or Carter's handling of military R&D and spending, not using intelligence sources properly, I think that all ended when the towers fell.

No one is going to be caught napping anymore. No one will ignore potential threats anymore.


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As much as I was disgusted with Gore, Carter, Clinton et al for criticizing Bush, I am EVEN MORE disgusted and disappointed with Cheney for this.

You're not the VP anymore. Shut your mouth, write your book and give broad policy speeches to the bloodthirsty GOPers. But stop short of speaking about the current President you asshat!

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You defend Cheney for slamming Obama's idealistic and naive views regarding the world and national security, but you voted Obama into office. Seriously, stop typing.

As much as I was disgusted with Gore, Carter, Clinton et al for criticizing Bush, I am EVEN MORE disgusted and disappointed with Cheney for this.

You're not the VP anymore. Shut your mouth, write your book and give broad policy speeches to the bloodthirsty GOPers. But stop short of speaking about the current President you asshat!

To Cheney's credit, this is probably an interview Politico requested. He wasn't jet-setting across the world violating the Logan Act and slamming the POTUS on foreign soil. Cheney's main theme was, "if he fulfills his campaign promises, our national security will take a major hit." Jury's still out.

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