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Cheney warns of new attacks


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You are correct sir. I would freak a little. I find it funny how there are none of the bad arabs around. They are all Indian now. I buy my chew from a little store that I must admit I racial profiled as arabs. They always got that weird whining music cranking. I know that sounds ignorant as hell, but I'm human.

I know this is something you probably would not be interested in but if I were you I would look to see if any of your local churches/community centers are doing cultural exchanges or open dialogues with Arab American centers or Muslim religious groups. There are a ton of them going on right now around the country, and they are perfect for someone like yourself I think.

I think you would really be surprised how different Arab-American culture is than you think. I am not Arab, but I have very close family friends and school friends who are. They love rock and rap, chilling out, playing video games, going out to eat. They are really normal people who love America, want their kids to go to good schools, and want to live safe normal lives like everyone else. I have never met one who was not sick to their stomach about radical Islam.

I think an open dialogue/cultural exchange would do wonders for you.

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This is nothing more than a political setup.

When the next attack happens - and it definitely WILL happen someday - Cheney and his boys can point the finger and say "See! Obama made us less safe! My past methods like Gitmo and extraordinary rendition clearly have been vindicated!"

It's a no-lose proposition for him.

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This is nothing more than a political setup.

When the next attack happens - and it definitely WILL happen someday - Cheney and his boys can point the finger and say "See! Obama made us less safe! My past methods clearly have been vindicated!"

It's a no-lose proposition for him.

Rather like the Bush blame for 9/11.:2cents:

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Rather like the Bush blame for 9/11.:2cents:

I don't blame Bush for 9/11, but I do blame him for the mess he made of the War on Terror afterwards. And if another attack happens, it won't be because of Obama's new policies. It will be because Bush took all the global goodwill and sentiment after 9/11, and instead of using it to lead the world in a massive effort to eradicate terrorism, he pissed it all away.

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Rather like the Bush blame for 9/11.:2cents:

Umm, I don't think you got my point.

Did the Democrats go out of their way BEFORE 9/11 to say that Bush's policies were going to cause a massive terrorist attack?

Cheney is attempting to mend the neo-cons' historic legacy and vindicate them in the public eye. The best way to convince people that the actions of Bush Administration were good and necessary is to convince them that whenever there is a future attack, it can be blamed directly on not doing things the way the Bush Administration did them.

Cheney can't lose. Another attack is coming, and if it fails, there will be another one after that, and after that. And it has nothing to do with whether Obama symbolically closes Gitmo or makes a speech from an Islamic country.

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I don't blame Bush for 9/11, but I do blame him for the mess he made of the War on Terror afterwards. And if another attack happens, it won't be because of Obama's new policies. It will be because Bush took all the global goodwill and sentiment after 9/11, and instead of using it to lead the world in a massive effort to eradicate terrorism, he pissed it all away.

believe it or not, I agree with most of what you said.

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Umm, I don't think you got my point.

Did the Democrats go out of their way BEFORE 9/11 to say that Bush's policies were going to cause a massive terrorist attack?

Cheney is attempting to mend the neo-cons' historic legacy and vindicate them in the public eye. The best way to convince people that the actions of Bush Administration were good and necessary is to convince them that whenever there is a future attack, it can be blamed directly on not doing things the way the Bush Administration did them.

Cheney can't lose. Another attack is coming, and if it fails, there will be another one after that, and after that. And it has nothing to do with whether Obama symbolically closes Gitmo or makes a speech from an Islamic country.

I understood you man. Even though it's not a precise analogy, there is definitely similarities at how each side reacts to things like this.

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This is nothing more than a political setup.

When the next attack happens - and it definitely WILL happen someday - Cheney and his boys can point the finger and say "See! Obama made us less safe! My past methods like Gitmo and extraordinary rendition clearly have been vindicated!"

It's a no-lose proposition for him.

Someone in this thread got what Cheney did exactly right.

For those that worry about Obama being soft, I suggest you pay close attention to how he handles afghanistan. Within the first couple weeks he was criticized by Pakistan for ordering drone attacks over the border and he will be adding thousands of more troops there as well. IF he was soft, he would do neither.

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Someone in this thread got what Cheney did exactly right.

For those that worry about Obama being soft, I suggest you pay close attention to how he handles afghanistan. Within the first couple weeks he was criticized by Pakistan for ordering drone attacks over the border and he will be adding thousands of more troops there as well. IF he was soft, he would do neither.

In order to drive out the taliban and Al Queda from Afghanistan Obama has to hit those targets in Pakistan. There was a report that came out last year sometime that was published by the RAND corporation describing that this was the problem that the Russians faced and ultimatly led to their demise. But from what I am hearing from my friends in the Intel community that Cheney may be right.

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In order to drive out the taliban and Al Queda from Afghanistan Obama has to hit those targets in Pakistan. There was a report that came out last year sometime that was published by the RAND corporation describing that this was the problem that the Russians faced and ultimatly led to their demise. But from what I am hearing from my friends in the Intel community that Cheney may be right.

Right about what, exactly? (I'm genuinely curious).

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For those that worry about Obama being soft, I suggest you pay close attention to how he handles afghanistan. Within the first couple weeks he was criticized by Pakistan for ordering drone attacks over the border and he will be adding thousands of more troops there as well. IF he was soft, he would do neither.

Just curious on this since it was W that ordered both.

You saying W was right and O is correct not to have remanded the orders?

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Sure, but what Cheney was saying is that Obama's policies are allowing that to happen right? So my question is, how exactly?

Becuase he is going to have a tighter leash around the Intel community because the waterboarding issue, and trying to make everything more transparent in the government. By limiting weaponizing space which will include certian spy satilites to be selfed.

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Becuase he is going to have a tighter leash around the Intel community because the waterboarding issue, and trying to make everything more transparent in the government. By limiting weaponizing space which will include certian spy satilites to be selfed.

Gotcha. But that's long term stuff right? I thought Cheney was talking sometime in the near future.

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A possible biological and or nuclear attack in the future. This all they can tell me we talked about the cheney article yesterday.

Of course. We all know that.

It's Cheny's claim that Obama's policies are making us less safe that I am wondering about. Was there any talk about that?

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