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Cheney warns of new attacks


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The ego on the guy is amazing.

Its not an ego. How is that ego? He's concerned for the country and concerned Obama's weaker policies are going to help terrorism succeed. Wake up from your Bush-hating daze. Obama's a disaster already. Making a fool of himself everyday and Cheney is pissed the moronic American public buys into Obama's garbage.

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As much as I was disgusted with Gore, Carter, Clinton et al for criticizing Bush, I am EVEN MORE disgusted and disappointed with Cheney for this.

You're not the VP anymore. Shut your mouth, write your book and give broad policy speeches to the bloodthirsty GOPers. But stop short of speaking about the current President you asshat!

I appreciate the consistency. It's not easy to maintain the same degree of integrity when criticizing one of your own guys. :cheers:

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Being a libertarian, viewing from the outside looking in at the two parties, it's comical to me, that most liberal minded people are comfortable putting their head in the sand in regards to "scary" issues. Yet when the S hits the fan, you guys are the first to be outraged and start finger pointing. Not that the Repubs are much better, only slightly less hypocritical

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Its not an ego. How is that ego? He's concerned for the country and concerned Obama's weaker policies are going to help terrorism succeed. Wake up from your Bush-hating daze. Obama's a disaster already. Making a fool of himself everyday and Cheney is pissed the moronic American public buys into Obama's garbage.

BMPW, another post indicative of you having no clue what you're talking about.

Wake up from my Bush-hating? Show me one post where I indicated I hated Bush and bashed him. I'm waiting . . .

Seriously, go back to writing and posting horrible school papers for everyone to criticize - you're one of those posters who never lets facts get in the way of a stupid opinion.

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My fault, I thought it was pretty obvious sarcasm. (As are like 75% of my posts.)

I think you worry too much that the new President will be lax. Comparisons to Clinton or Carter's handling of military R&D and spending, not using intelligence sources properly, I think that all ended when the towers fell.

No one is going to be caught napping anymore. No one will ignore potential threats anymore.


He just gives me this lets all have a hug attitude. What you said about letting our guard down does make sense. I did notice that after Obama came out of those private talks with all the intelligence people he looked like he aged a little. Some body told him some stuff he wasn't ready for.:D

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You're not the VP anymore. Shut your mouth, write your book and give broad policy speeches to the bloodthirsty GOPers. But stop short of speaking about the current President you asshat!

Seems to me the fabled tradition of POTUS's STFU-ing for the rest of their lives was an invention of convenience from the right. Naturally, a few folks are going to buy into it and try and be fair about it, but let's not ignore the history here:

[Teddy] Roosevelt angrily complained about the foreign policy of President Wilson, calling it "weak." This caused him to develop an intense dislike for Woodrow Wilson. When World War I began in 1914, [six years after the end of his second term] Roosevelt strongly supported the Allies of World War I and demanded a harsher policy against Germany, especially regarding submarine warfare. In 1916, he campaigned energetically for Charles Evans Hughes and repeatedly denounced Irish-Americans and German-Americans who Roosevelt said were unpatriotic because they put the interest of Ireland and Germany ahead of America's by supporting neutrality. He insisted one had to be 100% American, not a "hyphenated American" who juggled multiple loyalties. When the U.S. entered the war in 1917, Roosevelt sought to raise a volunteer infantry division, but Wilson refused.[94]

Roosevelt's attacks on Wilson helped the Republicans win control of Congress in the off-year elections of 1918.

John Quincy Adams became a congressman, actively participating in public debate well after his Presidency.

Andrew Johnson became a Senator, also actve in politics after his Presidency.

Franklin Pierce endorsed the South after his Presidency was over, obviously staying active in political matters when he wasn't totally wasted and running over people while drunk driving his carriage.

And then of course you have Carter, Clinton, and now Cheney.

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fact, I'm inviting Osama over for tea today, and we're going to take turns crapping on the flag.

WHAT?!? He told me he was picking me up today for our monthly shopping extravaganza at the Jihads R' Us outlet!

The little b****.

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Just making an observation.. I've washed my hands of the dems and reps a long time ago..

That's cool, but doing so in a thread where Cheney is pointing fingers and most of the Repubs/conservs on this board are reversing their position about former pres and vps criticizing publicly a President is just a little funny.

No worries though. In four or eight years, I'll probably be ignoring myself too. It's just the swing of the pendulum we're in. Theyre in attack mode. It's just interesting how often ideology trumps everything else.

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That's cool, but doing so in a thread where Cheney is pointing fingers and most of the Repubs/conservs on this board are reversing their position about former pres and vps criticizing publicly a President is just a little funny.

No worries though. In four or eight years, I'll probably be ignoring myself too. It's just the swing of the pendulum we're in. Theyre in attack mode. It's just interesting how often ideology trumps everything else.

Yeah, but pointing the finger before the S hits the fan is a bit more understandable then doing so after the fact. Imagine this

You're walking down the street and see an old lady in the middle of the road(America) and a truck screaming down the street about to hit her(terrorists), you scream and point at the truck and tell her to move.. She says.. "Hey quit being an alarmist, don't be a finger point!.." Then bam she's dead.. Then the people on the side of the street start pointing at you and blaming you for not doing enough..

I think we all see the truck coming down the street.. Terrorists aren't done with us yet..

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Al Gore talks warns about global warming (something he knows a lot about) - Democrats applaud, Republicans go insane.

Chaney talks warns about global terrorism (something he knows a lot about) - Republicans applaud, Democrats go insane.

We are all hypocrites. I like it when Al Gore speaks because I want to hear what he has to say and I respect him. I hate it when Chaney talks, because I think he is a piece of **** and I don't respect him. We are all hypocrites, get over it.

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Al Gore talks warns about global warming (something he knows a lot about) - Democrats applaud, Republicans go insane.

Chaney talks warns about global terrorism (something he knows a lot about) - Republicans applaud, Democrats go insane.

We are all hypocrites. I like it when Al Gore speaks because I want to hear what he has to say and I respect him. I hate it when Chaney talks, because I think he is a piece of **** and I don't respect him. We are all hypocrites, get over it.

Libertarians aren't.. We think both your sides are nuts ;p

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Al Gore talks warns about global warming (something he knows a lot about) - Democrats applaud, Republicans go insane.

Chaney talks warns about global terrorism (something he knows a lot about) - Republicans applaud, Democrats go insane.

We are all hypocrites. I like it when Al Gore speaks because I want to hear what he has to say and I respect him. I hate it when Chaney talks, because I think he is a piece of **** and I don't respect him. We are all hypocrites, get over it.

Let's just hope Barack Obama respects both enough to listen to both.

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Hugging an Arab a day keeps to terrorists away.

If I knew where you lived I would pay a group of Arabs to run up to you in the street and start hugging you. I can only imagine your reaction.

You are correct sir. I would freak a little. I find it funny how there are none of the bad arabs around. They are all Indian now. I buy my chew from a little store that I must admit I racial profiled as arabs. They always got that weird whining music cranking. I know that sounds ignorant as hell, but I'm human.

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You are correct sir. I would freak a little. I find it funny how there are none of the bad arabs around. They are all Indian now. I buy my chew from a little store that I must admit I racial profiled as arabs. They always got that weird whining music cranking. I know that sounds ignorant as hell, but I'm human.

Wow, I'm completely shocked that you would be guilty of racial profiling.

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