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Freedom of religion, not Freedom From Religion


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He went to church yesterday morning, a tradition on Inaguration day.

He put his hand on Lincoln's BIBLE, to swear in as our President.

A Christian Pastor spoke at his Inaguration

He is attending another church ceremony this morning.

So why do some people think that Obama will now take religion completely out of the government? Why do some people think he has all the power?

This is in response to several comments I've heard Locally, not necessarily here on ES. For example, a quote in this morning's local paper, "I'm glad Obama is now our president, because he will take religion out of the government all together."

I understand, and agree that there shouldn't be a government sponsored religion, but why are some (please realize I said "some") people trying to make religion, specifically Christian religion, disapear completely?

Maybe those of you who are athiest, or agnostic can shed some light on this idea that Obama will take religion out of government, cause I really don't see him doing that. At least not in the sense that some people want/think.

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So why do some people think that Obama will now take religion completely out of the government? Why do some people think he has all the power?

This is in response to several comments I've heard Locally, not necessarily here on ES. For example, a quote in this morning's local paper, "I'm glad Obama is now our president, because he will take religion out of the government all together."

Because they are deluding themselves.

I don't think he will do that.

I think a lot of Christians were force fed a ton of bull during the election and now they're convinced Obama is the anti-christ.


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I think a lot of Christians were force fed a ton of bull during the election and now they're convinced Obama is the anti-christ.

I don't quite agree with that. I definitely don't feel that way, and have not heard any other Christians I know think that way.

It's along the lines of another quote we had in our paper, a guy said he was glad Obama was elected cause now he will have more money. Like Obama is just going to start writing checks and sending them to people.

I'm hoping for his success, as it means success for America. I just think that some out there have too high, or ridiculous expectations.

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I don't quite agree with that. I definitely don't feel that way, and have not heard any other Christians I know think that way.

Well out here in "Real America" (j/k) I've heard time and again the sentiments that were expressed coming from Christians, well meaning Christians who had listened to their spiritual leaders and believed the lies that were told. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was asked "How as a Christian can you vote for that man?" Then started the Muslim talk, or the "he's an atheistic leftist" on and on it went.

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Well out here in "Real America" (j/k) I've heard time and again the sentiments that were expressed coming from Christians, well meaning Christians who had listened to their spiritual leaders and believed the lies that were told. I wish I had a dollar for every time I was asked "How as a Christian can you vote for that man?" Then started the Muslim talk, or the "he's an atheistic leftist" on and on it went.

Exactly, I heard many of my church going friends talk about how their preachers basically told them that if they didn't vote for McCain they were not true Christians or something or another.

Made me wish I was an IRS agent, I would have made a lot of visits.

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Exactly, I heard many of my church going friends talk about how their preachers basically told them that if they didn't vote for McCain they were not true Christians or something or another.

Made me wish I was an IRS agent, I would have made a lot of visits.

I see your point, and Ashbury....I think that stuff was crap. I'll be honest, I thought there may have been something on the Muslim thing when I first heard it, But I actually looked into and realized it was just nonsense. I didn't vote for Obama because of policy belief differences, not his religion.

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People say he'll take religion away because it will appeal to the religious right during the elections. It's a political ploy.

I hope by now folks realize that there's no way anyone can remove religion from our society, so the fear and anger over that is completely unfounded. Of course, there's always going to be rabble-rousers who will file their lawsuits, but they do it to try to make a statement, not with any hope they'd actually win.

And as we all discussed before, the usual suspects filed their suits for this Inaugural, and nothing changed.

To the title though,, Freedom of Religion means that I can have Freedom From Religion in my personal life if I so choose. But to expect it to be removed from society because it's not my belief is utterly and completely ridiculous, and against all the principals of liberty our nation was founded upon.

Enjoy your religion, and I'll enjoy my non religion, and we'll all get along just fine.


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I like how some (notice I said some) Christians believe that when atheists want to separate govt and church, they automatically say "It's only targeted at Christians." To me, I'm an equal opportunity religion disliker, Jewish, Muslim, or Christian I think the same about them all...

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I like how some (notice I said some) Christians believe that when atheists want to separate govt and church, they automatically say "It's only targeted at Christians." To me, I'm an equal opportunity religion disliker, Jewish, Muslim, or Christian I think the same about them all...

haha, I couldn't agree more. I'm trying not to turn this into a bash fest but (some) Christians def. have this idea that religion only refers to them, as if their religion is the only one on earth.

Rest assured Christians, I don't like any other religion more or less that yours. My dislike of organized religion is pretty equal.

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He went to church yesterday morning, a tradition on Inaguration day.

He put his hand on Lincoln's BIBLE, to swear in as our President.

A Christian Pastor spoke at his Inaguration

He is attending another church ceremony this morning.

So why do some people think that Obama will now take religion completely out of the government? Why do some people think he has all the power?

This is in response to several comments I've heard Locally, not necessarily here on ES. For example, a quote in this morning's local paper, "I'm glad Obama is now our president, because he will take religion out of the government all together."

I understand, and agree that there shouldn't be a government sponsored religion, but why are some (please realize I said "some") people trying to make religion, specifically Christian religion, disapear completely?

Maybe those of you who are athiest, or agnostic can shed some light on this idea that Obama will take religion out of government, cause I really don't see him doing that. At least not in the sense that some people want/think.

It wont be Obama himself but what has people wary are the upcoming Judicial appointments in the Appellate, District and Supreme Courts and it was his interviews that showed he has no problem with Judicial activism.

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While I'm not a fan of religion, I've never felt that any religion is threatened by President Obama.

I think that if Limbaugh, O'Reily, Hannity, or Coulter told their sheep that Obama would take away their Christianity, then the sheep would indeed believe that to be a truth.

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It's along the lines of another quote we had in our paper, a guy said he was glad Obama was elected cause now he will have more money. Like Obama is just going to start writing checks and sending them to people.

This, in a nutshell, is why I think Obama is going to find the road to re-election tougher. There are millions of people out there who think the election of Obama meant they were going get checks from Obama, free healthcare from Obama, a new better paying job from Obama, and a new house with no mortgage. These people will hesitate rushing to the polls in four years if they haven't received what they perceived as promised for electing the Messiah.

And.. as for religion and govt.... isn't it the left that is always crying about religion corrupting govt? The same ones who cry "separation of church and state"... believing it's a Constitutional amendment... when in fact it was a phrased penned by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams.

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I think a lot of Christians were force fed a ton of bull during the election and now they're convinced Obama is the anti-christ.

People say he'll take religion away because it will appeal to the religious right during the elections. It's a political ploy.

While I'm not a fan of religion, I've never felt that any religion is threatened by President Obama.

I think that if Limbaugh, O'Reily, Hannity, or Coulter told their sheep that Obama would take away their Christianity, then the sheep would indeed believe that to be a truth.

You guys are SERIOUSLY overlooking one important logic fact:

ljsheeley said in their opening post the following: "For example, a quote in this morning's local paper, 'I'm glad Obama is now our president, because he will take religion out of the government all together.'"

They're "GLAD" he'll remove religion from the government? Does that sound like a right-wing church-goer to you? lol...Whoever said that was NOT a "Christian force fed a lot of bull"...whoever said that was NOT part of the "religious right" falling for a "political ploy"...whoever said that was NOT "sheep" who blindly follow the likes of Limbaugh and Coulter.

It's obvious that whoever said that WANTS religion removed from the government, and is happy that Obama won because now they believe he will do it. Yet this entire thread has acted as if it were a right-wing-Obama-hating-Limbaugh-listening-sheep who said it lol :)...

Kinda scary how knee-jerk and automatic the reactions can often be when anything mentioning religion comes up.

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