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Bags Next Week to Show our disappointment


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Man chill that fighting stuff out. It is bad enough that the team win from Super Bowl to Toilet Bowl. Now we are trying to fight each other.


the times they are a changing.

but for real. this may be the angriest that Skins fans have ever been. perhaps.

this was a very disturbing stupid loss that will last for a while. a long while.

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Man chill that fighting stuff out. It is bad enough that the team win from Super Bowl to Toilet Bowl. Now we are trying to fight each other.


I'm not really going to punch anybody. I'm really a friendly person who likes to joke around a lot. I do think that the brown paper bag idea is one of the worst ever though.

We're all skins fans here and even though I think that wearing paper bag over one's head is a terrible idea, I'm not going to do anything rash.


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Everyone needs to bring a bench JC sign and boo everytime he touches the football regardless of the outcome of the play. I'll be watching the Iggles game with one goal, hoping for JC being benched or taken out of the game by other means.

That's evil. How would you feel if that were you? Were you ever an athlete? My guess would be no. Because I can't imagine an athlete ever doing that to another athlete.

Like I said. Philly fan behavior. Might as well come in green.

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I think we all need to just take a chill pill.

This loss is one of the most disappointing, if not the most, of the season. I think we can all agree on that. With that said, there is nothing we can do to change what happened. Would we all like to have seen this team come out fired out? Yes. Would we all have liked to seen this offense show up for a full four quarters? Yes. Would we all like to see a defensive pass rush for once? Yes.

With all of that said we are 7-7 right now, not 1-13 or 2-12. I have no problem with people wearing paper bags (we all have the right to freely express ourselves) but I do not think it is necessary to do it to a 7-7 team.

Now do I wish Snyder would actually build through the draft and give a coach three years (and thus give JC two or three years with the same system)? Hell yes. The reality is, however, no matter what we do as fans that is not going to change how Snyder operates. (Well short of not buying tickets, but even with all the grumblings season after season we manage to sell out and have a great turnout week after week.)

As for fighting each other, I really think we all need to remember that this is just a GAME of football. Regardless of how you feel, or if it is a Eagles or a Redskins fan (especually a Redskins fan) it is not worth a night in the slammer, possible losing your tickets, and/or having legal troubles that effect your job because of a football GAME.

Sorry for the rant. I just got home from school and I am very much looking forward to going to my one and only Redskins game this season on Sunday.


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Our TEAM may not be the worst, but I can honestly say I think our offense over the past few weeks including yesterday is the worst thing I have seen in the league, however I don't think we are at paper bag level yet. It's not like we are at Lions level as an organization.

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