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Post Game Thread Fallout - Merge Em Here.


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He is awful. Slow, dumb and gives little if any pass protection to JC. I have been watching him a lot the last 5-6 games and he gets run all over and makes terrible plays EVERY SINGLE GAME. When are they going to realize that part of the reason JC isn't playing good is because he isn't getting any pass protection from his OL, particularly Jansen. Bench him, he sucks.

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You're terrible for making another thread about this topic.

Actually, Jansen/Heyer are the story of our season so I see no reason NOT to discuss it further. Our defense has played well in spite of our non-existent pass rush. However, it was no mystery that Heyer couldn't run block and Jansen was done. I think it took teams a little by surprise that Jansen was still able to run block but once they figured that out they compensated for it and just abused him in pass pro. To compensate, Zorn has had to reign in the intermediate/long passing game and our points and offensive production have plummeted as a result. This makes it way easier to game plan against us.

Fixing RT has to be the top priority this offseason or our offense will continue going nowhere fast.

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Great QBs are rarely if ever available in FA. Besides Drew Brees how many have there been? And I don't think Cassel will be good here, or anywhere else but in New England.

We need to develop our own. Campbell looks like a bust. Is Brennan the guy? Is there someone in the draft we like? We'll see...

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Only an idiot would put the whole blame on campbell.

Ok we get a new QB then what? we still need better wrs, more capable oline, better play calling.

Theres no point of getting new qb. Hes going to come in have few good games few bad games. You will start a another thread pmsing about how "insert name" sucks and want a new qb. Thats how redskins fans are they are pretty ignorant and iam kinda sick of it. I love the team but the fans are just unbearable to watch and talk to.

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You JC bashers make me laugh, god I wish there was a message board out there with some sort of intelligence but I am stuck with this one I guess. If you put JC in any system that allows him to actually play, he would dominate. Look at what the Giants allow Eli to do, look at what Cam allows Flacco to do in Baltimore...they throw downfield and mix it up constantly. Nobody is mentioning the fact that the WR's can't get open to save their lives. Our O-line is not capable of giving JC time so we depend on the WR's to get open quickly. Obviously that is not happening but you keep blaming JC. Our recievers had huge drops today, our D couldn't stop anyone, our kicker is trash, our punter is trash, and the playcalling is plain awefull. JC isn't perfect, but to blame him for the loss is ridiculous.

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