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I'm pretty abhorred by what I just saw...

Spaceman Spiff

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I'm pretty bittersweet about Obama winning. Bitter because I don't like his policies, I have a huge issue with redistribution of wealth. While I don't fall into the "200k and up" range that he's going to punish, I still have a huge issue with that philosophy. I do not think that the government knows whats best for my money or anyone elses money. Bitter because I firmly believe that this country needs less government, not more of it.

Now I do like Obama, the person. I wish my party had someone like him, someone engaging and inspiring. There are a lot of people out there that are really happy today and it's very good to see. I hope that Obama really is a different politician than the rest and delivers on what he promises to do for the people that voted for him and wanted him to win.

And the historical significance is great. It's definitely a good thing too.

Unlike a lot of Republican/conservatives, I'm not going to cry, ***** and moan that I didn't get my way this time. Nothing good comes of whining and complaining. My parents, for example, think it's the end of the world.

So despite my fundamental differences with Obama, I felt surprisingly good this morning. Perhaps this change is what we really do need. It's nice to have a fresh, younger face after the past 8 years. I'm willing to give him a chance, rather than throw up my arms and say that the end of the world is near.

I was driving on my way to pick something up from a clients house down in Sterling, I was on a street that I practically drive on every day...when I saw the Stars and Stripes hung upside down and at half mast on a flagpole in someones front yard, a front yard that had a "McCain/Palin" sign planted firmly in the ground.

Now...I'm 27, I'll freely admit to immaturity even at this age. For those of you who don't know, I'm a real estate agent here in Northern VA. I routinely see people that I look at as "grown ups" act incredibly immature during real estate transactions. Deals that involve several hundred thousands of dollars and sometimes even millions nearly being blown up due to a few hundred dollars or a thousand dollars here or there, or because the curtains in the family room don't convey. I've seen grown men throw full blown temper tantrums at settlement tables over tiny things. I've had clients who have wanted to run the risk of getting sued for not wanting to fix things they've agreed to fix on home inspections. I've given money out of my commission checks because my clients won't sack up and pay for things that they've stated they will in legally binding documents.

So I'm pretty much reminded daily of how immature and how stupid people can be.

But when I saw the flag hung upside down at half mast in this front yard, I pretty much lost it. I can't believe someone would be so ignorant and immature because their party didn't win. Do they really think that our candidate, "Country First" McCain would approve of such an action or a symbol?

I'm sure there's many more episodes of people acting immature because they didn't get their way today, fortunately this is the only one I've seen.

I'm just abhorred and wanted to share.

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I'm pretty bittersweet about Obama winning. Bitter because I don't like his policies, I have a huge issue with redistribution of wealth. While I don't fall into the "200k and up" range that he's going to punish, I still have a huge issue with that philosophy. I do not think that the government knows whats best for my money or anyone elses money. Bitter because I firmly believe that this country needs less government, not more of it.

Now I do like Obama, the person. I wish my party had someone like him, someone engaging and inspiring. There are a lot of people out there that are really happy today and it's very good to see. I hope that Obama really is a different politician than the rest and delivers on what he promises to do for the people that voted for him and wanted him to win.

And the historical significance is great. It's definitely a good thing too.

Unlike a lot of Republican/conservatives, I'm not going to cry, ***** and moan that I didn't get my way this time. Nothing good comes of whining and complaining. My parents, for example, think it's the end of the world.

So despite my fundamental differences with Obama, I felt surprisingly good this morning. Perhaps this change is what we really do need. It's nice to have a fresh, younger face after the past 8 years. I'm willing to give him a chance, rather than throw up my arms and say that the end of the world is near.

I was driving on my way to pick something up from a clients house down in Sterling, I was on a street that I practically drive on every day...when I saw the Stars and Stripes hung upside down and at half mast on a flagpole in someones front yard, a front yard that had a "McCain/Palin" sign planted firmly in the ground.

Now...I'm 27, I'll freely admit to immaturity even at this age. For those of you who don't know, I'm a real estate agent here in Northern VA. I routinely see people that I look at as "grown ups" act incredibly immature during real estate transactions. Deals that involve several hundred thousands of dollars and sometimes even millions nearly being blown up due to a few hundred dollars or a thousand dollars here or there, or because the curtains in the family room don't convey. I've seen grown men throw full blown temper tantrums at settlement tables over tiny things. I've had clients who have wanted to run the risk of getting sued for not wanting to fix things they've agreed to fix on home inspections. I've given money out of my commission checks because my clients won't sack up and pay for things that they've stated they will in legally binding documents.

So I'm pretty much reminded daily of how immature and how stupid people can be.

But when I saw the flag hung upside down at half mast in this front yard, I pretty much lost it. I can't believe someone would be so ignorant and immature because their party didn't win. Do they really think that our candidate, "Country First" McCain would approve of such an action or a symbol?

I'm sure there's many more episodes of people acting immature because they didn't get their way today, fortunately this is the only one I've seen.

I'm just abhorred and wanted to share.

People take the election WAAAAAAAAAAAY to personally, the US Citizens got a chance to Vote for thier own President and the overwhelming majority one.. I voted for Mccain but I can say I did my part to Support him and he lost.. So I move on and continue to support my country still, I dont have to support his policies and programs but thats what makes america great.

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I'm pretty bittersweet about Obama winning. Bitter because I don't like his policies, I have a huge issue with redistribution of wealth. While I don't fall into the "200k and up" range that he's going to punish, I still have a huge issue with that philosophy. I do not think that the government knows whats best for my money or anyone elses money. Bitter because I firmly believe that this country needs less government, not more of it.

so you are saying that you don't like getting more money than you had before?

and i still don't understand the whole labeling of "redistribution of wealth" when he is doing the same exact thing thats been going on for years: tax rich people more than poorer people..whats the difference really?

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McCain would be disgusted. When he said Country First, he meant it.

I myself did not support Obama, but he won, so I do now. He is our president and I hope he does a wonderful job. We really need something to change in this country. Maybe he will be the man to do it, maybe not. He is still my President :cheers:

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I agree about that flag that you saw Spiff. McCain would be very disappointed if he knew someone was disrespecting the flag that he fought for...over the election results.

I consider the backhanded socialism/socialist,USSR, red, Marxist, blah blah blah, etc. comments that a minority of people are making following the results to be just as disgusting and immature.

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It wasn't lost on me last night when during McCain's defeat speech, everyone booed everytime Obama was mentioned. 1 hour later, during Obama's win speech, people were either silent or clapped when McCain was acknowledged.

People act boorishly in defeat.

It wasn't lost on me either.

Plus McCain told them to stop. It was even sadder when he had to do it a second time....

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People take the election WAAAAAAAAAAAY to personally, the US Citizens got a chance to Vote for thier own President and the overwhelming majority one.. I voted for Mccain but I can say I did my part to Support him and he lost.. So I move on and continue to support my country still, I dont have to support his policies and programs but thats what makes america great.

I'm abhorred by your gratuitous quoting of large blocks of text.

How dare you sir!

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Stars and Stripes upside is one of the most singular acts a person can do that disgusts me. For a person who has fought bled an died for our colors it is the ultimate slap in the face of all who hold those colors true!

I understand the gesture....Flying the Flag upside down is a sign of distress (yes it is in flag code) However, that being said in this situation it is childish, however symbolic the homeowner intended it to be. There is simply no reason for the homeowner to do that over the election. While I am not an Obama supporter, he is our president elect and I will give him a clean slate.....what he does with it, is up to him.

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McCain would object to the flag being hung upside down and at half mast. He gave a great concession speech and asked everyone to come together. A tall order indeed. But after seeing the way Obama brought people together maybe it can be done. I have hope for everyone in America.

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I understand the gesture....Flying the Flag upside down is a sign of distress (yes it is in flag code) However, that being said in this situation it is childish, however symbolic the homeowner intended it to be.

You're absolutely correct, and I couldn't agree more with your conclusion.

As for you Mr. Spliff, I'm proud of you dude. I know you're not happy with the result of the election, but your promise to give Obama a chance and see how things go is commendable. That's all any of us can ask.

Party BS aside, if Obama succeeds, so do the rest of us.

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I myself did not support Obama, but he won, so I do now. He is our president and I hope he does a wonderful job. We really need something to change in this country. Maybe he will be the man to do it, maybe not. He is still my President :cheers:

Wow, if only the libs in this country had that attitude for the last 8 years, maybe, just maybe this country would be a lot better off right now.

I personally don't care for Obama and his policies either but I'm going to give him a chance and hope he does well. I only pray that everyone, or at least most of us can do the same.

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I personally don't care for Obama and his policies either but I'm going to give him a chance and hope he does well. I only pray that everyone, or at least most of us can do the same.

I aplaud youre stance.

"I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president, and I hope he does a good job." After learning that John F Kennedy, rather than Wayne's preference Richard Nixon, had been elected president.

The great ones never forget what really matters.

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Wow, if only the libs in this country had that attitude for the last 8 years, maybe, just maybe this country would be a lot better off right now.

Some of us did. Just like some conservatives like Spiff do now.

It's not about ideology. That's the point.

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I thought both candidates were extremely gracious in their concession/victory speeches. They both said the right things in order for the country to move on, but it's unfortunate we have to suffer through such long and divisive campaigns in the first place.

The upside down flag disturbs me, and if I had passed by I may or may not have stopped and said something. Half-mast is one form of protest, upside-down is an entirely different statement.

It makes me wonder why the person even put up a flagpole in the first place.

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Wow, if only the libs in this country had that attitude for the last 8 years, maybe, just maybe this country would be a lot better off right now.

It's a lot easlier for the people to have that attitude when the President has that attitude.

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Well you already have my opinion. I accept the choice of the majority of American people. I hope Obama does well because we can't afford to fail because if he does fail; there is no guarantee the country remains intact.

For Republicans, it's time to reasses and decide what they are really for and then start over. Clean house and then rebuild. Disagree with Obama when those occasions arise and be the loyal opposition. I do hope that when you can find common ground, you work with Obama. I don't expect one to sacrifice their beliefs but I also have had enough of this what's good for the party ****. You should put "Country First". If you believe you can work with Obama on some issues, then do it. The time for campaigning will happen again in 2010/2012. Bill Clinton pushed NAFTA thru because many republicans were for it. Hell, Lyndon Johnson caught the civil rights passed with Republican help.

Obama and the liberal democrats are now in charge for the next 2 years. If they do well, they will be rewarded in 2010. If they don't; we can make changes in 2010 and 2012.

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I routinely see people that I look at as "grown ups" act incredibly immature.......I've seen grown men throw full blown temper tantrums......over tiny things.

So I'm pretty much reminded daily of how immature and how stupid people can be.

I believe the expression is, "welcome to the tailgate." :silly:

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I thought both candidates were extremely gracious in their concession/victory speeches. They both said the right things in order for the country to move on, but it's unfortunate we have to suffer through such long and divisive campaigns in the first place.

The upside down flag disturbs me, and if I had passed by I may or may not have stopped and said something. Half-mast is one form of protest, upside-down is an entirely different statement.

It makes me wonder why the person even put up a flagpole in the first place.

Agree with all of this. I hate flag desecration or disprespect. Been known to have strong reactions to it. I aslo have zero respect for those "He's not my President" buttons and bumper stickers when they were against Bush. Just like the one currently in 81ArtMonk's sig aimed at Obama. But it's free speech and I wouldn't change it. Americans have as much right to be pig-ignorant as anyone on this earth.

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