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I'm pretty abhorred by what I just saw...

Spaceman Spiff

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so you are saying that you don't like getting more money than you had before?

and i still don't understand the whole labeling of "redistribution of wealth" when he is doing the same exact thing thats been going on for years: tax rich people more than poorer people..whats the difference really?

:doh: the election's over, no more campaigning.

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Spaceman, the title is driving me crazy... You're pretty abhorred? That's not even remotely English! AAAAGGGGhhhhh! (runs screaming into a brick wall)

Good thread though. That kind of idiocy bothers me a lot too. I do support freedom of expression and would not force him to take it down, but I also support freedom of speech and thinks the guy deserves a good cursing out.

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I was driving on my way to pick something up from a clients house down in Sterling, I was on a street that I practically drive on every day...when I saw the Stars and Stripes hung upside down and at half mast on a flagpole in someones front yard, a front yard that had a "McCain/Palin" sign planted firmly in the ground.

But when I saw the flag hung upside down at half mast in this front yard, I pretty much lost it. I can't believe someone would be so ignorant and immature because their party didn't win. Do they really think that our candidate, "Country First" McCain would approve of such an action or a symbol?

I'm just abhorred and wanted to share.

Great Post, and I'd be pissed over this sort of **** (and blatant disrespect to the flag code) regardless of who won the election :mad:

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It is the sign of distress; a call for help. I don't have a problem with it.

Have you ever served under our colors? Obviously you haven't because you wouldn't make that type of statement. Do you know someone who has served under our colors? Ask them their feelings and see what you get from them.

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Wow Spiff, that would have made me really sad had I seen that too. Evidently they were never taught to be gracious in defeat...

It's fine to be upset about the way the election turned out, but it's not fine to be so disrespectful like that; especially considering the gracious speeches given by both candidates last night. They showed how competition should be handled, with dignity and class.

And I've noticed a lot of people talking about the boos in the McCain crowd as opposed to the silence in the Obama crowd when the opposing candidate's name was spoken. I think you are jumping to conclusions when you say definitively that no one in Obama's crowd would have booed had they lost. Why would they boo, they are happy with the results? Supporters at McCain's speech were upset, their candidate had just conceded, they were still digesting the news...many times people will over-react when they are initially upset. This is not to make excuses for the people who booed, that is disrespectful and unacceptable. But please stop touting your supporters as holier than thou for not booing when they had just won a major election.

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Have you ever served under our colors? Obviously you haven't because you wouldn't make that type of statement. Do you know someone who has served under our colors? Ask them their feelings and see what you get from them.

I have family members, friends, and know those who have died serving. That makes little difference to the meaning of what was displayed.

I do have a problem with those who disgrace the flag, burn it and the like.

I'm sorry if you don't know what an upside down American flag means. I, personally wouldn't do it but I don't have a negative reaction to it either.

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so you are saying that you don't like getting more money than you had before?

and i still don't understand the whole labeling of "redistribution of wealth" when he is doing the same exact thing thats been going on for years: tax rich people more than poorer people..whats the difference really?


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Spaceman, the title is driving me crazy... You're pretty abhorred? That's not even remotely English! AAAAGGGGhhhhh! (runs screaming into a brick wall)

Good thread though. That kind of idiocy bothers me a lot too. I do support freedom of expression and would not force him to take it down, but I also support freedom of speech and thinks the guy deserves a good cursing out.

Now see, that's the diff between an angry lib like you and a mellow moderate like me. I gave him on pass on the "abhorred" thingy. :silly:

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I don't get what people's fascination is with "redistribution of wealth". All Obama is going to do is reverse the redistribution of wealth upwards that's already been taking place gradually over the last 30-40 years. He's going to eliminate the loopholes that have been added and opened so that corporations and people who have ways of moving money around can avoid taxes. This isn't socialism, I don't know why people just have to get stuck on this and avoid the obvious of what's happening. Remember Warren Buffet saying how he pays less income tax, by % of his income, than his secretary? That's the wealth redistribution that's already taken place that Obama has talked about correcting. :2cents: Just something I wanted to mention.

As to the rest of your post, I understand where you're coming from, there are idiots everywhere, that's for sure but I think the approach you're taking as far as giving Obama a chance is awesome. More than anything I hope Obama can unite people and move us past the petty, overly partisan, treat politics like a sports team attitude that's saturated our political enviornment for too long.

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Needless to say, people in Park City are just a tad excited about the outcome of the election,(even if much of the rest of this state isn't. Go figure). Interesting though, the reaction of those on both sides of the aisle today. Some ecstatic, a few not too happy, and one had no idea who won the election. "So, uh, who's our next President?" :doh: Though certainly not as extreme,(no pun intended),as what Spiff described, I found, (and I am certain I will hear more of these over the next few days),the reactions of both sides fairly.....disturbing. "@%#$%@ great man. This is so cool. Got that ****ing idiot out of there finally and don't have to deal with that idiot McCain. We're in good shape now. How the hell could anyone vote for that guy? ****ing Idiots."

"Well,they got what they wanted. Obaman. Country is in trouble now. This is what happens when stupid people can vote."

Or something along those lines. Never ceases to amaze when I hear things like that. I've talked to some very smart, loyal, fellow Americans who voted for one or the other of those candidates yesterday. They did their research, thought about things, and came to different conclusions. I'm sure many just like them did so around the country. I just don't understand why having a different opinion,(I didn't say uninformed opinion), makes one less of an American or a better one. An idiot or a smart person. Yet I hear those a lot and will continue to do so I am sure.

The predictions of a downfall or a wonderful time for our country can be a bit interesting as well. Maybe it's because I'm a bit of a cynic that I can't tell what the future is going to be. And maybe that's why I don't get either one of those comments. It's an uncertain one for sure. Hope is one thing. Certainty is another.

An upside down flag? That's kind of pathetic. Best one can do is ignore that kind of thing and recognize it for what it is.

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