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Why Are You Voting Obama?


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McCain made a serious miscalculation with Palin, not so much because of her, but because it confirmed who pulls the strings in the Republican Party--the far right. For people who lean right economically but are forced to sign off on a whole host of social issues they don't agree with, it's a difficult pill to swallow, and I think it will cost McCain the election.

That pretty much nails it for me.

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Because when Barack Obama speaks, I don't want to rip my ears off. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I feel every word that he says. Call me a lemming, naive, or an idealist...I don't give a ****. I want to have a president that makes me want to believe what he says and John McCain is far from that person.

Barack Obama for president mother****es! He killed it in Ohio. Wow

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I really like John McCain and I think he would make a wonderful president.

I'm voting for Obama because I want to be a part of something potentially great, potentially ground breaking. Voting for Obama and his presidency that would ensue, could potentially be the greatest thing in my lifetime.

I could be completely wrong about Obama. To me Obama is the risky pick, I know what I'm getting from McCain. I will go with that risk and what might be the best president of my lifetime.

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Obviously you disagree.

I just think your reasoning is kind of corny. It is the same reasoning the "Obama is the messiah" people have. If you had said, "I've decided to vote for him because he believes what I believe..." then cool. But the whole "I want to be part of something big, I want to say I voted for him, I want to be part of electing the first black president so I can tell my kids" thing is weak imo.

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I just think your reasoning is kind of corny. It is the same reasoning the "Obama is the messiah" people have. If you had said, "I've decided to vote for him because he believes what I believe..." then cool. But the whole "I want to be part of something big, I want to say I voted for him, I want to be part of electing the first black president so I can tell my kids" thing is weak imo.

Is it as corny as people voting for Bush because they'd rather have a beer with him than Kerry?

Is it as corny as people voting for McCain and Palin because, "Palin talks folksy and is ordinary just like me!"

The Republican party has cornered the market on getting people to vote for them based on corny reasons so lets not go there.

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Is it as corny as people voting for Bush because they'd rather have a beer with him than Kerry?

Is it as corny as people voting for McCain and Palin because, "Palin talks folksy and is ordinary just like me!"

The Republican party has cornered the market on getting people to vote for them based on corny reasons so lets not go there.

Let's not go there??? If you saw any animosity in my post to get you worked up, you are mistaken.

Those are all corny reasons to vote for someone. I didn't say only the left does it. If someone said "I'm gonna vote for McCain/Palin because I want to be a part of electing the first woman VP and watching history in the making!!!" I would be like..."dude, you's a KORNY mofo son!"

Just like that, too.

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Simply because he's the candidate who's left in the race that has the same stances on some of the major issues in this country that I do. And I also feel that between him and McCain, he is the one who will most likely advance our country rather than cause it to regress.

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I'm voting for Obama because I want to be a part of something potentially great, potentially ground breaking. Voting for Obama and his presidency that would ensue, could potentially be the greatest thing in my lifetime.

The greatest thing in your lifetime? Really? God, I think getting to second base for the first time was a "greater" thing in my lifetime than being able to say that I voted for a particular President.

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I just think your reasoning is kind of corny. It is the same reasoning the "Obama is the messiah" people have. If you had said, "I've decided to vote for him because he believes what I believe..." then cool. But the whole "I want to be part of something big, I want to say I voted for him, I want to be part of electing the first black president so I can tell my kids" thing is weak imo.

I see nothing wrong with wanting to make history as long as the history maker is a reasonable selection.

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i'm ready to change the world yo!

He is exactly what I want my president to be...He is super intelligent and I know he will make the right decisions...

I think he will act as a perfect representative to the people and will be one of the best presidents when it comes to foreign policy decisions which have always been of interest to me.

Domestically he's pretty spot on with a lot of my beliefs


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IMO the folks making fun of someone's passion as corny are too cynical. I feel sorry that they have such a lack of hope in their lives. Passion and initiative are two of the most important character traits you can have in the furtherance of your own career, why would it be bad to have them with respect to the furtherance of your country?

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It's good to see who on the board supports killing innocent babies. A vote for Obama equals supporting killing innocent babies. Only in America could a guy with absolutely no experience even be considered for president. I personally don't think it matters who is elected president though, because until our country gets back to the CHRISTIAN values it was founded on it is going to contine to decline. That means stop killing innocent babies and defining marriage as ONLY between one man and one woman. I do think John McCain has more of those values than his opponent and that is why he will get my vote. Personally I think the past 8 years have been alright, could have been better, but definitely could have been worse. I could see people looking for a free handout voting for Obama, but other than that I have no idea why anyone else would. I guess that is what makes the world go around though, everyone is different.

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It's good to see who on the board supports killing innocent babies. A vote for Obama equals supporting killing innocent babies. Only in America could a guy with absolutely no experience even be considered for president. I personally don't think it matters who is elected president though, because until our country gets back to the CHRISTIAN values it was founded on it is going to contine to decline. That means stop killing innocent babies and defining marriage as ONLY between one man and one woman. I do think John McCain has more of those values than his opponent and that is why he will get my vote. Personally I think the past 8 years have been alright, could have been better, but definitely could have been worse. I could see people looking for a free handout voting for Obama, but other than that I have no idea why anyone else would. I guess that is what makes the world go around though, everyone is different.

I'm in favor of only killing guilty babies. Does that make me a good Christian?

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The American Dream is not about "spreading the wealth" and basically punishing those who are doing good in the life. Obama wants to even it out and for everyone to be at an equal level, but there's a problem with that and that is it takes away the "want to" out of people who go out there and bust their ass to make that money, while other people like those on welfare just sit back and do nothing like they always do and stikll get taken care of.

So American Dream, I think not, more like a hand out.

Oh and to kind of keep on topic with the OP, I'm not!!!;)

Yeah, trying to make it affordable for every American to have basic health care. What a jerk!

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Let's not go there??? If you saw any animosity in my post to get you worked up, you are mistaken.

Those are all corny reasons to vote for someone. I didn't say only the left does it. If someone said "I'm gonna vote for McCain/Palin because I want to be a part of electing the first woman VP and watching history in the making!!!" I would be like..."dude, you's a KORNY mofo son!"

Just like that, too.

How am I suppose to know any of that? Your response to his reasoning behind voting for Obama was this ":rolleyes:" and you are a known McCain supporter.

I have no way of knowing if you would act the same way towards someone that said, "im voting for McCain because I want Palin to be the first woman VP"

As far as being worked up, maybe you should take your own advice, you seem to be the one who got all worked up.

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