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Why Are You Voting Obama?


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Sorry you can't handle the truth. So you don't have a problem killing an innocent baby? I heard a neat story the other day. A young lady went into the doctor's office and had her 2 year old son with her. She was pregnant with her 2nd child and told the doctor she could only support one child at the moment so she wanted to "take care" of the one in her belly. The doctor asked, "so you are confident you can support one child, but two is too much". She said yes. He said alright you give me your 2 year old and I will take him out back and kill him and you can raise the one in your belly. Of course the woman went nuts and said you can't kill my son and the doctor said if I "take care" of the one in your belly I am also killing your son/daughter. It is the exact same thing. Why is we would go nuts if someone killed a toddler, but not an innocent baby there is absolutely no difference. I know people say it is a woman's choice, but I ask should we say it is a person's choice to break into your home and kill you without any consequences? There is no difference between the two because both are murder. Some people say well the baby hasn't been born yet and isn't a "person", yet if a pregnant woman is killed it is considered double murder. You can't murder somebody that doesn't exist. Praying for you.


being in a country where we are not one religion makes it difficult to say when life begins, scientifically its another story, but from your posts i feel science may be the last thing on your mind. with that said im glad your not the one deciding this for the masses.

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Sorry you can't handle the truth. So you don't have a problem killing an innocent baby? I heard a neat story the other day. A young lady went into the doctor's office and had her 2 year old son with her. She was pregnant with her 2nd child and told the doctor she could only support one child at the moment so she wanted to "take care" of the one in her belly. The doctor asked, "so you are confident you can support one child, but two is too much". She said yes. He said alright you give me your 2 year old and I will take him out back and kill him and you can raise the one in your belly. Of course the woman went nuts and said you can't kill my son and the doctor said if I "take care" of the one in your belly I am also killing your son/daughter. It is the exact same thing. Why is we would go nuts if someone killed a toddler, but not an innocent baby there is absolutely no difference. I know people say it is a woman's choice, but I ask should we say it is a person's choice to break into your home and kill you without any consequences? There is no difference between the two because both are murder. Some people say well the baby hasn't been born yet and isn't a "person", yet if a pregnant woman is killed it is considered double murder. You can't murder somebody that doesn't exist. Praying for you.


it seems to me that all the repubs want the government out of their lives and total deregulation when it comes to making money, but when it comes to your personal lives and personal decisions they want the government telling people exactly what they can and can't do. i.e abortion. its pretty lame.

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being in a country where we are not one religion makes it difficult to say when life begins, scientifically its another story, but from your posts i feel science may be the last thing on your mind. with that said im glad your not the one deciding this for the masses.

You are right I don't believe in science at all because I believe in this book that our country was founded on called the B-I-B-L-E. To quote James Madison, "We have staked the whole of all our political Institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments." Just in case you didn't know The Ten Commandments are found in the Bible. Patrick Henry said: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ." The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Bible also. It's really sad that our country has reached a point of such moral decline that if one of our politicians mentions the name of Jesus now they are thrown under the bus.


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I think they have been pretty good. We haven't been hit with a nuclear weapon and I don't have to wear a turban on my head. I am not sure I will be able to say this in 4 years if Mr. Obama wins. The only thing he has ever lead was possibly a terrorist training camp in Kenya. God bless!

ba dum ba- tsssss!

Hmmmm, looks like everyone in America was able to buy a home a home in the last eight years. Paying for them didn't come to be a problem till the last two.

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I think they have been pretty good. We haven't been hit with a nuclear weapon and I don't have to wear a turban on my head. I am not sure I will be able to say this in 4 years if Mr. Obama wins. The only thing he has ever lead was possibly a terrorist training camp in Kenya. God bless!

You know what? There is crazy and then there is this. I am so tempted to just rant on you right now about swallowing hook line and sinker the lies of Jerome Corsi and his ilk. I'm actually tempted to just let my anger rip right now about how proudly uninformed you are about reality, but I know it would just be a waste of effort because no facts are going to convince you otherwise. To say your post angers me is an understatement and please don't delude yourself into thinking that I'm angry because you are correct.

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You are right I don't believe in science at all because I believe in this book that our country was founded on called the B-I-B-L-E. To quote James Madison, "We have staked the whole of all our political Institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments." Just in case you didn't know The Ten Commandments are found in the Bible. Patrick Henry said: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ." The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Bible also. It's really sad that our country has reached a point of such moral decline that if one of our politicians mentions the name of Jesus now they are thrown under the bus.


:( Okay now I'm really starting to question my Christian faith again.

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You are right I don't believe in science at all because I believe in this book that our country was founded on called the B-I-B-L-E. To quote James Madison, "We have staked the whole of all our political Institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments." Just in case you didn't know The Ten Commandments are found in the Bible. Patrick Henry said: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ." The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Bible also. It's really sad that our country has reached a point of such moral decline that if one of our politicians mentions the name of Jesus now they are thrown under the bus.


i knew he was a bible thumper before he even posted this

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You know what? There is crazy and then there is this. I am so tempted to just rant on you right now about swallowing hook line and sinker the lies of Jerome Corsi and his ilk. I'm actually tempted to just let my anger rip right now about how proudly uninformed you are about reality, but I know it would just be a waste of effort because no facts are going to convince you otherwise. To say your post angers me is an understatement and please don't delude yourself into thinking that I'm angry because you are correct.

Asbury, he proves my point rather well :). No need to wasting key strokes.

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Nope not kidding at all. You've got to be kidding if you think Osama Obama has enough experience to lead our country. I do hope though that you will pray for whoever wins the elections as I will. God bless.


How much experience does McCain have being PRESIDENT? Exactly, zero....the same amount as Barack. Very clever throwing the Osama in there, wow, how original. Redneck!

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You know what? There is crazy and then there is this. I am so tempted to just rant on you right now about swallowing hook line and sinker the lies of Jerome Corsi and his ilk. I'm actually tempted to just let my anger rip right now about how proudly uninformed you are about reality, but I know it would just be a waste of effort because no facts are going to convince you otherwise. To say your post angers me is an understatement and please don't delude yourself into thinking that I'm angry because you are correct.

Let me have it, I am a big boy I can take it. Just remember that by persecuting me you will be doing exactly what the Bible says will happen to Christians that are strong in their faith and beliefs. You may not see that I am correct today, but when you cash them in one day you will. I pray that you accept Jesus as Savior before it is too late. Actually I pray that for every lost person each and every day. God bless.


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Let me have it, I am a big boy I can take it. Just remember that by persecuting me you will be doing exactly what the Bible says will happen to Christians that are strong in their faith and beliefs. You may not see that I am correct today, but when you cash them in one day you will. I pray that you accept Jesus as Savior before it is too late. Actually I pray that for every lost person each and every day. God bless.


You obviously have no clue who or what I am, and you obviously don't realize that the main reason that I didn't completely flame you is because my savior tells me to turn the other cheek when struck. So please save the self persecution bit for REAL persecution like what the Christians in India are facing right now. So climb down off the cross because someone needs the wood.

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Where do these ****tards come from? And where do they go after they say such crazy **** here?

I come from Penhook, VA and have lived there all of my life. I was raised by parents and grandparents that believed in the Bible and in hard work to provide for the needs of themselves and their family. I am afraid that if Obama wins even more of my hard earned money will go to support dead beats that are to lazy to go out and get a job, after all that is what distributing the wealth means. Don't get me wrong I am all for supporting the disabled and the elderly but not perfectly healthy people just looking for handouts. After I post I go back to work here in my office to support my family.


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How much experience does McCain have being PRESIDENT? Exactly, zero....the same amount as Barack. Very clever throwing the Osama in there, wow, how original. Redneck!

I have heard many people say that every time they see an Obama sign all they can read is Osama Bin Laden instead of Obama-Biden. Something to think about.


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