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Why Are You Voting Obama?


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still haven't gotten a response for that TJ quote on the separation of church and state when jad claimed the our founding fathers created this country on Christianity.

That's because there is no response, the founding fathers all to well knew the sting of religious oppression and the last thing they were going to do was repeat those mistakes again, were most of them Christian? Sure but did they purposefully keep the state out of the church? Absolutely, and thank God for it!

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still haven't gotten a response for that TJ quote on the separation of church and state when jad claimed the our founding fathers created this country on Christianity.

The separation of church and state was established to prohibit the government from coming in and telling the church who or what they could worship, it was not intended to keep the Bible and Jesus Christ out of making our laws and governing our land. According to the quotes from the other founding fathers they believed that our country was founded on Jesus and the Bible.


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Repost because I added more edits.

Woah, that is not about correcting them from sin, that is basically a Jonah type warning; i.e. if I tell you that I'm going to destroy some people and you don't tell them then their blood is on your hands.

Ezekiel 3:17-18 17 Mortal, I have made you a sentinel for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. 18 If I say to the wicked, "You shall surely die," and you give them no warning, or speak to warn the wicked from their wicked way, in order to save their life, those wicked persons shall die for their iniquity; but their blood I will require at your hand.

*What's more is that text says nothing about the manner in which we tell someone about the word we hear from God. Furthermore, it was Ezekiel who was made the sentinel for the house of Israel, i.e. a messenger to his own people, this passage is more about the calling and mandate of God given to Ezekiel, not about a universal mandate to tell everyone in the world what their sin is.

Further still the "and you give them no warning" in the Hebrew is in the singular not the plural, in other words God is speaking to Ezekiel not to the nation of Israel, nor to a group of people.

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The people that fail and succeed at life will be determined by our maker when we all die. Not any individual here on earth. I can't wait for the day I hear Jesus say "This one is mine" and God say "Well done my good an faithful servant". I hope you all "get it" when us what you call "religious nut jobs" check out of here in the twinkling of an eye. I actually hope that you all get it before then, because if you wait until after the rapture you will have to go through major, major problems, much worse than the 8 years of Bush. So if you think the last eight years have been bad maybe you should take a look at the 7 years of tribulation as a comparison. Praise God all believers won't see those.


I'm a good man and live a good life on sound morals.

I'll live my days on Earth, focused on Earth, myself and my neighbors.

I'll be good and true, to everybody, everything and myself and never think about when I die.

If that isn't good enough, TFB.

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I"m taking for granted that you have an IQ so please realize that if Jesus was around today, there is no way in hell he would believe in capitalism.

This is not up for debate, if you know as much as you say you know about Jesus you would know that the idea of capitalism would disgust him to no ends.

I do think he would be for governing our land based on the teachings of the Bible. I don't believe he would be for killing innocent babies or two dudes getting married either, but many on here support that.


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The separation of church and state was established to prohibit the government from coming in and telling the church who or what they could worship, it was not intended to keep the Bible and Jesus Christ out of making our laws and governing our land. According to the quotes from the other founding fathers they believed that our country was founded on Jesus and the Bible.


Do they say that you have to be a Christian to be a patriot, or a proud American, or an American in general? The principles that may have guided the founding fathers (a term that is all to often used to over generalize a diverse group of people) may have indeed been in part based on scripture and their religious beliefs but even moreso (contrary to popular protestant opinion) the nation of America was born from Enlightenment and Pelagian philiosophy. The fact that they were Christians in most part is irrelevant, what's more is that to tie my faith or any other faith to the actions of the United States government would cause us much grief when we realize the horrendous things that our government has done, and personally my Jesus never dropped a nuke on anyone.

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I do think he would be for governing our land based on the teachings of the Bible. I don't believe he would be for killing innocent babies or two dudes getting married either, but many on here support that.

Newsflash: the Bible is SO much MORE than those TWO issues! Of which Jesus NEVER spoke a word!

[edit]To hear you and others talk you make it sound that Jesus preached against homosexuallity and pro-life during the Sermon on the Mount, yet he preached about loving neighbor and loving enemies more than self.

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I'm a good man and live a good life on sound morals.

I'll live my days on Earth, focused on Earth, myself and my neighbors.

I'll be good and true, to everybody, everything and myself and never think about when I die.

If that isn't good enough, TFB.

Sorry dude, the Bible says works will never get you to heaven. Only the belief in Jesus will get you there. If you think about it God is perfect, none of us will ever be perfect because we are human in order to spend eternity with our perfect Creator we must also be seen as perfect. The only that is accomplished is by the blood of Jesus covering over all of our imperfections. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. So no matter how "good" you or I am we will never be "good" enough. Sounds like you have a good plan on how to live your life, but you need Jesus to make it a great plan on how to live your life. If you do or do not except Jesus is up to you, just telling you what the Bible says about living a "good" life.


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Sorry dude, the Bible says works will never get you to heaven. Only the belief in Jesus will get you there. If you think about it God is perfect, none of us will ever be perfect because we are human in order to spend eternity with our perfect Creator we must also be seen as perfect. The only that is accomplished is by the blood of Jesus covering over all of our imperfections. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. So no matter how "good" you or I am we will never be "good" enough. Sounds like you have a good plan on how to live your life, but you need Jesus to make it a great plan on how to live your life. If you do or do not except Jesus is up to you, just telling you what the Bible says about living a "good" life.


If God created us in his image, why can we not breath under water or in outer space?

Perfect God can, right?

I bet you don't think there is life on other planets either, do you?

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no s****! Now go grab the vaSSeline the extra S is for the extra slab you can put on your ***** . You're are going to need it after the messssiah gets done :censored: you in the *****. I say **** u Obama and your socialist agenda!

I missed this gem, but again, what makes Obama's views socialist again? Oh let me guess, because he's actually for the people. But I bet you can't respond for a while anyways :)

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Newsflash: the Bible is SO much MORE than those TWO issues! Of which Jesus NEVER spoke a word!

[edit]To hear you and others talk you make it sound that Jesus preached against homosexuallity and pro-life during the Sermon on the Mount, yet he preached about loving neighbor and loving enemies more than self.

I guess we agree to disagree on this. Yes we are to love our neighbors and enemies, but we are not to condone their actions if the Bible clearly says they are wrong. It sounds like you think we should just go around spreading love and tickling peoples ears which many preachers do nowadays and not tell them that if they don't get their act together and accept Jesus they are going to a devil's hell. The Bible talks much more about hell than heaven and I think it is a real place that we need to tell non-believers about. There are two sides to the end. In order to preach the Bible you must speak on both alternatives.


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If God created us in his image, why can we not breath under water or in outer space?

Perfect God can, right?

I bet you don't think there is life on other planets either, do you?

Don't do it KB! Your getting sucked in. You'll be banging your head against the wall by the end of the night. :laugh:

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If God created us in his image, why can we not breath under water or in outer space?

Perfect God can, right?

I bet you don't think there is life on other planets either, do you?

I do not think there is life on other planets, what's that have to do with the price of gold in China? He created us in his image and his plan was for us to live forever in the garden of Eden and be perfect, but then this little serpent came and tempted Eve. Being in human form she took the bait and the rest is history. Since that moment sin has existed here on earth and will continue to.

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I do not think there is life on other planets, what's that have to do with the price of gold in China? He created us in his image and his plan was for us to live forever in the garden of Eden and be perfect, but then this little serpent came and tempted Eve. Being in human form she took the bait and the rest is history. Since that moment sin has existed here on earth and will continue to.

So, in a universe so large, there couldn't possibly be any other life.

Profound. I find most people who trade life for religion and hide behind scripture don't believe in life on other planets.

It goes with the arrogance of religion, that turns so many away.

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I missed this gem, but again, what makes Obama's views socialist again? Oh let me guess, because he's actually for the people. But I bet you can't respond for a while anyways :)

Obama is a socialist because when he was 4 he shared his toys with other kids and they even found proof that he split his lunch with a kid once in school. Facts that Obama himself has admitted to!


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I guess we agree to disagree on this. Yes we are to love our neighbors and enemies, but we are not to condone their actions if the Bible clearly says they are wrong. It sounds like you think we should just go around spreading love and tickling peoples ears which many preachers do nowadays

Now, what exactly is it that I have said that would give you the impression that I am advocating sin? And you'd better bring specifics, they work best in the form of quotations from me. Otherwise you're laying onto me positions that are not mine which my brother in Christ is dishonest, i.e. bearing false witness. So either retract your statement or pony up.

and not tell them that if they don't get their act together and accept Jesus they are going to a devil's hell. The Bible talks much more about hell than heaven and I think it is a real place that we need to tell non-believers about. There are two sides to the end. In order to preach the Bible you must speak on both alternatives.

You're building a strawman here my friend, in that I mean you are seemingly applying to me positions that are not my own in order that you can refute those positions and claim victory rather than address what I've talked about.

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I do not think there is life on other planets, what's that have to do with the price of gold in China? He created us in his image and his plan was for us to live forever in the garden of Eden and be perfect, but then this little serpent came and tempted Eve. Being in human form she took the bait and the rest is history. Since that moment sin has existed here on earth and will continue to.

Flag on that play, Eve did not usher sin into the world...it was through Adam's sin that humanity fell, hence the Fall of Adam. Hence why Jesus is the new Adam to live what the first Adam did not.

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I do think he would be for governing our land based on the teachings of the Bible. I don't believe he would be for killing innocent babies or two dudes getting married either, but many on here support that.


Congrats on completely avoiding the point the I made, which is that there is no way Jesus would be for capitalism. You are great at this whole discussion thing, just avoid questions you don't want to answer, who taught you that? Sarah Palin? ;)

While you are avoiding questions let me recap some others you failed to answer.

Would Jesus support a party that has 0 respect for the environment? Drilling for oil, tearing down trees, let nothing stand in the way of production.

Would Jesus be for the party that mocks things such as the endangered species list? Killing off animals until the point that they are wiped off the face of the planet?

Would Jesus be for a country and a economic system that made it so there were billionaires that have more money then they can ever spend while families go without out food?

Before someone calls me a tree hugging, communist, PETA member, i'm simply using these as examples to show the contradiction between the Republican party's love of the extreme right chrisitians and how Jesus would actually feel about the policies of the Republican party.

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Wow this thread has turned to why you are voting for Obama, to a religious fight. :doh:

Actually, I think this thread has turned into a great reason to vote for Obama.

If you want people that think like JadSkins to have more influence in this country, keep voting Republican. If you want blind faith to replace science and medicine, keep it up.

If you want religious bigotry, hate, and fear to rule the country, keep voting Republican.

Or do the right thing and force the Republican party to clense it's self of these freaks and become a respectable party worth voting for again.

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dcoles, the problem is that while the Republican Party goes a little too overboard in backing the Christian set of morals and valued, the Democratic Party does everything possible to avoid a connection with ANY set of morals and values. Therefore, for those of us who believe in those two concepts the only one of the two main parties we CAN in good conscience look at is the Republican Party.

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