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What is your most trusted news source?


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In times like these, it's important to keep up with what's going on in the world. Thankfully, there are a thousand and one different sources to get the news you need or want to know about. What is your most trusted news source?

This may come as a surprise for those of you know my political beliefs, but The Washington Post and The News Hour are my go to places for news. The News Hour, unlike most television news programs, doesn't depend on flashy graphics and scare tatics. They devote a whole hour of programing and interview reporters and insiders that really know what their doing, especially during their Shields and Brooks sessions.

The Post, despite their liberal slant, covers Politics like no one else. When you want to know what's going on in "The Hill", open the Post and you'll know everything you want.

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If I want something completely unbiased and straight down the middle, I'll visit WorldNetDaily.com. If I'm curious about what the "left of center" media is reporting, I'll tune in to Fox News.
And let me guess, Newsmax is uber-liberal :doh:

As for me, whatever. CNN, Wash. Post, pretty mainstream.

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During times like these, I go to one source and one source only...ES. I mean, how the heck else am I going to find out such newsworthy items such as what Sarah Palin's sister's college roommate's dentist's workout partner's son overheard Palin say about Pakistani foreign policy while scarfing down swiss turkey ranch clubs at Quizno's? It was takeout by the way.

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Don't trust any of them very much,but you can usually get close to the facts by comparing several news sources.

I tend to trust certain people in their area of expertise,but as far as news the aggregators are pretty good.

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During times like these, I go to one source and one source only...ES. I mean, how the heck else am I going to find out such newsworthy items as what Sarah Palin's sister's college roommate's dentist's workout partner's son overheard Palin say about Pakistani foreign policy while munching down swiss turkey ranch clubs at Quizno's?

Well don't leave us all hanging- what did she say????!!!!! My vote is hinging on it.

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We know you get nearly all of your news from High Times so you have no room to talk.


Try reason.com And even if I DID read High Times, at least it's not run by a bigoted "Doctor" who thinks autism isn't real.
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