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I still haven't seen a single post on here by someone supporting his action.
You seem to be supporting the guy's journalistic integrity. That's where JLC seems to have fallen on his face. It's not the Redskins who have an integrity problem, it's a beat reporter. He's trying to make the news by hurting the team he is supposed to cover. With false accusations of impropriety. That pretty much is against any press ethics I've ever heard of. And should disqualify him from his job.
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You seem to be supporting the guy's journalistic integrity.

I don't think I've supported a thing he's done...just said that his actions have not hurt the team. If that makes me your enemy, so be it. I'll continue to consider the opposing teams my 'enemy', not a reporter or those that support him.

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If I failed, please tell me how. Please tell me how he has hurt this team. I'm all ears.

You obviously did not read what I said. You were debating whether or not we should care at all about JLC. To prove your point, you stated that he has not hurt this team, therefore, we shouldn't bother with him. The fact is, you're original point is wrong. We should care about what this guy is tryig to do... whether or not he has succeeded. Noone is telling you he's hurt us, YET. However, you keep turning it into that. If I'm not clear enough, let me know and I'll try my best to explain to you where I'm coming from. Here's the post you replied to that you totally misunderstood (I've bolded the parts I think you need to focus on to understand):

You're going in circles now. You brought up the argument that "it didn't work, he didn't hurt us" in order to prove your idea that we should all just simply NOT care about JLC. In that context, you're argument has failed miserably... you can dress it up with the "I maintain that the intent to hurt, in and of itself, does not mean it worked" comment, as if it was your original statement alone, however, it wasn't. You were making a point, and to do it, you used that argument.

You failed... just admit it. JLC is someone every Skins fan should be worried about. This guy is actively trying to hurt our team. He's been doing it through his negative reporting for years, and now we find out he tried to do it through the league itself.

Let us not forget how he actively tried to get Jason Taylor and Andre Carter in trouble with Greg Blache by misquoting Jason Taylor just a month ago.

Moving on...

Refresh my memory on this? Do you mean when Taylor and Carter SAID they would switch sides when they wanted to and JLC asked Blache about it? Yeah, you're reaching for straws with that one.

No, the straws are real close and there's no need for any reaching. :silly:

I'll refresh your memory, as you so politely asked me to.

Jason Taylor told reporters that he and Andre always switched sides DURING PRACTICE, and then he jokingly answered the question by stating "What are they (coaches) going to do?", with a laugh, and then followed with "Well, I guess yell at us". it was totally tongue in cheek, and EVERY REPORTER there knew it. He was not, in anyway, implying that he and Andre can just do what they want in the defense whenever they want. He was specifically speaking about practice, and then joking about what the coaches can do.

JLC then went to Blache and said "Jason Taylor said he and Andre can switch sides whenever they like, and that noone can tell them differently, how do you feel about that?" to which Blache got angry and stated "Whoever feels they can do whatever they want can sit on the bench" and so on. It was childish instigating at its best, and what made it disgusting was how he used lies to do it. Furthermore, that wasn't the first, nor the last time he's tried to hurt this team. I think you guys need a lesson in sabotage. Yes, the media has the capability of truly disrupting chemistry, and thus, a team.

You can act like JLC is just some beat reporter doing his job all you want, but it's painfully obvious this guy has a serious agenda and is trying to do whatever he can to hurt the team. Whether or not he has is not the question, nor the problem, here. It is the sole fact that HE'S TRYING TO. Why is this difficult?

Come on, Thinking Skins... I know you're smarter than this!

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To me, if the team did something that warranted losing draft picks, they should lose them...and we should not blame the messenger.
I don't think I've supported a thing he's done...just said that his actions have not hurt the team.

The messenger is trying to hurt the team with false allegations of improper conduct. Shoot the messenger.

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As I stated in anther thread,JLC has been covering the NFL for how long now? Right. And he needed "clarification" on a rule. One he more than likely already knows well enough already. Seems like you couldn't turn on a radio or a sports channel over the past week or two without hearing about the happenings,(or possible happenings), in Raider land. Add to that the league contacted Vinny about this phone call. I'll hazard a guess and say that doesn't happen all that often. No. J.L.C. has now let things get real personal,(as well as Vinny), and it's costing him whatever credibility he may have had left. I'm not big on petitions like this, however it may be time for JLC to maybe find something or someone else to cover.

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Here's the deal.

JLC sucks. I'm willing to bet that the majority of Skins fans that are aware of his columns would agree. I'm willing to bet that there's another contingent of fans that don't really care about him...and there are probably a very small few that think JLC is great at what he does.

But when he's the mouthpiece for the biggest print outlet for the Skins around....it sucks when you have to read and hear from someone who sucks at what they do.

Look, I'm not asking for anyone to be a homer, I think that'd be just as annoying as someone who's looking to take the Skins to task at any given turn. I just want the reporting to be fair. Praise the team and players when they're good and be critical (not overly so) when they're bad.

There are a lot of good points on here about firing him. Yes, he'd get fired if people stopped reading his columns...but there are Skins fans out there who aren't aware of ES and who do check his columns on a regular basis. There are a lot of ES members but only a fraction actively post and only a fraction of them will see this thread.

As far as making a website to try and get him fired, it's not a horrible idea...not a great one, either.

But it will get attention. And The Post can't really ignore that. So if the squeaky wheel gets the oil eventually...

For the record, I probably wouldn't really care if he got fired or not. I don't read his columns except for what gets posted on here. And by and large, it's garbage.

But somethings gotta give.

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I forone actually enjoy his blogs WITHOUT the negative spin he puts. He gives up to the hour updates throughout the day, good interviews, and behind the player stories.

I can't stand his negativity especially when he goes on Comcast and just pretty much says how much the Redskins suck and they are much further behind than the rest of the league.

But this issue with attempting to get the Redskins in trouble is inexcusable. I don't care if I liked him before or not, he has no business being in Redskins park where he can obtain information to not only bring the team down, but also release to other teams to fulfill his personel agenda.

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You seem to be supporting the guy's journalistic integrity. That's where JLC seems to have fallen on his face. It's not the Redskins who have an integrity problem, it's a beat reporter. He's trying to make the news by hurting the team he is supposed to cover. With false accusations of impropriety. That pretty much is against any press ethics I've ever heard of. And should disqualify him from his job.

So you're accusing JLC of false accusations. That goes beyond even what Cerrato accused him of. Even if you take what Cerrato accused JLC of at face value (which in a lot of ways doesn't add up), you're suggesting JLC was even more sinister than that. But you are not alone. Many have gotten so worked up over this they can't even think straight.

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But this issue with attempting to get the Redskins in trouble is inexcusable. I don't care if I liked him before or not, he has no business being in Redskins park where he can obtain information to not only bring the team down, but also release to other teams to fulfill his personel agenda.

If the team is releasing sensitive information to anyone not employed by the team, then they have a much bigger problem that what is written about them.

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So you're accusing JLC of false accusations. That goes beyond even what Cerrato accused him of. Even if you take what Cerrato accused JLC of at face value (which in a lot of ways doesn't add up), you're suggesting JLC was even more sinister than that. But you are not alone. Many have gotten so worked up over this they can't even think straight.
JLC called the NFL to report Vinny talking about a coach. I don't believe he was requesting clarification of anything. He was making a veiled accusation under the guise of fact checking. The NFL wouldn't have reported it to Cerrato if it was valid. Perhaps I should have said invalid accusation, even though in truth it was false. But my outrage is the accusation itself, and that stands in full as a VALID breach of journalistic ethics and plenty of reason to have him removed from his job. JLC is supposed to be reporting on this team, not regulating them.
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Here's the deal.

JLC sucks. I'm willing to bet that the majority of Skins fans that are aware of his columns would agree. I'm willing to bet that there's another contingent of fans that don't really care about him...and there are probably a very small few that think JLC is great at what he does.

But when he's the mouthpiece for the biggest print outlet for the Skins around....it sucks when you have to read and hear from someone who sucks at what they do.

Look, I'm not asking for anyone to be a homer, I think that'd be just as annoying as someone who's looking to take the Skins to task at any given turn. I just want the reporting to be fair. Praise the team and players when they're good and be critical (not overly so) when they're bad.

There are a lot of good points on here about firing him. Yes, he'd get fired if people stopped reading his columns...but there are Skins fans out there who aren't aware of ES and who do check his columns on a regular basis. There are a lot of ES members but only a fraction actively post and only a fraction of them will see this thread.

As far as making a website to try and get him fired, it's not a horrible idea...not a great one, either.

But it will get attention. And The Post can't really ignore that. So if the squeaky wheel gets the oil eventually...

For the record, I probably wouldn't really care if he got fired or not. I don't read his columns except for what gets posted on here. And by and large, it's garbage.

But somethings gotta give.

awesome! I know for a fact that Post reporters are dissembling/mis-representing what is going on in Iraq. Their reporting has been horrible. I HATE these :censored: for what they are and how they see themselves. kinda like you all HATE JLC cuz he doesn't fit your value system of what a reporter oiught to be doing. let's join forces and get the whole damn staff of reporters fired/moved! let's control the spoons that feed us!!!!

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JLC called the NFL to report Vinny talking about a coach. I don't believe he was requesting clarification of anything. He was making a veiled accusation under the guise of fact checking. The NFL wouldn't have reported it to Cerrato if it was valid. Perhaps I should have said invalid accusation, even though in truth it was false. But my outrage is the accusation itself, and that stands in full as a VALID breach of journalistic ethics and plenty of reason to have him removed from his job. JLC is supposed to be reporting on this team, not regulating them.

turbo....disagree. the NFL (and all organizations) have to practice due dilligence. they will make the call even if they know if it sits low on the probability scale.

there's a dynamic to this. JLC has an agenda....and so do the Skins. that much is rather obvious...just look at how ES has been not so subtly used at times.

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I forone actually enjoy his blogs WITHOUT the negative spin he puts. He gives up to the hour updates throughout the day, good interviews, and behind the player stories.

I can't stand his negativity especially when he goes on Comcast and just pretty much says how much the Redskins suck and they are much further behind than the rest of the league.

But this issue with attempting to get the Redskins in trouble is inexcusable. I don't care if I liked him before or not, he has no business being in Redskins park where he can obtain information to not only bring the team down, but also release to other teams to fulfill his personel agenda.

look....JLC has been positive about some things....so this is inaccurate. the problem is that he seems to decide ahead of time where the positive/negative spin is going to fall: he likes JC...he dislikes Cerratto/Snyder. sooooooo.....ignore the Cerratto/Snyder stuff if that torks you off. JLC is just one guy who has a blog and does stints on WPL.

in the end...what happened in all of this? NOTHING. what will happen the next time JLC makes a move like this? perhaps he has damaged his own credibility more than anything else - with the folks who matter in the power structure.

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turbo....disagree. the NFL (and all organizations) have to practice due dilligence. they will make the call even if they know if it sits low on the probability scale.

there's a dynamic to this. JLC has an agenda....and so do the Skins. that much is rather obvious...just look at how ES has been not so subtly used at times.

The Washington Post is not an organization. They are the press. They are granted access that the public does not have due to the freedom of the press established in this country. There are ethical requirements of the press to maintain this access. Namely reporting the news and not attempting to make it.

You are saying the Post should have powers to regulate the team? Next, you will be asking us to vote for a warmongering elitist Crypt Keeper and Caribou Barbie.

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You are saying the Post should have powers to regulate the team? .

So, how is making a phone call regulating? Most people would call it investigating. Which is exactly what any reporter should do. His methods in this case were a bit out of line, but the end result is the same.

No one here wants to give the Post more power. But, as the results of this incident prove, they need more power in order to make a difference when it comes to affecting a football team.

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So, how is making a phone call regulating? Most people would call it investigating. Which is exactly what any reporter should do. His methods in this case were a bit out of line, but the end result is the same.

He was trying to snitch on the team. How is that not clear? Investigation does not involve accusation. And no, reporters are not supposed to accuse, they are supposed to report. And sometimes give opinion. But those opinion pieces are clearly op ed. Of course, JLC didn't have the balls to "report" this supposed violation publicly. He knew there would be backlash. He didn't count on the league informing Vinny and having a laugh at JLC's expense either, but that is how this whole thing came to light.

I didn't sign any petition either. It is up to the Post to police their own. Or taint their image permanently.

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He was trying to snitch on the team. How is that not clear? Investigation does not involve accusation. And no, reporters are not supposed to accuse, they are supposed to report. .

I'm not even sure what this means. Why would you investigate something unless you thought there was something wrong? So, just by asking the question, he is accusing? If you were listening in on the phone call, and heard exactly what was said, then I apologize for questioning you...but if not, none of us know anything about what was said, what was implied, who he specifically called, his tone of voice, nothing. All we have is hearsay from one man who has just as much an issue with JLC that JLC has with him. Everyone is so quick to just dismiss what JLC says because he has an apparent ax to grind, yet in this situation the disdain goes both ways.

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