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Assuming Obama wins in November


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If Obama wins in November would America be the first major Western power to elect a black person as its leader? I really don't know and hope some of my ES brethren can answer it for me.

It's a lock. No ifs. Conservatives are not going to vote for Mccain. He's already pissing them off. If the right third party conservative were to run; they could finish second and build the base for a new conservative party to replace the republican party.

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It's a lock. No ifs. Conservatives are not going to vote for Mccain. He's already pissing them off. If the right third party conservative were to run; they could finish second and build the base for a new conservative party to replace the republican party.
Although I do agree with you, I think plenty of the right will show up to vote against Obama. I also think he will lose a lot of Clintons people to McCain as well.
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If obama becomes president it will win the all time greatest Irony award. We go to war and kill a Hussein then elect one president, I mean you couln't even make that up. Not that his middle name means a damn thing, but hell you gotta chuckle at that.

wow :doh:

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It's a lock. No ifs. Conservatives are not going to vote for Mccain. He's already pissing them off. If the right third party conservative were to run; they could finish second and build the base for a new conservative party to replace the republican party.

That very well could be in the works. The Republican brand name is in crisis.

Coarse it seems what passes for a conservative today is closer to racism and religous intolerant banter than anything traditionally associated with conservatism from Goldwater to Reagan.

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Although I do agree with you, I think plenty of the right will show up to vote against Obama. I also think he will lose a lot of Clintons people to McCain as well.

Dream on..... McCain of 2000 might have stood a chance, but since then 2004 John McCain has reversed himself on every major position which made him attractive to indepenents and made him his own man. Since 2004 McCain has brought himself in line with George Bush on every major issue.

  • He's gone from war critic to war cheerleader.
  • He's gone from anti torture to passing a pro torture bill which the administration supported.
  • He's gone from opposing Bush's tax cuts for the uber rich to now supporting them.
  • He's gone from critizing the Agents of intolerance (fallwell, Robertson etc..) to campaignin for thier support.
  • He sponsored Campagne finance reform, and his own campagne has abandoned and violated his own law.
  • McCain was anti ethanol because it's "fundimentally unsound", now he's for it.

No Democrate is going to vote for 2008 McCain. He's simple to close to a very unpopular and historically poor president in George Bush.


from March 6 2006...

In federal court yesterday and in legal filings, Justice Department lawyers contended that a detainee at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, cannot use legislation drafted by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to challenge treatment that the detainee's lawyers described as "systematic torture."

...."Unfortunately, I think the government's right; it's a correct reading of the law," said Tom Malinowski, Washington advocacy director for Human Rights Watch. "The law says you can't torture detainees at Guantanamo, but it also says you can't enforce that law in the courts."


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It's a shame that the first black president will be such a monumental failure. It will only make it harder for the next guy.

Besides, his Puppetcy will be managed by Pelosi, Reid, and company. But, he'll shoulder most of the blame.

And yes, if he doesn't win this one, easily, the Dems might not win ever hold the White House again.

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Looks like I was right:

From Politico.com

In becoming the presumptive nominee — the first African-American to ever lead a major-party ticket — he put himself just one step away from an achievement that would echo around the globe: No black man has ever led a major Western democracy, much less the world’s leading superpower.
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Dream on..... McCain of 2000 might have stood a chance, but since then 2004 John McCain has reversed himself on every major position which made him attractive to indepenents and made him his own man. Since 2004 McCain has brought himself in line with George Bush on every major issuse.

I didn't say the Reps will want to come out to vote FOR him, just against Obama from both sides.

And I really don't think McCain and Bush care much for each other and it seems fairly obvious. I think McCain just fell in line with the party for the election.

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It's a lock. No ifs. Conservatives are not going to vote for Mccain. He's already pissing them off. If the right third party conservative were to run; they could finish second and build the base for a new conservative party to replace the republican party.

Blah, blah, blah.

A year ago, Clinton was a "lock" for the Dem nomination.

A year ago, Giulani was a "lock" for the Repub nomination.

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That very well could be in the works. The Republican brand name is in crisis.

Coarse it seems what passes for a conservative today is closer to racism and religous intolerant banter than anything traditionally associated with conservatism from Goldwater to Reagan.

To quote....."I LOL'd"

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