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13 year old girl sends 2nd guy to jail for underage sex


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it might not be the debul, but it's the root of a LOT of evil. spend 2 days in a middle school, it's amazing the % of fights / beefs that originate on myspace.

I'll back this up,, my son's middle school now has two gangs in it that originated on Myspace, and beef on myspace.

Luckily at this point they seem to be just kids screwing sround, nothing very serious, but it's the seeds.

My son is 11, and he won't be getting a myspace yet. When he does want one, I will monitor it carefully.


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I'm not usually one to jump on the "Blame the Parents" bandwagon, but this line...

"Dean's family admits Alisha still stays out late and has yet to delete her misleading MySpace page."

..tells me the parents are criminally negligent. Their daughter, who has been "victimized" twice having sex with older men, continues to advertise on the Internet that she is 18 years old. And the parents do nothing about that? :wtf:

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I think if the crime is so severe as to warrant a five year sentence then d.s.s should get involved so that both parties have consequences to pay.

nobody should be allowed to continue to trap people without any consequences, regardless of their age.

Problem is, the reason the underage kid (male or female) isn't allowed to consent is because the kid isn't responsible for his actions.

It becomes really tough for society to claim that "we're going to ignore you saying 'yes' because you're not responsible, but we're going to punish you."

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i have two thoughts on this matter:

1) This girl has horrible parents. They are not supervising and monitoring her internet use. They should know where their daughter is and not just accept that their 13 year old girl stays out late. they may have been fooled the first time, but they should have clamped down on her after that. she shouldnt be allowed to just go out. she's only 13 and should be under adult supervision.

2) The guy got what he deserved. sure, he was lied to, but if he was living a moral life, he could have spared himself this trouble. he had sex with a 13 year old girl. he deserves to be in prision and be a registered sex offender the rest of his life.

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The sad part of this is, 2 men are going to prison for being dupped. If they had prior records of this sort of thing, then maybe they were trolling. If they have a clean record, this will haunt them the rest of their lives. They will have to register as sex offenders. I'd kill myself if my reputation was ruined like that. She should have some sort of punishment and Myspace should ban her from their site.

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BTW, allow me to point out:

We're all assuming that the guy's claims of being seduced are true.

Granted, things like the myspace page still being up, and a second person claiming the same thing, certainly lend credibility to his claims. And there's nothing wrong with discussing something based on the assumption that it's as described.

But it also occurs to me that "I thought she was 18" ain't exactly a new defense.

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Most 13 year olds are giggly and just act immature most will not be able to hold a decent adult conversation. Talk about driving a car and how they did on the drivers test. Talk about taking the SAT's and what was the most difficult part of the test. Ask about what college will you go to and what do you want to study. This type of conversation can give you some understanding as to their age.

If they can't answer any of the above I would be very concerned and would question their age.

I'd like to punch a couple holes in this if I may:

1) You used the term "most" to lead off your description. Right there you've admitted that it's possible for someone to be duped. Even if 99 times out of 100 your above strategy would work, some guy is going to get burned.

2) Do you really expect to talk about these types of things at a party, at a club, on a date, etc.? I don't know about you, but even in high school/college, I rarely would chat about drivers tests with a girl I was targeting.

3) Having written all that, I still think the guy got what he deserved. It sucks if it was intentional on the girl's part, but the law can't be responsible for determining WHY someone hooked up with a minor.

When in doubt, keep it out (of her). :)

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That little skank shouldn't be allowed to walk free because she's a danger to the public. As long as she's free to walk the streets she will be trying to convince men that she is an adult and causing them to lose their freedom and ruining their lives (thanks to the modern scarlet letter known as the sex offender registry). She's as life destroying as a rapist running free. Her victims lives are shattered and now they will be the target of hate in any neighborhood in which they live and have no chance of ever advancing their careers.

She deserves to be held in a cell until she's over the age of consent so she can't destroy any more lives. If there were any justice she'd have the same jail sentance as the second guy she sent away. Once can be defended twice and it's obvious that she's doing this on purpose.

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That little skank shouldn't be allowed to walk free because she's a danger to the public. As long as she's free to walk the streets she will be trying to convince men that she is an adult and causing them to lose their freedom and ruining their lives (thanks to the modern scarlet letter known as the sex offender registry). She's as life destroying as a rapist running free. Her victims lives are shattered and now they will be the target of hate in any neighborhood in which they live and have no chance of ever advancing their careers.

She deserves to be held in a cell until she's over the age of consent so she can't destroy any more lives. If there were any justice she'd have the same jail sentance as the second guy she sent away. Once can be defended twice and it's obvious that she's doing this on purpose.

Oh, I don't know.

If I were the Sherrif (or a parent), I might put up billboards: "Danger! Jailbate in area!"

Publicize it. Become famous for it.

Maybe it would prevent it.

(Since, obviously, the parents won't.)

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So, folks. Assuming the claims are true, a call for opinions:

When this case comes to trial, should the defense be allowed to show the girl's myspace page, where she claims to be 18 and divorced?

Should they be allowed to put the parents on the stand (assuming the parents are so monumentally (I can't even think of the word)) to say that they're not going to even make their daughter take down the page?

Should the defense be allowed to mention that there's another guy in jail for rape who says the same thing about the same girl?

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exactly. with the possibilty of being labeled a sex offender on top of jail time, it shouldn't be that hard to ask to see the ID.

Dean I know you are married and this doesn't apply to you but if there is even a chance, a guy our age has no business messing with someone that is even close to being too young.

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Dean I know you are married and this doesn't apply to you but if there is even a chance, a guy our age has no business messing with someone that is even close to being too young.

Agreed, ordinarilly it would difficult to relate to someone that wasn't in the same decade age group. If I wasn't married I'd find it ackward with a woman under 30. But I don't think it would stop me from trying, given the opportunity :laugh:

on topic, why didn't the judge order that the myspace page be taken down?

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So, folks. Assuming the claims are true, a call for opinions:

When this case comes to trial, should the defense be allowed to show the girl's myspace page, where she claims to be 18 and divorced?

Should they be allowed to put the parents on the stand (assuming the parents are so monumentally (I can't even think of the word)) to say that they're not going to even make their daughter take down the page?

Should the defense be allowed to mention that there's another guy in jail for rape who says the same thing about the same girl?

Absolutely they should. It shows a pattern of seducing these guys through fraudulent claims. It shows a set of parents enabling this girl to do this.

Now, the guys aren't completely blameless, but the girl is the problem here. These guys should not be in jail.

I also agree that these guys should be smarter.. seriously, I have a hard time relating to giggly girls in their early 20s, much less to an 8th grader.


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So, folks. Assuming the claims are true, a call for opinions:

When this case comes to trial, should the defense be allowed to show the girl's myspace page, where she claims to be 18 and divorced?

Should they be allowed to put the parents on the stand (assuming the parents are so monumentally (I can't even think of the word)) to say that they're not going to even make their daughter take down the page?

Should the defense be allowed to mention that there's another guy in jail for rape who says the same thing about the same girl?

not an attorney, but I'll bet that there will be a struggle to keep the prior conviction of the other man out of evidence. And for a stupid reason, it'll probably be keeped out. :doh:

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Absolutely they should. It shows a pattern of seducing these guys through fraudulent claims. It shows a set of parents enabling this girl to do this.

Now, the guys aren't completely blameless, but the girl is the problem here. These guys should not be in jail.

I also agree that these guys should be smarter.. seriously, I have a hard time relating to giggly girls in their early 20s, much less to an 8th grader.



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It's unbelievable to think this guy is at fault. He thought he was three years older than her. He was trying to get laid, do you people forget what it was like to be 22? "Ask about the SAT, ask about what college she's going to" It's pretty damn easy to lie about those things. Plus a guys first instinct when he is trying to hit on a girl may not be to interrogate her about things like the SAT's.

This girl lied to him and he gets blamed, thats horse ****. Especially since she's done it once before.

I hope this girl gets whats coming to her. She's ruined the lives of two men yet people still want to act as if she is an innocent child. **** that and **** her parents.

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I say the following purely on the basis that everything in that article is true:

If there is ANY justice, Jerry Dean should be in the next cell down. What a non-caring clown this guy is. He's contributing to her deliquency at the very least, even if he is the so-called father.

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Legally, it doesn't matter if the girl consented. Doesn't matter if she lied. Doesn't matter if she got him drunk and undressed him.

He's responsible (according to the law). She's not.

(To pick a slightly less extreme example: If a bartender serves somebody who's under 21, then he's guilty. Doesn't matter if the kid acted 21, or looked 21, or claimed to be 21. He's supposed to not serve them. He's supposed to expect them to lie.)

Yeah, I anticipate a legal struggle.

(And it's one of the things I really dislike about our system: The "how many facts should we conceal from the jury?" debate. Although I don't really know of a way to make it better.)

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