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13 year old girl sends 2nd guy to jail for underage sex


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I heard about this on Mickey, Amelia, and Speigel this morning.

Go to any mall in America and try to accurately estimate all of the young girl's ages. They are dressing up in the shortest shorts and exposing more cleavage than their age should allow. And its not to get the attention of boys their own age.

You can't help feeling sorry for this guy. Yes, he should have known better but he got duped into thinking she was 18 and she definitely looks older than she is. After he figured it out, he did the responsible thing and went to the father. Now, he is going to jail and this lying girl is sending a 2nd man to prison because she lied. Nothing is going to happen to her because in the eyes of the law, she did nothing wrong. And you know she is going to try to do it again.

There is a short news video about her on the site below.

Man Sentenced To Prison After Girl's MySpace Page Lies About Age



ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A 13-year-old girl's sexual shenanigans have put a second man behind bars. Morris Williams, 22, told the judge he thought the girl was 18-years-old, but he found out Tuesday that ignorance is not a defense.

Morris Williams' mother wailed as he went off to jail. The judge asked for media not to show 13-year-old Alisha Dean's face in court, but her pictures are all over her MySpace page and they portray a sexy, 19-year-old divorced woman.

"She told me she had just turned 18," Williams said.

Williams said Dean picked him up on the street and after a few conversations they had sex. When he heard she was not 18, he went to her father.

"He was like 'well, she's 13,'" Williams said of a conversation with Dean's father.

Williams said he never did it again, but Dean has done it before with 24-year-old Darwin Mills. Mills was sentenced to five years in prison.

Dean's father wanted Williams to join Mills there.

"One of the reasons for the law is the fact that minors have poor judgment," said Jerry Dean, the girl's father.

Williams' father believes the jail sentence sends the wrong message to Alisha.

"I guess we just sit back and count how many after this," Henry Smith asked after his step-son was sentenced to jail.

Dean's family admits Alisha still stays out late and has yet to delete her misleading MySpace page.

Williams will serve six years probation with the first year in jail. The other five years he will have to wear an ankle monitor. His attorney says he will come back to court to ask again for a shorter sentence.

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Or if she had just been honest about her age on myspace

yeah cause people looking for hookups are always honest be it a guy or girl, he is suffering for his actions and she will probably come across the wrong guy and have consequences for her actions someday

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yeah cause people looking for hookups are always honest be it a guy or girl, he is suffering for his actions and she will probably come across the wrong guy and have consequences for her actions someday

I hope she does and I wish I could see her father's face if it happens.

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Guest sith lord
That's something easily corrected by this thing called "parenting."

Very true. Way too many parents let their kids act grown these days. Even in my town just about every weekend there's a "party" someplace. Usually these "parties" don't end until the wee hours in the morning. I'm talking about 13-16 year olds.

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Let this be a lesson to you. Always ask for an ID before you throw it in.

i don't think a "fake id" would be a valid defense either.

don't know why this guy felt he had to tell the father?...that puts him at the mercy of the law...soon as he found out how old she is he should have just walked away and denied ever seeing/being with her.

of course, he could've just kept it in his pants and avoided the whole thing to begin with, but hey **** happens when you don't use your head (or the wrong one, as the case may be). :doh:

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I guess the parents will have to step up eventually.

Uh, their daughter has already had sex once. (Intentionally). And they let her out again.

Methinks, the odds of these parents stepping up ever are pretty slim.

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This is total BS. If my daughter ever started doing that shizzles, I would lock her up. Thats messed up. As a young guy, I would be so pissed. Luckily i'm into older woman so i don't have much to worry, but I have been deceived before. Luckily there was no intent on sending me to jail.

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i don't think a "fake id" would be a valid defense either.

Hmmm I don't know, that could go either way. It would have to be a pretty mean judge to sentence you if you met some girl that you thought was 18 and she even had an id to prove it. What else would you have to do, get a blood sample and have a lawyer on hand every time you wanted to get some? I could be wrong though, but that would be pretty messed up if you went through all that hassle and the judge doesn't throw out the case.....................well unless you had previous sexual encounters with underage girls that is.

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