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JLC: Front Office Shake-Up

Fifty Gut

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Under Gibbs the offense made very little use of the Redskins' advanced scouting work, according to team sources, (the consistently uneven performances of the offense may have had something to do with that). The defense, however, incorporated the work of the scouts heavily into game planning, team sources said. Riddick and the pro scouts would detail reports on the opponent each week and on Wednesday - the start of the NFL in-season work week - Williams would turn over the floor to Riddick, players said.

The entire defense would meet Wednesday morning and Riddick would get the first 10 minutes or so to outline the report on the opponent, detail some tendencies and pinpoint a few weaknesses. (Former offensive coordinator Don Breaux is among those expected to do more advanced scouting this season). Some believe Riddick's prominence may have been perceived as a threat to Cerrato - that theory is making the rounds in NFL circles, and though I have not talked to Riddick others who have say he was given no explanation from Cerrato or Snyder for why he was let go.

While the Redskins have long spend records in spending on coaches and players, their rep around the NFL in terms of scouting and front office staff is for the just the opposite, Under Snyder the big money has stayed at the top and the Redskins were woefully thin and under-represented in the scouting ranks as recently as 2004 (Gibbs immediately bolstered that staff, reinforcing the importance of the in-the-press-box eyes and ears of the organization throughout the NFL and college ranks). They traditionally pay their scouts less than most other clubs, several league sources said.

JLC, Washington Post

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I really hope that this is not true. There is nothing that would make me hate the Snyder/Cerrato cabal more than if it came to light that they were getting rid of talented football minds in order surround themselves with more suppliant/less talented folk. There is also no reason why we should not have the highest paid scouting staff in football. If we were attempting to lure away really good scouts sway from other organizations the way we did players in free agency the last few years, we'd likely have a quality draft every year and wouldn't have to worry about free agency much at all, a la Pittsburgh...

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I didn't mean him specifically. But shaking up the staff who did nothing wrong and won us a game? That's kind of ridiculous.

Well, according to Redskins.com Bill Khayat is still on staff.

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I didn't mean him specifically. But shaking up the staff who did nothing wrong and won us a game? That's kind of ridiculous.

What are you talking about exactly, because your post doesn't really make sense. The people who won us that game are still employed by the team, and Louis Riddick I don't think was in the booth (or wasn't reported to be I don't think) at the time. So what staff shake up are you talking about besides Riddick?

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It's unfortunate that JLC puts his own spin on things. Trying to read between the lines and sort out what he believes to be true and what is actually true sometimes gives me headaches.

Riddick might have a done a good job scouting the other team for game planning purposes, but he didn't appear to get the job done actually scouting players.

His shot at Gibbs not using the advance scouting work doesn't make sense. If it was working Gibbs would have used it.

What I would like to know is who was the specific scout that gave good grades to AA, Lloyd, and the RB from Atlanta that I can't think of at the moment. If the answer was Riddick then he deserves to be gone.

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What are you talking about exactly, because your post doesn't really make sense. The people who won us that game are still employed by the team, and Louis Riddick I don't think was in the booth (or wasn't reported to be I don't think) at the time. So what staff shake up are you talking about besides Riddick?

It's en vogue to blame snyder and cerrato for everything wrong with this franchise for FIFTEEN years and hail everyone who leaves the organization and declares them winners.

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Canfora just needs something to happen in this organization that he can bash and criticize. What did Snyder and Cerrato do to him for so much criticism? I think they have done a fine job the past few years.

He is from Baltimore and a Ravens fan. He was a Colts fan and blames Cooke for not allowing an NFL franchise in Baltimore.

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He is from Baltimore and a Ravens fan. He was a Colts fan and blames Cooke for not allowing an NFL franchise in Baltimore.

:doh: so a ravens fan is the beat reporter for the Redskins :laugh:

Ship his ass to the baltimore sun or w.e their newspaper is.

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For those who think Snyder and Vinny are so bad, what free agents that we refused to sign or let go because we thought were done have performed well on other teams
Antonio Pierce, and I don't think it was intentional. They tried to get him back, but they gave him too long of a leash in free agency and low-balled him.

That's the only one.

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Holy ****, JLC always--ALWAYS--points every staff member who is let go as being wronged or slighted (or both) in some way. So far Williams, Byner and Riddick were all callously tossed aside by Snyder and Vinny as they laughed and lit up their expensive cigars, at least in JLC's eyes. And it's always "sources" that let him know this, never the actual people involved.

And THIS part really cracked me up:

Some believe Riddick's prominence may have been perceived as a threat to Cerrato - that theory is making the rounds in NFL circles.

Ok, raise your hand if you really think Vinny feels threatened by ANY underling in Snyder's eyes lol...Vinny has been working with Snyder every step of the way except for the one year Marty was here...and it's NOT because he kept firing people who he felt threatened his job lol :doh:.

I mean, just applying logic tells you that JLC's "rumor" is full of ****. Vinny Cerrato, who has been called "Snyder's lap dog", "Danny's raquetball partner", and "The Danny's personal 'Yes' Man", the same guy who was now getting kudos from all around the league and in the media for how he handled the draft, the same guy who was being praised and quoted like freakin' mad about how he felt free agency needed to be handled this year...this same guy NOW somehow thinks his new job promotion that he's had for 4 months is about to be stolen away from him by a guy who does scouting reports on the opposition lol :laugh:...

That is the goofiest **** I have heard in a LONG time lol...JLC, AND his rumor "that's going around in NFL circles", are both beyond idiotic.

And the saddest part is that there are numerous Skins fans who gleefully check their intellect at the door in the rush to agree with ANY negative spin towards Snyder.

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