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JLC: Front Office Shake-Up

Fifty Gut

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I didn't mean him specifically. But shaking up the staff who did nothing wrong and won us a game? That's kind of ridiculous.

Over the last 4 or 5 years we have had good success with bringing College players via the draft and UDFA's (see Taylor, Landry, Cooley, Golston, Montgomery, Heyer etc etc.) We have had no major busts - though you could argue the jury is still out on Rogers and to a leser extent Campbell neither qualifies as a bust IMO.

In terms of Pro personnel we have been very hit and miss in terms of the free agents we have brought in. Lloyd and Archuletta would be the poster boys but you can add names like Wright and Macklin etc. The major free agent hit we had was Fletcher who was brought in by Williams and Riddick almost certainly was out of the loop.

Scott Campbell was responsible for the College Scouting and got a promotion. Riddick was resposnible for the Pro scouting and got fired.

Please explain what is ridiculous about that?

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Holy ****, JLC always--ALWAYS--points every staff member who is let go as being wronged or slighted (or both) in some way. So far Williams, Byner and Riddick were all callously tossed aside by Snyder and Vinny as they laughed and lit up their expensive cigars, at least in JLC's eyes. And it's always "sources" that let him know this, never the actual people involved.

And THIS part really cracked me up:

Ok, raise your hand if you really think Vinny feels threatened by ANY underling in Snyder's eyes lol...Vinny has been working with Snyder every step of the way except for the one year Marty was here...and it's NOT because he kept firing people who he felt threatened his job lol :doh:.

I mean, just applying logic tells you that JLC's "rumor" is full of ****. Vinny Cerrato, who has been called "Snyder's lap dog", "Danny's raquetball partner", and "The Danny's personal 'Yes' Man", the same guy who was now getting kudos from all around the league and in the media for how he handled the draft, the same guy who was being praised and quoted like freakin' mad about how he felt free agency needed to be handled this year...this same guy NOW somehow thinks his new job promotion that he's had for 4 months is about to be stolen away from him by a guy who does scouting reports on the opposition lol :laugh:...

That is the goofiest **** I have heard in a LONG time lol...JLC, AND his rumor "that's going around in NFL circles", are both beyond idiotic.

And the saddest part is that there are numerous Skins fans who gleefully check their intellect at the door in the rush to agree with ANY negative spin towards Snyder.

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Holy ****, JLC always--ALWAYS--points every staff member who is let go as being wronged or slighted (or both) in some way. So far Williams, Byner and Riddick were all callously tossed aside by Snyder and Vinny as they laughed and lit up their expensive cigars, at least in JLC's eyes. And it's always "sources" that let him know this, never the actual people involved.

And THIS part really cracked me up:

Ok, raise your hand if you really think Vinny feels threatened by ANY underling in Snyder's eyes lol...Vinny has been working with Snyder every step of the way except for the one year Marty was here...and it's NOT because he kept firing people who he felt threatened his job lol :doh:.

I mean, just applying logic tells you that JLC's "rumor" is full of ****. Vinny Cerrato, who has been called "Snyder's lap dog", "Danny's raquetball partner", and "The Danny's personal 'Yes' Man", the same guy who was now getting kudos from all around the league and in the media for how he handled the draft, the same guy who was being praised and quoted like freakin' mad about how he felt free agency needed to be handled this year...this same guy NOW somehow thinks his new job promotion that he's had for 4 months is about to be stolen away from him by a guy who does scouting reports on the opposition lol :laugh:...

That is the goofiest **** I have heard in a LONG time lol...JLC, AND his rumor "that's going around in NFL circles", are both beyond idiotic.

And the saddest part is that there are numerous Skins fans who gleefully check their intellect at the door in the rush to agree with ANY negative spin towards Snyder.

The thing is, I really understand where these fans are coming from. For the longest time, I thought we had the stupidest front office in the league and I was a Redskins fan in spite of them. Its been hard to admit that they may have learned something this year, and in doing so, I've had to actually just have faith that Vinny knows what he's doing.

I figure that most of the Redskins fans aren't there yet. They're still judging our front office based on the stupidity of moves like Lame Lloyd, Arch Deluxe, and TJ Buckett - and that philosophy of ignoring the future for the 35 year old veterans who may last half a season. I guess some are not as quick to realize that we can actually have a good offseason, and even more that Vinny and Snyder can actually be the ones doing it. So when somebody like JLC comes in and points fingers at them, the fans can't wait to take the bait.

Good think we had ASF a few years ago go into detail about how good a scout Campbell is and how bad of one Riddick is. Seems JLC forgot to mention anything about Riddick's scouting abilities.

But hey, whats the putpose of the offseason if not to scream "the sky is falling" at every move by Vinny and Co?

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Gee, what are the chances that Riddick is the source for this blog entry of JLC's? :rolleyes:

I also find it curious that this was reduced to a blog entry and apparently not for the main paper. Maybe the editors found it lacking in solidity?

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I really liked Riddick, I am waiting for the next part of the sequel to come out, "The Underverse" You keep what you kill...

Ugghhhh, wrong Riddick sorry... :>)

I have said this before, if we are going to build the team through the Draft and some supplemental free agency, why doesn't DS buy the best in the biz for scouting and recruiting? Our image has been tarnished in the eyes of many, and the best way to build that back is by conducting sound business and winning...

"Do the right thing, and you never have to look back"

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I really hope that this is not true. There is nothing that would make me hate the Snyder/Cerrato cabal more than if it came to light that they were getting rid of talented football minds in order surround themselves with more suppliant/less talented folk.

Given JLC's past agenda with this front office, why would you believe that it's true? JLC uses his blog to spin unsubstantiated garbage -- which is his right -- but aren't you a little sick of anonymous league or team sources who turn out to be wrong? Look at the Boston Herald today if you want to see what relying on an anonymous team source can do.

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I think this year is going to be all on Vinny's head. Hopefully it turns out well, but our history is our history with the Front Office. Doesn't matter how much Karl posts on here. You can't change it.

If this year goes well, then hopefully we can all move forward and they Front Office has found a better conservative way to do things.

We're changing ES to ExtremethinSkins.com right?

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Vinny stated on the Doc Walker show.

paraphrase -

Campbell got a prromotion and we will allow for him to be successful he decided who he wants to keep because it is up to him who he is comfortable with.

Vinny said he wants Campbell to be successful and allow him to pick his staff.

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I also find it curious that this was reduced to a blog entry and apparently not for the main paper. Maybe the editors found it lacking in solidity?

A lot of times JLC will blog what he's working on for an article before the article is ready for publishing.

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I'm surprised, but not at the same time. These two bozos think they know what they are doing. They put their selfish needs ahead of the team and justify in the worped minds. You would think that they have a million scouts all over the place, getting paid top dollar to retain the best ones. Things seem to be changing, hopefully they take a second look at all of this.

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I expect about as much drivel from someone who had to put a retraction in his blog.

Typical JLC running to the defense of anyone the Skins let go. Nowhere does he mention Riddick's scouting abilities, or any moves Riddick was persoanlly responsible for, other than saying "the D used his reports, and the D was good, so therefore..."

Califan hit the nail on the head with his post a page back. JLC rantings make no sense when you actually think about them, and IMO he needs to be shown the door to allow a good reporter like Jason Reid to step in. The best that blog has been in a while was when Reid took over briefly for JLC.

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A lot of times JLC will blog what he's working on for an article before the article is ready for publishing.

That's true, but it would seem that it would have been a natural fit in the published story about Riddick being let go. Yet it wasn't. And he doesn't hint that there is more to the story.

Which is why I'd be surprised if it shows up in "print". But I've been wrong before. He's going to need more substance for that to happen, though.

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and though I have not talked to Riddick

However, this won't keep him from making accusations.

While the Redskins have long spend records in spending on coaches and players

Anybody who writes like this should not be a professional journalist.

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As mentioned earlier in this blog, ASF documented extremely well how pathetic of a scout Louis Riddick is, and how GREAT Scott Campbell has been.

I for one have been watching the FO for the last few years to see which direction they would go in - Riddick or Campbell. I am happy to see they went with results, and professionalism and have not rewarded cronyism and poor performance. I was worried that this might go the other way as soon as I saw ASF's post (because of my previous lack of faith in Snyder/ Cerrato).

However, I am pleasantly to see Cerrato as GM reward PERFORMANCE and so far, perfrom well in his new position. I can only hope this continues.

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Given JLC's past agenda with this front office, why would you believe that it's true? JLC uses his blog to spin unsubstantiated garbage -- which is his right -- but aren't you a little sick of anonymous league or team sources who turn out to be wrong? Look at the Boston Herald today if you want to see what relying on an anonymous team source can do.
I'm not saying that I believe any of it. I know JLC has his own agenda, he just happened to regurgitate the beginnings of my most feared scenario with Cerrato at the helm. Indeed, as a former aspiring journalist, I hate the constant use of anonymous sources. It elevates sensationalism over credibility or even truth. I'm sure none of his blog spew can be corroborated.
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