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Obama..Osama...hmmmm are they brothers?


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Truthfully, when I first saw that sign I had hopes that this was a come-on for a sermon about how we are all brothers under God, or some such religious angle. I guess I give people too much credit.

On another note, PleaseBlitz has convinced me that Sarge is correct. If the most horifically white man on the planet is named Barry, it is, in fact, a white name. Black men may borrow it, but Barry Manilow has claimed that name as a white name for all of eternity. :laugh:

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Do these fools even realize that not only do brothers have the same name, as has been mentioned, but one person in this equation has "Bin Laden" as a surname, and the other is not even close?

I cant believe nobody said this.

Somebody did.

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I'm more surprised by the fact that many on here are surprised that this type of stuff goes on . . . luckily, as already pointed out, this really shouldn't effect much since these people would never have voted Dem in the first place.

The earlier poster was right though they should lose their tax exemption for this bull****.

P.S. - Come on Sarge please tell me that was a joke on your part. I know you can't hide your hatred for Obama but I have a hard time believing even you would try to make a reach like that.

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Don't want to hijack the thread but........

My uncle flew in this weekend. He's a Captain for Delta and told me on a recent trip to Israel he had a female co-pilot that went to high school with Obama.

He asked her to tell him what she remembers of him

She said not a lot. He was very quite but in those days went by the name "Barry" Obama

Now, why does someone, after the age of 16 or so, change their name from their white name to their islamic name?

Just asking.............

Since you knew the answer, and could look it up if you didn't we must interpret your actions as a thinkly veiled attempt to add legitimacy back to this "stuff". Lighten up Francis!

and, it looks like "Barry" was correct. Small town folks who have been bypassed and ill-treated by their Government (in this case, religous conservatives) get bitter and cling to their religon.

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