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Obama..Osama...hmmmm are they brothers?


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A sign is causing heated arguments outside of a church in Jonesville.

Pastor Roger Byrd of Jonesville Church of God put the sign up which reads "Obama Osama humm are they brothers?"

Pastor Byrd says the sign is not meant to be racial or political but rather to make people think. "His name is so close to Osama I have a feeling he might be Islamic therefore he doesn't recognize Christ," Pastor Byrd said.

Barack attends Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

Eugunia Foster is offended by the church sign. "I'm embarrassed and hurt. I'm surprised a small town like Jonesville still has this separation. It is racial and hatred," Foster said.

Pastor Byrd told News Channel 7 he would ask his congregation to vote on whether to keep the sign. They voted unanimously to keep the sign up Sunday night.

Jonesville Church of God does not have any African American members


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when did america get so stupid??? i thought the bible thumpers were intelligent beings, maybe they are not

honestly anyone attacking Obama for himself and not the issues to me is just a racist, yes that sounds harsh but lets be honest if he was white would we care about his pastor, or how his name is spelled etc......

just saying

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Pastor Byrd says the sign is not meant to be racial or political but rather to make people think.

A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.

heh this kind of "thinking" doesn't even fall into the above category.

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I had a conversation with about 8 of my friends last night who are between the age of 23 to 25, all have either graduated college or have some college education and the majority of them think there may be a connection between Obama and some sort of Islamic or Muslim fundamentalist group.

My friend's girlfriend brought up the e-mail that accusses Obama or being sworn in on the Koran, attended a muslim fundamentalist school in Indonesia, ect. Others had heard the "rumors" that he was somehow connected to Islam, a few had absolutely no knowlege or interest in the matter, myself and one other were in the minority who found it humorous that anyone was so out of the loop to still believe a hoax like this.

I think people are willfully ignorant in most cases like this. They're going to vote republican anyways and they're suspect at best about the "liberal media" and internet news. Many people in the South (I live in TN) cover prejudice or bitter partisanship with willfull ignorance or belief in b.s. conspiracy theory like this...and most vote republican.

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I gotta laugh at this. The Tailgate was beyond this joke months ago. Thats why I love this place; we are so far ahead of the rest of society when it comes to crap like this.

I did believe him to be sworn in on a Koran about 3 months ago and someone showed me the snopes link and that was that.

Its the little differences and ability to listen that I love about this place.

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Don't want to hijack the thread but........

My uncle flew in this weekend. He's a Captain for Delta and told me on a recent trip to Israel he had a female co-pilot that went to high school with Obama.

He asked her to tell him what she remembers of him

She said not a lot. He was very quite but in those days went by the name "Barry" Obama

Now, why does someone, after the age of 16 or so, change their name from their white name to their islamic name?

Just asking.............

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I had a conversation with about 8 of my friends last night who are between the age of 23 to 25, all have either graduated college or have some college education and the majority of them think there may be a connection between Obama and some sort of Islamic or Muslim fundamentalist group.

Just curious, what schools?

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Don't want to hijack the thread but........

My uncle flew in this weekend. He's a Captain for Delta and told me on a recent trip to Israel he had a female co-pilot that went to high school with Obama.

He asked her to tell him what she remembers of him

She said not a lot. He was very quite but in those days went by the name "Barry" Obama

Now, why does someone, after the age of 16 or so, change their name from their white name to their islamic name?

Just asking.............

Doubt he changed it. If he did it would be huge news that the name on his birth certificate is something else than Barack. It was probably easier for kids to call him that. I know plenty of people who had a foreign name and went by something else in school. Its pretty common and helps kids fit in more and feel more American.

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