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Obama..Osama...hmmmm are they brothers?


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Don't want to hijack the thread but........

My uncle flew in this weekend. He's a Captain for Delta and told me on a recent trip to Israel he had a female co-pilot that went to high school with Obama.

He asked her to tell him what she remembers of him

She said not a lot. He was very quite but in those days went by the name "Barry" Obama

Now, why does someone, after the age of 16 or so, change their name from their white name to their islamic name?

Just asking.............

You'll find the answer here:

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

Go ahead and read it, Sarge. I dare you. You might learn something about Barack Obama you didn't know. He wrote it just after being elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, so it is unvarished by the caution of a politician.

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You'll find the answer here:

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

Go ahead and read it, Sarge. I dare you. You might learn something about Barack Obama you didn't know. He wrote it just after being elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, so it is unvarished by the caution of a politician.

Unfortunately, Sarge can't read.

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In Hawaii, he would have fit in better with Barack than Barry

Barry is a Haole name. Mind you, "Haole" in Hawaii can mean anything from newcomer to the hawaiian slang that is the equivalent of the N-Word for whites.

It would not have let him "fit in better"

So I ask again, why would someone change from a regular name to "Barack Hussain"?

You are being deliberately dense.

I was "Chuck" in high school. It was short for "Charles."

Now that I am an adult, I do my work under the name of Charles.


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Let's cut to chase. Why do you think he changed his name?

I don't know. That's why I'm asking. The only thing I can figure is he was going for the "Street cred" with the leftist Dems in Chicago by switching to his nation of islam muslim name

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You are being deliberately dense.

I was "Chuck" in high school. It was short for "Charles."

Now that I am an adult, I do my work under the name of Charles.


Some sort of inadequacy? :geek:

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I don't know. That's why I'm asking. The only thing I can figure is he was going for the "Street cred" with the leftist Dems in Chicago by switching to his nation of islam muslim name

I think he eventually got kicked out because "Barack X" just doesn't have a ring to it.

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You'll find the answer here:

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

Go ahead and read it, Sarge. I dare you. You might learn something about Barack Obama you didn't know. He wrote it just after being elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, so it is unvarished by the caution of a politician.

Do tell. I'm not wasting the money

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Excuse me for taking so long to respond, I've been laughing so ****ing hard for the last 24 hours because of the stupidity of some people in this world. It doesn't even come as a surprise to me anymore, I just laugh because I realize that it's an impossibility for EVERYONE in this world, as big as it is, to have a damn brain. I mean, really, is this Church serious?

For Christ's sake......and I say that in the most literal sense. Honestly, you think the Christ millions of people grow up loving and cherishing would want to see some bull **** like this?

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Sigh. You're talking about the same type of people who would say this country is definitely going in the wrong direction... then vote to re-elect Dubya for a third term.

Man, I can't even watch the news anymore -- Fox or MSNBC. No one seems the least bit interested in covering what's important. Probably because we don't demand it. Our economy's in the crapper. Who knows what to do in Iraq? Gas and food prices are going through the roof. And the redskins ignored the d-line yet again! So what do we all want to talk about? Religious nonsense and Hillary drinking whiskey. You know, it's really just a matter of time before Canada takes our country over.

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