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I came back to say Thank You


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Thanks for all the support regarding my mother's health and my own, that was reflected in the last thread I started a few weeks ago.

My mother is doing much better, but her health is very fragile, because she's still not handling my father's death from last year, very well, and it contributes to her ailing physical health. I was afraid, that like a lot of spouses before her, she would "die of a broken heart", resulting from her husbands death. But at the moment, she is stable.

Personally, my health issues are doing better.

For those of you who sent me PM's, I actually havnt read them yet, since I am just now returning to ES for the first time since the incident. But I plan to read them soon. So please don't think that my lack of a response was a case of me ignoring you.

I have actually had some really incredible things happen in my personal life in the last few days, that's helped boost my morale, and I'll share those shortly.

But for now. thanks again to all who showed encouragement during my dark time.

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Yay, Mick's back! I've missed all your crazy threads. In your absence we've been overrun with political threads and I've found myself getting a bit feisty, so hurry back and resume your funny thread posting! In all seriousness, though, I'm so happy to hear that you are doing better and things are looking for you!

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Thanks to everyone for the variety of kind remarks

As for this one.........

you owe us 102 threads for time missed.

That made me laugh........It reminded me of all the great humor from you guys, that I've missed during my time away. Thanks, Major :)

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