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Do you have a racist family member or friend?


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Yeah. I have a few racist family members of the old Italian variety. I have a few friends who might not qualify as racist, but can certainly straddle the line at times - we usually avoid the topic of race as it just leads to arguments. Most of them are life long friends who have gradually become more racist (in my eyes) overtime - I think its a South Jersey thing.

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I have a few family members who are very mildly racist. It's the ignorant type of racism, not the hateful type. I also have a couple friends that are mildly racist, although they also have black friends who seem to think it's okay, so I don't know what that's about.

Do your family members happen to work at the overly racist country clubs in Pittsburgh?

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Im from WV what do you think?

Here's the thing that I find funny though. My cousin has a jacked up Chevy truck with a big assed rebel flag in the back window and uses the N word all the time when he's around his "boys". He pumps Snoop Dogg and Nelly through his 10's behind the seat and one of his best friends is a black guy. They hang out and drink beer all the time and they make racist jokes towards one another all the time. I saw him at the Slots in Charlestown a couple years ago and it seemed like every brother in the place knew his name would stop and "man" hug him.

So, is he racist? What makes you racist anyway? Use of words, jokes or is it the hatred of a certain nationality? If it's the hatred then I guess the only one I knew was my dead Uncle, the above mentioned cousins dad. Other than that I know people who will throw the N word around when not in the company of blacks but I've never known anyone to mistreat someone because of their skin color. Hell, I've seen more people discriminated against because of their religion than race. Tell me you haven't seen one of those long dress, long haired Pentecostal girls picked on or mistreated in school. Hell I got picked on because I grew up in a trailer. Hatred comes in all shapes and sizes no matter what your skin color is.

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My grandmother (a little Irish woman from the Irish part of South Philly) flat out hated the I talians. She would go on for hours about them ruining the city. It was great, very amusing.

I hung out with Hammer Skins and the like. Oh yeah, I know some racist people.

My best friend growing up was like the guy in American History X, he united AC skins, A town Skins Bootboys and all sorts of Skinhead organizations to join the Hammers.

When he was shot, there were around 300-500 Skins at the funeral. Nazi flag draped over the back of the coffin, people dumping beer on him and white power music playing very loudly. I went with our Chinese friend we grew up with and his family. Craziest thing I've ever seen. They went straight for the city looking for blood after wards.

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One of my grandfathers was a Grand Dragon,so yeah maybe a little bit racist.:laugh:

What is odd is he was a Hispanic.

I'm probably racist as well,I just can't figure out which one I hate.

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Back in NoVa growing up no, I had a couple friends who played into some ignorant racism from their older family members, but it was clearly jokingly as my circle of friends ranged from Bangladeshian to white to black to hispanic to everything in between.

Down here in Tallahassee though, it's a different story. Most of my friends aren't racist, but I have a few who will let some pretty dumb comments loose every once in awhile that I just roll my eyes at them and tell them to take it easy. The culture down here helps push it too, there's somewhat of a divide between FSU/city and what are considered the "black" parts of town with Frenchtown and FAMU. Certain clubs are considered "black clubs" and certain nights at other clubs are referred to as "black nights" or "black outs" by various people. I have a couple friends who have definitely become increasingly racist as time has passed down here.

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Far from it brother.

I have friends who make recist jokes and what not. Including myself. However, not to the point where they take it to the extreme where they just hate a particular race.

You don't live in South Jersey - you live at the shore. :)

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Naw, but my friends and I swap race jokes every so often. We're always in mixed company, so no one really gets offended. We're aware of who we are and know that no one really cares about race when it comes to our friendships. If you listened to us, you'd think we were gigantic bigots, but that's certainly not the case.

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