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I am Legend


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I recommend this movie to everyone! I really loved this movie, and if you thinking right now why listen to a 16 year old kid, my father really enjoyed it also. Great movie! keeps you on the edge of your seat through the whole movie.

I'm very hesitant on spending $10 on seeing movies nowadays. I watched Independence Day last night, it's actually pretty good. Might have to see this one.

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Just got back from the theater. Very good movie. Will Smith was fantastic and the plot moved along well. My only complaint is not so much about this film in particular, but more about the state of sci-fi films today. CG is already beginning to sour on me. I don't want to give away too much so I'll only go as far as saying that you can't replace real people in film. It just doesn't look the same no matter how good the technology is. I highly recommend "I Am Legend" though. It rocked. The audience applauded at the end. That's rare.

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I saw it this afternoon and enjoyed it. I thought they could have added a bit more of a background storyline to a parts, but it was still well done, and Will Smith was very good. He has really matured into one of our generation's best actors.

I would recommend the movie, for sure. It isn't for everyone, but most sci-fi/horror movies aren't, for the most part.

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Anyone that has read the masterpiece book that this movie was based on will hate the movie. The ending was terrible.

Agreed, the book had much more meaning and was a very moving tale. The only good part of the movie I thought was Will Smith's acting. That's it. It was terribly boring, moved at an awful pace and didn't have the same ending as the book and it was quite confusing as to why.

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Anyone that has read the masterpiece book that this movie was based on will hate the movie. The ending was terrible.

This is the one beef I have with people who read books. I love reading books so don't get me wrong, but movies can not do what books do, just not 100% possible. I haven't seen the movie nor read the book, but I hear this complaint too many times.

Comic book fans complaining about movies like X-Men. T.V. series based off books, for example I love the book series by Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files. They made a t.v. series that lasted one season because people complained too much about it not being 100% accurate to the books.

I say, so what. Why do movies or t.v. shows have to be completely like the books? If it's exactly like the book, why watch it? I believe it's more interesting for the changes.

Just my :2cents:

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Anyone that has read the masterpiece book that this movie was based on will hate the movie. The ending was terrible.

I read the book and loved it --- that has been my problem with movies based on books (can you say Stephen King?) I understand the movie doesn't have to be exactly like the book. But when it veers way off from the original storyline -- well that's when I have a problem.

I think I'll wait for it to come out on DVD.

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This is the one beef I have with people who read books. I love reading books so don't get me wrong, but movies can not do what books do, just not 100% possible. I haven't seen the movie nor read the book, but I hear this complaint too many times......I say, so what. Why do movies or t.v. shows have to be completely like the books? If it's exactly like the book, why watch it? I believe it's more interesting for the changes.

But if they just use the title and then change it into something completely different, just hijacking those "cool" elements they like, what is the point? Make your movie and call it something else.

As much as movies can't do what books do, books can't do what movies do. Totally different media with different strengths. When I watch a movie based on a book I have read I don't expect it to be the same. You cannot develop characters or explore their inner motivations on film the way you can in a book, so frequently large parts of the prose work are excised and replaced with something more visually appealing. I can handle that. But when they just use the title and everything else goes out the window it just detracts from the work. LilSkinnette really put her finger on it, I'd be insane if I were Stephen King when I saw what the movies based on my work turned into, no matter how much they paid for the rights.

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I saw it this afternoon and enjoyed it. I thought they could have added a bit more of a background storyline to a parts, but it was still well done, and Will Smith was very good. He has really matured into one of our generation's best actors.

I would recommend the movie, for sure. It isn't for everyone, but most sci-fi/horror movies aren't, for the most part.

A lot of movies have this problem. Most of the time, if you get the Directors Cut on DVD which has the parts cut from the theatrical release, it makes a whole lot more sense and leaves you saying "oh, that's why he acted that way in that scene."

A good example is Kingdom of Heaven, the studio forced Ridley Scott to cut it down to the point where a lot of stuff didn't make sense. The long version answered most of the questions. But I guess if you leave it long, then people complain about the length.:2cents:

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A lot of movies have this problem. Most of the time, if you get the Directors Cut on DVD which has the parts cut from the theatrical release, it makes a whole lot more sense and leaves you saying "oh, that's why he acted that way in that scene."

A good example is Kingdom of Heaven, the studio forced Ridley Scott to cut it down to the point where a lot of stuff didn't make sense. The long version answered most of the questions. But I guess if you leave it long, then people complain about the length.:2cents:

It's a lot of Sci-Fi movies in which you have to watch the director's cut. The couple I can name on the top of my head are Alien and Aliens. In certain scenes of Alien, you'll do that. But I'll go see Legend and when it comes out on DVD, I'll get the Director's Cut as well.

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It was above average on the whole...Will Smith was the best part of the film for me...(hard to believe that when they were trying to get this made in the early/mid 90's The Governor of California was very close to doing this...then it was Johnny Depp) Will though was the better choice.

2 biggest reactions:

1) The Dog fight in the street

2) The teaser trailer for "The Dark Knight"...when Batman dropped on top of the van the theater let out a collective, "DAMN!"

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