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Why is America so Racist?


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Am I stupid or what? I mean I don't think I have enough time and energy to type everything I want to say, so let's say this is part one. And depending on how the response is I may put together part 2. I want to know why is there such a double standard in this country? And why are black people so comfortable with taking it in the butt?

First Michael Vick. Let me get this straight. On ESPN, every Saturday and Sunday morning you can see hunters perched in a tree sniping deer, boars, or whatever they want. Who know's, maybe a duck that happened to answer a mating call. But Michael Vick goes to jail because.......Dog fighting is against the law. Is that logical. So Lassie is more sacred that Bambi I guess.

What about Barry Bonds. The Pats get caught stealing signs, and endorsing a form of institutional cheating. Yet that is swept under the rug. "Everybody does it" has been the cry. "It shouldn't tarnish anythingthe Pats have done". Yada Yada Yada. However a man, who is being tested vigorously, never tested positive except for the diet pill known as Afedra is scum Everything he does is tarnished. They wantto brand an asterisk on the home run ball. And all because some white guys who cover athletes that use to pound them when they where in highschool, thinks he's a bad guy. If i was an athlete I would stare them down like Eddie Murray, and smile everytime they took a picture of another mamoth home run, and my 3000th hit.

And now to OJ. actually I'm tired. O.J. is a blatant example of the bs in the country. Let me get this straight. There is so many angles of probable cause in the O.J. case, except nobody wants to say anything. And the same chumps that would condemn him for trying to get back the stuff that is his, would support Sean Taylor when he went to get back his RV's like Action Jackson. We say O.J. did it. And condemn the jury as dumb or full of too many African Americans. The 5,000 black men on record that were lynched in 5 years in the South would say how magnanimous of you.

Ok I'll let this thread find the bottom of the list. I know the majority of people on this page say OJ is guilty and Michael Vick is guilty of drowning dogs during the off season, of maybe during half time, I don't know. What I do know is that when I drive my BMW cops look a little harder, white girls actually think they can introduce me to daddy, and you ain't pulling the wool over these eyes. But like every good thing for one person, and bad thing for another, everythings has an end.

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$750,000 in fines, and a #1 or a #2 and a #3 draft pick is hardly sweeping anything under the rug. What penalty have the Giants endured as a result of Bonds' cheating?

I'd be anxious to participate in this thread, but it's going to take just a touch of intellectual honesty for me to play.

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Am I stupid or what? I mean I don't think I have enough time and energy to type everything I want to say, so let's say this is part one. And depending on how the response is I may put together part 2. I want to know why is there such a double standard in this country? And why are black people so comfortable with taking it in the butt?

First Michael Vick. Let me get this straight. On ESPN, every Saturday and Sunday morning you can see hunters perched in a tree sniping deer, boars, or whatever they want. Who know's, maybe a duck that happened to answer a mating call. But Michael Vick goes to jail because.......Dog fighting is against the law. Is that logical. So Lassie is more sacred that Bambi I guess.

What about Barry Bonds. The Pats get caught stealing signs, and endorsing a form of institutional cheating. Yet that is swept under the rug. "Everybody does it" has been the cry. "It shouldn't tarnish anythingthe Pats have done". Yada Yada Yada. However a man, who is being tested vigorously, never tested positive except for the diet pill known as Afedra is scum Everything he does is tarnished. They wantto brand an asterisk on the home run ball. And all because some white guys who cover athletes that use to pound them when they where in highschool, thinks he's a bad guy. If i was an athlete I would stare them down like Eddie Murray, and smile everytime they took a picture of another mamoth home run, and my 3000th hit.

And now to OJ. actually I'm tired. O.J. is a blatant example of the bs in the country. Let me get this straight. There is so many angles of probable cause in the O.J. case, except nobody wants to say anything. And the same chumps that would condemn him for trying to get back the stuff that is his, would support Sean Taylor when he went to get back his RV's like Action Jackson. We say O.J. did it. And condemn the jury as dumb or full of too many African Americans. The 5,000 black men on record that were lynched in 5 years in the South would say how magnanimous of you.

Ok I'll let this thread find the bottom of the list. I know the majority of people on this page say OJ is guilty and Michael Vick is guilty of drowning dogs during the off season, of maybe during half time, I don't know. What I do know is that when I drive my BMW cops look a little harder, white girls actually think they can introduce me to daddy, and you ain't pulling the wool over these eyes. But like every good thing for one person, and bad thing for another, everythings has an end.

You're obviously going fishing here. After reading your post in the OJ thread, its obvious you have some racist views as well. But just to make your entire post worthless, Ill say this.

1. Vick. How many times will someone have to explain the difference between hunting a deer and dog fighting. Id suggest reading up.

2. Bonds. See Mark McGuire, Palmero, Canseco.

3. OJ. First, not sure why you decided to post your views on him in this, when you already did it in the OJ thread. Kind of a waste of time. OJ being innocent is like the US government causing 911. Only the blind and fools believe them.

So in general, are some Americans racist. Yes. However, there are white, black, Asian, and Hispanic racists. I do like how your entire post called out white people only as racists. Kinda makes me wonder who the racist is. I wouldnt even bother with a part 2 either.

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The simple answer is that America is racist because of history. Racism is diminishing, but it is not close to being gone from our society yet. That is simple reality.

As far as your three examples, however, none of them speaks to me of racism. They speak of celebrity, and our deification of celebrities, and our extra-hostile reaction when a celebrity falls from grace. The higher the celebrity, the farther the fall.

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Wow, I know I am going to get it good but here goes. You are a prime example of why black people don't get ahead or move on or whatever.

You look at these examples you posted and see racism. Others look at it and see people getting in trouble. Is there racism. yes. Is it widespread. not by a long shot.

If I wanted to see racism towards white people, I bet I could find it pretty easy if I looked at everything in the way you do. I don't, so I don't care.

Sorry to say, but the problem with people like you is that you look for it. Seek and ye shall find.

1. Vick: pretty easy one, ones legal, ones illegal. has nothing to do with race.

2. bonds: what he took is illegal. can't be tested for though. even the league admits that. Even still, there are too many facts pointing his way saying it's true. too many other players saying it's true. Mcguire isn't being treated that way becuase he isn't in the game for one and two he doesn't have as much evidence pointing his way as bonds does.

3. The pats: I personally think they are getting off a little soft, but none the less they are getting punished.

4.O.J.: the guy did it. You don't have that much evidence and blood and proof and not get a conviction without the other side royally F'ing something up real good!! His recent run in with the law is not really racist. What he did is illegal. Now someone may think that it shouldn't be against the law, but that doesn't mean it isn't. The real world doesn't work that way.

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Wow, I know I am going to get it good but here goes. You are a prime example of why black people don't get ahead or move on or whatever.

You look at these examples you posted and see racism. Others look at it and see people getting in trouble. Is there racism. yes. Is it widespread. not by a long shot.

If I wanted to see racism towards white people, I bet I could find it pretty easy if I looked at everything in the way you do. I don't, so I don't care.

Sorry to say, but the problem with people like you is that you look for it. Seek and ye shall find.

1. Vick: pretty easy one, ones legal, ones illegal. has nothing to do with race.

2. bonds: what he took is illegal. can't be tested for though. even the league admits that. Even still, there are too many facts pointing his way saying it's true. too many other players saying it's true. Mcguire isn't being treated that way becuase he isn't in the game for one and two he doesn't have as much evidence pointing his way as bonds does.

3. The pats: I personally think they are getting off a little soft, but none the less they are getting punished.

4.O.J.: the guy did it. You don't have that much evidence and blood and proof and not get a conviction without the other side royally F'ing something up real good!! His recent run in with the law is not really racist. What he did is illegal. Now someone may think that it shouldn't be against the law, but that doesn't mean it isn't. The real world doesn't work that way.

:cheers: Nice post

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2. bonds: what he took is illegal. can't be tested for though. even the league admits that. Even still, there are too many facts pointing his way saying it's true. too many other players saying it's true. Mcguire isn't being treated that way becuase he isn't in the game for one and two he doesn't have as much evidence pointing his way as bonds does.

Bonds certainly gets more press now than McGuire because he is still in the game, and just broke the record this year.

McGuire was a sure thing first ballot HOF before his testimony in front of Congress. Now, it is unlikely he will even get in. My guess is, from hearing people talk, Bonds will still get in (the consensus seems to be that he was HOF before the steriods (how one determines whe he started taking them I don't know)). Let's look back in ten years and see where the bias is.

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Wow, I know I am going to get it good but here goes. You are a prime example of why black people don't get ahead or move on or whatever.

You shouldn't get it but you will. But I agree with you. We never try to get ahead. We always try to get a quick fix or a easy ride. But not realizing that we need to work hard. So because of that we sell drugs on the block or try to rob somebody. Black people are Lazy and it is a shame but it is true. We need to start working hard and maybe we can catch up.

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Guest sith lord
You shouldn't get it but you will. But I agree with you. We never try to get ahead. We always try to get a quick fix or a easy ride. But not realizing that we need to work hard. So because of that we sell drugs on the block or try to rob somebody. Black people are Lazy and it is a shame but it is true. We need to start working hard and maybe we can catch up.

I'm black and I've been in the workforce for about 15 years. I'm not sure if you're really black, but that was a narrow minded post and just to let you know, lazy people comes in all races. It sickens me to death to see people that are able to work, but refuse to.

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You shouldn't get it but you will. But I agree with you. We never try to get ahead. We always try to get a quick fix or a easy ride. But not realizing that we need to work hard. So because of that we sell drugs on the block or try to rob somebody. Black people are Lazy and it is a shame but it is true. We need to start working hard and maybe we can catch up.

It's not that I want to pile onto this subject, but something I wanted to point out. I like to use a example when faced with this issue. People say that the deck is stacked against black people. Well I say, take a white kid and black kid and put them in the same enviroment, same school and same background. If we believe the outcry of black leaders who say the deck is stacked, that would mean that only the white kid in the same boat as the black kid will succeed becuase white america whill only allow the white kid to succeed. B.S.

Did some other white kid go to a better school than I. probably. Did he/she get a better education than I, probably. Did thier money allow them more opportunities than I, probably. Did I end up in poverty, with 3 kids out wedlock and on welfare complaining about how I can't get by because the system is against me?? no. Why? IMO, your opportunity is only limited by your motivation or lack of.

I dare anyone on this board to tell me that a black student who works hard to get good grades and does, can't go to college and get a better education and go on to do what they want?? I dare you.

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Wow, I know I am going to get it good but here goes. You are a prime example of why black people don't get ahead or move on or whatever.


You are a damn idiot for that remark. It's funny because I know a whole lot of successful "Black" people just as I know alot of shiftless white people. Some of you kill me with your "Black" people remarks and "blacks" need to do this and "Blacks" seem to do that....get a life

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Guest sith lord
It's not that I want to pile onto this subject, but something I wanted to point out. I like to use a example when faced with this issue. People say that the deck is stacked against black people. Well I say, take a white kid and black kid and put them in the same enviroment, same school and same background. If we believe the outcry of black leaders who say the deck is stacked, that would mean that only the white kid in the same boat as the black kid will succeed becuase white america whill only allow the white kid to succeed. B.S.

Did some other white kid go to a better school than I. probably. Did he/she get a better education than I, probably. Did thier money allow them more opportunities than I, probably. Did I end up in poverty, with 3 kids out wedlock and on welfare complaining about how I can't get by because the system is against me?? no. Why? IMO, your opportunity is only limited by your motivation or lack of.

I dare anyone on this board to tell me that a black student who works hard to get good grades and does, can't go to college and get a better education and go on to do what they want?? I dare you.

Theoretically you're right. The harder you work, the better off you'll probably be. But it's not quite that simple. There's still bosses that will refuse to give a black person a job over a white person. Just look at the NFL. Why do you think they have to interview minorities for every vacant coaching job?

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Theoretically you're right. The harder you work, the better off you'll probably be. But it's not quite that simple. There's still bosses that will refuse to give a black person a job over a white person. Just look at the NFL. Why do you think they have to interview minorities for every vacant coaching job?

The question should be why should they have to? But to answer your question, could it be there aren't that many qualified applicants?? I'm sorry but I really hate this view.

First it was there aren't enough players, than it was not enough behind the scenes, and now it's coaches. Who cares?? It seems only black people care. I don't care if they are yellow, purple or green. You don't see aians yelling about there aren't enough asian coaches. Or Iranians or jamaicans.

And about your point with employers. I lost a job to a black guy due to affirmative action in my county. I have a family member who works for the city, and they regularly hire blacks or minorities over whites, due to affirmative action.

we can't have the best or most qualified person hired, it has to fit a social mold social classes complained about and got.

Do you honestly think that racism is so rampant in the NFL that they ignore good, qualified, best for the job minorities just to hire whitey?? If you do, than I'm sorry to say you personify the problem with the black culture.

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You're obviously going fishing here. After reading your post in the OJ thread, its obvious you have some racist views as well. But just to make your entire post worthless, Ill say this.

1. Vick. How many times will someone have to explain the difference between hunting a deer and dog fighting. Id suggest reading up.

2. Bonds. See Mark McGuire, Palmero, Canseco.

3. OJ. First, not sure why you decided to post your views on him in this, when you already did it in the OJ thread. Kind of a waste of time. OJ being innocent is like the US government causing 911. Only the blind and fools believe them.

So in general, are some Americans racist. Yes. However, there are white, black, Asian, and Hispanic racists. I do like how your entire post called out white people only as racists. Kinda makes me wonder who the racist is. I wouldnt even bother with a part 2 either.

bingo, my thoughts exactly
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I'm not going to go to far into this but suffice it to say that while I genuinely believe there are very real inequalities and that for some of the black community the deck is stacked awfully high against them, this thread is completely idiotic, completely inaccurate and uses terrible, ludicrous examples to show this. Speak about how generations deprived of education and even the ability to be literate take away the recognition of its importance, speak about the way blacks are treated by cops, speak about how ****ed up the situation still can be in the south with the judicial system, speak about the impact of years of oppression and enlighten people that my black peers were likely raised by parents who DID NOT have the rights and opportunities you and I enjoy and that it was denied them systematically and institutionally, speak about the statistics concerning likelihood of receiving the death penalty.....the options of REAL problems you could speak to, research, learn about and enlighten people about are vast and worth discussion.

Instead, you take THE three most obviously scumbag individuals you can find, one of whom was ACQUITTED for murder against a ludicrous amount of evidence and defend their criminal behavior for no reason other than that they are black. I'm sorry you had to expose your lack of common sense and ability to think critically for yourself on a message board in this fashion. Quit making excuses for *******s and take it upon yourself to educate yourself to what's actually happening around you.

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while the examples given by the thread starter are flawed, its doesnt change the fact that america is still extremely racist

i'm not going to quote anyone's post or call anyone out.... but a lot of these comments seem extremely ignorant to me. bottom line, minorities do not live in the same america as white people, its just a fact.

do racist people come in all colors? absolutely. i don't argue with that. but you can't argue with the fact that white people have less obstacles to overcome in america than people of color.

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while the examples given by the thread starter are flawed, its doesnt change the fact that america is still extremely racist

From several world travellers I've talked to or read, America is extremely advanced in terms of race relations compared to just about every nation no earth.

EDIT: Looks like one of them is reading the thread. Hey Ancal!


Not perfect but better off than others and that includes many nations that have no 'history' with race in that way and thus should be burdened with less baggage. But I think it's that lack of experience that harms them.

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