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Why is America so Racist?


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Well perhaps you need to educate yourself on what racism is. To be racist you have to be in a position of power and last time I looked minorities in this country are not in a position of power. That is why I said the more appropriate term would be bigot. However, because of your own ignorance or stupidity, I can't tell which, you attack my statement which is true and nonbiased. Don't attack me becuase you are to stupid/ignorant to know the definition of racism and bigotry. Get some edumacation, it helps a bit.

Racism has many definitions, the most common and widely accepted is that members of one "race" are intrinsically superior or inferior to members of other "races."


Keep thinking only whites can be racist. Who cares if you are wrong. All races can be racist. I don't think whites are anymore racist then blacks or Hispanics are any more racist then whites ......... Every race has it's equal share of morons.

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Well perhaps you need to educate yourself on what racism is. To be racist you have to be in a position of power and last time I looked minorities in this country are not in a position of power. That is why I said the more appropriate term would be bigot. However, because of your own ignorance or stupidity, I can't tell which, you attack my statement which is true and nonbiased. Don't attack me becuase you are to stupid/ignorant to know the definition of racism and bigotry. Get some edumacation, it helps a bit.


Main Entry: racĀ·ism

Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-

Function: noun

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

If you use the 2nd definition anyone can be racist. So let's slow down on calling people ignorant.

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Well perhaps you need to educate yourself on what racism is. To be racist you have to be in a position of power and last time I looked minorities in this country are not in a position of power. That is why I said the more appropriate term would be bigot. However, because of your own ignorance or stupidity, I can't tell which, you attack my statement which is true and nonbiased. Don't attack me becuase you are to stupid/ignorant to know the definition of racism and bigotry. Get some edumacation, it helps a bit.

Maybe you should educate yourself on the meanings of honest debate and civil discourse.

FYI, there are plenty of black people in positions of power and there are plenty of white people who work under them. Also, there are plenty of black people that own stocks, drive a Mercedes and take nice vacations.

The fault with your notion of class, is that it's rife with general statements concerning all blacks and all whites. Well, for such an "educated" guy, you should realize ours is a nation of individuals, not groups. That group mentality is at the core of all racism.

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Is America racist? Or "discriminatory"?

Race is just one of the issues. Religion, sexual orientation, social-economic status... what school you go to, what sports you play... the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the people you hang out with, your career/profession, etc.

So what.... so it's "race" for you. It's some other issue for the next guy. Last I heard... very few % of the people in this world have it easy.

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Racism has many definitions, the most common and widely accepted is that members of one "race" are intrinsically superior or inferior to members of other "races."


Keep thinking only whites can be racist. Who cares if you are wrong. All races can be racist. I don't think whites are anymore racist then blacks or Hispanics are any more racist then whites ......... Every race has it's equal share of morons.

Which is why I said in this country. If you are not in a position of power you are a bigot. So a black person who doesn't like white people because of the color of their skin would be a bigot.

If you were in a african country and a black person didn't like white people because of the color of their skin then they would be a racist.

Get the drift. You have to be in a position of power to be a racist.


This is a more appropriate definition of a black person in america who doesn't like white people due to the color of their skin.

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Is America racist? Or "discriminatory"?

Race is just one of the issues. Religion, sexual orientation, social-economic status... what school you go to, what sports you play... the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the people you hang out with, your career/profession, etc.

So what.... so it's "race" for you. It's some other issue for the next guy. Last I heard... very few % of the people in this world have it easy.

Honestly I think racism has gone down alot in this country. Yeah it still pops up but the two biggest things I see now are name discrimination and classism.

A large part of the country doesnt' care what color you are as long as you can make them money.

Name discrimination I think is on the rise though.

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Position of power is not an individual thing.
If that's the case, can racism be an individual thing?

It seems like you're saying that individuals cannot be racists. Individuals are merely bigots. Racism occurs between groups with power against groups without power.

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Well perhaps you need to educate yourself on what racism is. To be racist you have to be in a position of power and last time I looked minorities in this country are not in a position of power. That is why I said the more appropriate term would be bigot. However, because of your own ignorance or stupidity, I can't tell which, you attack my statement which is true and nonbiased. Don't attack me becuase you are to stupid/ignorant to know the definition of racism and bigotry. Get some edumacation, it helps a bit.

Yeah, right.

Your statement is a racist statement no matter what some pinhead college professor told you it was. Or, if he prefers, it is a bigoted statement.

And while you enjoy your silly "edumacated" wordplay to try to justify it, understand that it does absolutely nothing to solve any of the problems you complain about.

It breeds resentment.

Big time.

Ignorance is what it is.

racism is about RACE. Not power. Oppression and such comes from power. And ANYONE can be an oppressor, and there are plenty of people with NO power who hate for no other reason except color. Racism is an individual choice, not a race-wide phenomenon carried by everyone of a particular color.

You can argue against it 'til you're blue in the face. I'll still say it's a racist statement, and I'll still say you're ignorant for buying into it.


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If that's the case, can racism be an individual thing?

It seems like you're saying that individuals cannot be racists. Individuals are merely bigots. Racism occurs between groups with power against groups without power.

Exactly right. If you think about it on an individual basis people are bigots and I think most people have some bigoty in them, which may or may not affect their day to day actions and comments. Racism is an instutional thing. A group in power denies a group not in power something based upon the color of their skin. Most accusations of racism are usually directed at a organization or large entity. People misuse the term. Take the Jena 6, the racism is the judicial system or prosecuters office against the black students. The precieved difference in the application of justice comes from the power that is possed by the office that is influenced on the individual bigotry of the prosecuter.

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Yeah, right.

Your statement is a racist statement no matter what some pinhead college professor told you it was. Or, if he prefers, it is a bigoted statement.

And while you enjoy your silly "edumacated" wordplay to try to justify it, understand that it does absolutely nothing to solve any of the problems you complain about.

It breeds resentment.

Big time.

Ignorance is what it is.

racism is about RACE. Not power. Oppression and such comes from power. And ANYONE can be an oppressor, and there are plenty of people with NO power who hate for no other reason except color. Racism is an individual choice, not a race-wide phenomenon carried by everyone of a particular color.

You can argue against it 'til you're blue in the face. I'll still say it's a racist statement, and I'll still say you're ignorant for buying into it.


Bang, look, I like your cartoons and usually agree with what you post but you are just wrong here. Its very hard for you to claim I am racist since my mother is white and my father was black. Last time I talked to my mother I told her I loved her...hmmm. But yet I am a racist for stateing somthing that is real and that people try to avoid rather than confront head on. Racism is about power. It is about a group denying another group something. How is my statement bigoted? How is it racist? I said "In america" Not in the whole world. In an country where the power is held by blacks then a black person can be racist because they have the power to deny another race/ethnic group something based upon something that is superfical.

My statement hasn't come from some college professer is has come through life and seeing both sides of the coin. Hell until I was around 9 or so I thought it didn't matter what color your parents were you could come out any color.

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you're talking semantics here sacase.

No its not sematics. Its an important distinction. It is a stupid comment to call a black person, or any minority for that matter, in America racist or to claim "reverse racism".

For instance take Imus. I didn't have a problem with what he said. He's entitled to it. Hell, the only reason it was a big deal is the media took it and ran with it. Chances are, without the media making a big deal about it, those girls would have never found out about it in the first place. I think the girl that is sueing him is also just plain stupid. I am sure she has been called far worse by other people.

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Bang, look, I like your cartoons and usually agree with what you post but you are just wrong here. Its very hard for you to claim I am racist since my mother is white and my father was black. Last time I talked to my mother I told her I loved her...hmmm. But yet I am a racist for stateing somthing that is real and that people try to avoid rather than confront head on. Racism is about power. It is about a group denying another group something. How is my statement bigoted? How is it racist? I said "In america" Not in the whole world. In an country where the power is held by blacks then a black person can be racist because they have the power to deny another race/ethnic group something based upon something that is superfical.

My statement hasn't come from some college professer is has come through life and seeing both sides of the coin. Hell until I was around 9 or so I thought it didn't matter what color your parents were you could come out any color.

I didn't call you racist. Let's be clear on that. I don't know you and have nothing personal against you. The statement, however, I did.

This isn't the first time I've heard this 'theory'.

Sorry, I don't buy it.

As you said, power is not a personal choice... I can't help that white people are in power. But I know plenty of black people who are racist, as i know plenty of whites who are racist as i know plenty of asians who are also racist.

Racism IS a personal choice.

You can choose whether or not to pre-judge someone based on their color. YOu can choose on whether or not you want to be bigoted. You can choose whether or not a person's color will matter to you.

It doesn't come from above or below, it comes from you. (Meaning everyone individually)

As Major said, semantics.

But you've got to be able to see where it is inflammatory.

I wonder if that attitude helps the situation, or perpetuates it?

(also, my cartoons haven't got anything to do with whether or not you disagree with me. I appreciate folks telling me they like them, but you are free to speak your mind to me without that preface. It's not like just because I make some cartoons you like we'll agree on everything, and it also doesn't mean you have to not like them because we disagree.

Debate is good, and i always hope that no matter what we can grow from our discussions.)


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I didn't call you racist. Let's be clear on that. I don't know you and have nothing personal against you. The statement, however, I did.

This isn't the first time I've heard this 'theory'.

Sorry, I don't buy it.

As you said, power is not a personal choice... I can't help that white people are in power. But I know plenty of black people who are racist, as i know plenty of whites who are racist as i know plenty of asians who are also racist.

Racism IS a personal choice.

You can choose whether or not to pre-judge someone based on their color. YOu can choose on whether or not you want to be bigoted. You can choose whether or not a person's color will matter to you.

It doesn't come from above or below, it comes from you. (Meaning everyone individually)

As Major said, semantics.

But you've got to be able to see where it is inflammatory.

I wonder if that attitude helps the situation, or perpetuates it?


It just bothers me when the term is used wrong by both black and whites. That is part of the reason for the distinction. But it is also something I feel strongly about. So we will just have to agree to disagree about this.

Its only inflamitory because the term has been used to loosely and thrown around way to much. Part of this is the fault of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Part of it is the media.

Its just like the word niggardly. There was a guy in DC, I think a budget manager or something for the DC government, who was fired becuase he used the term. Some black people got mad about it because of how it sounded, they didn't know what it meant but they assumed what it was. They were wrong and someone lost their job over it. A school I think in wisconson put a language policy in becuase a teacher used the term. A high school told a teacher she couldn't use the word because of ohow it sounded. Never mind the fact they were reading Canteburry tales. They didn't even consider the fact that the degrogatory term was not even in use when chaucer was alive.

Its only inflamatory because people don't take the time to know what it means.

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(also, my cartoons haven't got anything to do with whether or not you disagree with me. I appreciate folks telling me they like them, but you are free to speak your mind to me without that preface. It's not like just because I make some cartoons you like we'll agree on everything, and it also doesn't mean you have to not like them because we disagree.

Debate is good, and i always hope that no matter what we can grow from our discussions.)


I just didn't want you to think that I had no respect for you as a person that is all. :cheers:

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by your definition, it would be stupid to call any white person a racist, too.

Correct in a sense. Its a person's bigotry that causes racism. So on a individual basis a white person is a bigot also. Like I said it is all about power and denying a group something.

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Correct in a sense. Its a person's bigotry that causes racism. So on a individual basis a white person is a bigot also. Like I said it is all about power and denying a group something.

then why don't you say that?

It is a stupid comment to call a black person, or any minority for that matter, in America racist or to claim "reverse racism".

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