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Why is America so Racist?


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^^^ so being racist is just relative? we are more advanced than some countries, so in turn we can't be THAT racist?

sorry, but i just don't agree with your logic

Well, the idea is that sometimes you have to go beyond your own experience and perspective. It's like how most feminists in the West still like to pretend there is a great deal of gender inequality based on discrimination (as opposed to other factors like chosen fields, time off for maternity and raising family, etc) when a few days even in a place like Japan would clue them in on a different reality.

I disagree with your characterization of the racism as extreme and thus referring to the experience of others who've been to countries around the world is highly relevant and definitely logical.

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as an answer to the question posed in the title: because people such as yourself go looking for it.

Or people like boobie perpetuate it in the first place.

And what is interesting to me is he only brings up examples of white racism when I could throw a dozen numbers, stories, and personal anecdotes about racism (and other forms of discrimination and hate) from the other 'sides.'

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Well, the idea is that sometimes you have to go beyond your own experience and perspective. It's like how most feminists in the West still like to pretend there is a great deal of gender inequality based on discrimination (as opposed to other factors like chosen fields, time off for maternity and raising family, etc) when a few days even in a place like Japan would clue them in on a different reality.

I disagree with your characterization of the racism as extreme and thus referring to the experience of others who've been to countries around the world is highly relevant and definitely logical.

i didn't say it was illogical, i just said i don't agree with your logic.

i don't believe that because things are worse in other countries, that lessens the prevalence in the U.S.

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It's not about whether it lessens the 'prevalence' of it in the US but that maybe our perspectives are skewed because all we know is what we experience. It's like the person whose parents buy them a BMW and ***** because it's not in the color they really wanted or its used. I'm not saying Americans are THAT spoiled and lacking in awareness of what happens in the world but it just seems to me it's easy to see everything as far worse than it is due to not being able to understand human nature and/or history.

By embracing and focusing on the negative, no positive action is taken because one side or another becomes defensive and the other side feels way too entitled (and it varies depending on the event or issue.) By demonstrating a balanced viewpoint and acknowledging the progress that has been made and the positive aspects of a society, you can move forward with less animus and fewer emotions that would normally put artificial and counterproductive barriers between people.

This also applies to non-racial debates, I think. People go on the defensive over any number of subjects and maybe there are cases where the criticism needs to be harsh and unrelenting but overall, we don't put the PAST where it belongs when angry accusations are hurled back and forth. This thread title is a case in point.

That does not mean we should IGNORE possible instances of discrimination and reject acknowledging differences. But we shouldn't just accept at face value all claims regarding race made by any one individual simply because of membership in one 'group' or because of historical precedent or because we wish to make allies or prove our general 'enlightened' outlook to the world.

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It's not about whether it lessens the 'prevalence' of it in the US but that maybe our perspectives are skewed because all we know is what we experience.

it just seems to me it's easy to see everything as far worse than it is due to not being able to understand human nature and/or history.

By demonstrating a balanced viewpoint and acknowledging the progress that has been made and the positive aspects of a society, you can move forward with less animus and fewer emotions that would normally put artificial and counterproductive barriers between people.

skewed? all we know is what we experience?

i'm born and raised in maryland. graduated from college in kentucky and am extremely well-traveled across the world. throughout my life i have seen racism directed at me and directed at my family. you're telling me my experience skews my perspective? no, it helps build the foundation of my perspective. i have been raised in a religious home and in result, genuinely believe in the good in people. but i know what i have experienced and i know what i have seen.... we live in a racist culture. no ifs, ands, or buts.

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Where did I say racism didn't exist? My point about perspective is that without living as a minority (even one of the same race as the majority) in another country it is difficult to know to what extreme racism exists.

There are a number of people here, including me, who could point not just to personal experience (directed against) us but observation. For instance, while living in Philly for 10 years I saw more (and more violent and disrespectful) racist conduct aimed at non-blacks by blacks than the reverse. Now, that said, there was PLENTY or racism aimed at blacks and I saw that too. Then you get into questions of how each plays into fanning the flames of racial animus in the 'other' group.

I'm sure you've experienced and seen a lot. My posts aren't an attempt to diminish that but to explain that there is a chance that you don't see or won't see the other angles here. Or that ANY racism is intolerable and thus is viewed with the same urgency and emotion as a lynching 60 years ago. True, philosophically, it is something we want to eliminate. But I'm a firm believer that even when we 'eliminate' historical racism, there will be 'new' racism based solely on experience, the same you mention.

This is something innate to human beings and will never totally disappear.

EDIT: Meh, I don't like the quality of the writing I just posted, so I'll leave it for another day.

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But Michael Vick goes to jail because.......Dog fighting is against the law. Is that logical.

For the love of God, yes! You just answered your own question.

One is a federal felony, one is not even remotely close to a crime. I am not saying it is completely right, but that is the way it is. That is the law. He knew what he was doing was illegal, yet he still did it. He still got off with a lot less time than any normal citizen would have. Let it go.

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Even thought the original post is completely ludicrious on many levels, this is a very complicated question that unfortunalely can not be answered on a message board.

Does it still exist? Absolutely. But I don't think a blanket can just be thrown over certain situations and just say "there it is...racism!" There is no one specific situation you can point at to define it.

I really have no answers here, because I do not even know where to start. But it does exist, to and by people from every race, color and creed (obviously to some more than others). Is the proverbial deck stacked against minorities? A lot of times, yes, but I also think that in some situations that deck is not stacked as high as it is percieved to be.

There is still a lot of ignorance and stupidity in this country, that is the biggest problem to me. I think it has gotten better, but I don't think it is ever going to completely go away.

People like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, to a certain extent, do not help the situation either. As long at there is some sort of controversy, it keeps them in the news.

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I think the mistake in the original post/title is the word America. It should be "why are human beings racist". It's not something specific to us, all human beings are somewhat tribal in nature. That makes for an us vs. them thing. We do it here all the time relating the cryboys, or other team. Doing it based on color of skin, or language spoken or some other difference is natural even if it's not admirable. Most of us try our best to stifle these feelings but they are there. And they were given to us by the Good Lord or evolution for some reason. I doubt they're necessary anymore but we have a lot of characteristics that were necessary/helpful in prehistory that aren't anymore.

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Sorry but a black person or any other minority in America cannot be racist. Only a white person can be racist.

Perhaps the word that would apply would be bigots.

Keep eating that for breakfast and racism will never get any better.

So long as you can believe that blatant racist attitude is true, you'll remain ignorant.


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Keep eating that for breakfast and racism will never get any better.

So long as you can believe that blatant racist attitude is true, you'll remain ignorant.


Why the double standard? And why aren't you the least bit embarrassed to be advocating for such a blatant double standard?

Well perhaps you need to educate yourself on what racism is. To be racist you have to be in a position of power and last time I looked minorities in this country are not in a position of power. That is why I said the more appropriate term would be bigot. However, because of your own ignorance or stupidity, I can't tell which, you attack my statement which is true and nonbiased. Don't attack me becuase you are to stupid/ignorant to know the definition of racism and bigotry. Get some edumacation, it helps a bit.

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